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2012 Democratic National Convention
September 3-6 Charlotte, North Carolina Democratic Party of Virginia
Nominating President Barack Obama for Reelection
Virginia Delegate Selection Process
How it works Primary City & County Caucuses District & State Conventions Your part in it Voter Volunteer District/State Convention Delegate National Convention Delegate
Delegate Selection Plan Summary
Presidential Preference Primary March 6, 2012 Primary cancelled Pres. Obama allocated 100% of Virginia’s convention delegates Caucus/Convention Process City/County Caucuses elect 2,500 delegates and 500 alternates to District and State Conventions District/State Conventions elect 123 delegates, 9 alternates to National Convention
Delegate “Pyramid” National: 23 At Large (elected at State convention)
/ \ National: 69 District (elected at District conventions) / \ State: 2,500 (elected at city/county caucuses)
National Convention Delegates and Alternates
Type Delegate Alternate District Level At Large Pledged PLEO Automatic TOTAL
Step 1 - Register to Vote Contact Local Registrar or State Board of elections: Must be 18 by Election Day, U.S. Citizen Register at courthouse, DMV, other sites You can register by mail Fill out form completely and verify No party registration
Step 2 - Volunteer President Obama’s Campaign:
Organize for caucuses/conventions Organize for November election Volunteer to help your local party Contact DPVA
Step 3 - Presidential Primary
The Obama campaign timely filed over 10,000 valid signatures (400 from each Cong. District) No other Democratic candidates filed President Obama was declared the winner of all of Virginia’s National Convention delegates and alternates The March 6, 2012 Democratic Primary was cancelled
Step 4 - City and County Caucuses
City/County caucuses elect district/state convention delegates and alternates May be assembled or unassembled caucuses April 21, 12:00 noon or April 23, 7:30 p.m. Absentee voting (optional) – April 19, 7:00 p.m. Delegate filing deadlines – April 16 or 18 Caucuses must be publicized and locations must be accessible
City and County Caucuses
Each jurisdiction is allocated a certain number of delegates (State Convention Call) If the maximum number or fewer delegates pre-file, the local party can cancel the caucus Slate voting is permitted Jurisdictions may use city or county conventions as an intermediate step
City and County Caucuses
To participate in a city or county caucus: Be a registered voter Reside in the jurisdiction Sign a Democratic pledge form To be a State Convention delegate Pre-file Voluntary Administrative Fee of $25 max to cover expenses (can be waived)
Step 5 - National Convention and Delegate Elections
District Conventions Elect total of 69 delegates, 7 alternates – 4 to 8 delegates, 0 or 1 alternate per district May 12 or 19, 2012 Filing Deadlines: April 27 or May 4, 2012 State Convention Elects 23 At large delegates, 2 alternates, 14 Party Leader delegates (+ 17 automatic delegates) June 2, 2012, Fairfax, Virginia Filing Deadline: May 25, 2012
National Convention Delegation
Virginia’s Delegation will be equally divided between men and women at the district and state levels All elected delegates are pledged to President Obama Automatic delegates must declare a preference Presidential candidates have the right to approve or disapprove all National Delegate candidates If you want to be considered at both the district and state levels, you must file separately for each level.
District Level National Delegates
District Conventions- Business
National Delegates/Alternates Elector – one per district Resolutions (optional) Other business
State Convention Delegates
At large Delegates (23) and Alternates (2) Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates (14) Automatic Party Leader and Elected Official Delegates (17)
State Convention- Business
Delegate/Alternate Elections Election of DNC Members (four) Selection of two electors Resolutions Party Building Activities State Committees: Rules, Credentials, Resolutions
Affirmative Action Policy
All meetings are open. Discrimination is prohibited. Outreach to Democratic constituencies including African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Americans, women, ethnics, youth, persons over 65 years of age, veterans, lesbians and gay men, workers, persons with a high school education or less, persons with disabilities, and persons of low and moderate income.
Affirmative Action Committee
Publicize primary and delegate selection process to all media Special efforts for minority, student, constituency media, press and publications Contact/inform constituency organizations Work with City, County, District Affirmative Action/Outreach Committees
Affirmative Action Principles Welcome all into our Democratic Party
Outreach to all communities Increase participation of all constituencies Methods Use Party Outreach/AA Committee Structure Provide information Press, Websites, Newsletters, Events, Meetings Invite Participation
Affirmative Action Goals
Representation goals 44 African-Americans 7 Hispanics 5 Asian/Pacific Americans 1 Native American Inclusion goals 16 Youth 9-10 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender 6 People with Disabilities
National Convention Delegation
Delegates & Alternates Delegation Chair Committees (4 members per committee) Credentials Rules Resolutions Pages (4) Volunteers are always encouraged
Virginia Process Dates (2012)
[Mar. 6] Democratic Primary - CANCELLED Apr. 16 or 18 Caucus filing deadline Apr. 21 or 23 City and county caucuses Apr. 27, May 4 National Delegate filing deadline (district conventions) May 12 or 19 District Conventions May 25 At-Large, PLEO filing deadline (State Conv.) June 2 State Convention Sep Democratic National Convention Oct Voter registration deadline Nov. 6 Election Day
Delegate Selection Resources: Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA)
1710 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA Phone: (toll-free ) Delegate Selection Plan Delegate Selection Q&A Delegate Selection Brochure Delegate Selection Presentation Other Materials
Additional Information
Democratic National Committee Democratic National Convention Committee Charlotte Convention Unofficial updates
Democratic National Committee Member, Virginia
Presented by: Frank Leone, Democratic National Committee Member, Virginia January 20, 2012
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