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One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

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1 One flew over the cuckoo’s nest
Study notes

2 context Based on Ken Kessy’s novel
Based on his personal experiences with mental patients. It explores: individuality and rebellion against conformity. It critisizes American institutions as totalitarian

3 plot Life in the mental institution ward, harshly and mechanically run by Nurse Ratched changes dramatically with the arrival of a new patient: McMurphy. Changes bring entertainment but also awareness, rebellion, tragedy. Patients divided in Acute and Chronics get community therapy where they attack each other weak aspects and old-fashion treatment: shocks and lobotomy.

4 Main charaters Chief Bromden Randle McMurphy Nurse Ratched Harding
Billy Doctor Spivey Aides

5 Chief Bromden Paranoid, bullied, surrounded by hallucinations, oppressed, weak, low self-esteem. Appearing deaf and dumb. Dominated by his childhood with a dominant mother. His paranoia is a metaphor of the dehumanization in his life.

6 Randle McMurphy Representing: sexuality, freedom, self-determination, rebellion, disconformity. Appearing as manipulator, he’s the metaphor of self-sacrifice. His rebellious character attracts patients and moves them to awareness. Seen as Christ’s metaphor: speeches, disciples, sacrifice to redeem others.

7 Nurse Ratched Representing: the oppressive mechanization, dehumanization, and emasculation of modern society. Able to show a false self to weaken patients. Keeping her power by the strategic use of shame and guilt, a determination to “divide and conquer” her patients. Only faced by McMurphy, who symbolically exposes her hypocrisy and deceit ripping her shirt.

8 Harding Educated, homesexual though married.
Voluntarily secluded because of fear of social prejudice against homesexuals. Opens McMurphy’s eyes about the institution. Reemerging as a person with McMurphy’s help.

9 Billy Shy with a stutter. Dominated by his mother.
Voluntarily in the institution because he’s afraid of outside world.

10 Spivey and Aides Dominated by Ratched

11 Themes: the fundamental and often universal ideas explored.
Women as castrators Society’s Destruction of Natural Impulses The Importance of Expressing Sexuality False Diagnoses of Insanity

12 Motifs: recurring structures, contrasts, and devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes. Invisibility The Power of Laughter Real Versus Imagined Size

13 Symbols: objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
The Fog Machine McMurphy’s Boxer Shorts The Electroshock Therapy Table

14 Bibliography

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