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  VI. Involvement Choices A. ALL churches, G & D, have revolving doors

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Presentation on theme: "  VI. Involvement Choices A. ALL churches, G & D, have revolving doors"— Presentation transcript:

1 VI. Involvement Choices A. ALL churches, G & D, have revolving doors 1. CHART B. studies of groups and churches are revealing 1. GC– avg.6 grps/100 members, DC– 4 grps/100 2. CHART , #4 variable- CHART C. GC are doing something different CHART VII Outreach Choices A. C. of Christ unshakable in commit. To Mt.28:20 1. #3 of top 4 , of 40– not much more important 2. all studies indicate outreach is single most im portant action for church that wants to grow B. All made Evang. A top priority CHART C. CHART , Cong. CAN grow– CHART VIII. Identity Choices (really have 2 identities) A. churches like people, have character, identity 1. warm\cold, friendly\aloof, energetic\inert 2. identity ultimately decides churches future 3. Inward vs. outward focused identity CHART 16 B. also a perceived identity in community 1. newcomers attract. to dominant culture in cong. 2. worst scenario for anglo church is chang. comm. 3. Neighborhood church is gone, only 36% nearby 4. difficult, but often productive– re-location C. What is our identity choice? CHART IX. Conclusion and Review A. Will we be wise as serpents, good stewards? 1. Will we become all things to all men to save… B. The studies continue, the facts are in

2 Studying Church Growth
Considering Outreach Choices

3 The Issachar factor The choice factor The number factor
The Israel Fallacy Why Study?

4 NOT a different message, but an appropriate “wineskin”
What Are We Studying? NOT a different message, but an appropriate “wineskin”

Trends indicate 6 clear choices for churches that have decided to grow. The Culture Choice LEADERSHIP CHOICE WORSHIP CHOICE INVOLVEMENT CHOICE

6 Growing churches are… Reaching the 20-39 yr. old group
Closing the back door with real fellowship, not just talk. Using involvement and groups to fulfill Ephesians 4:16 (involving 10% in outreach work)

7 Ephesians 4:16 …From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

8 The Outreach Choice Choice # 5
Trends indicate 6 clear choices for churches that have decided to grow. Choice # 5 The Outreach Choice

9 1 Peter 2: 9 …you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

10 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself…

11 Studies have brought forth some obvious facts…
Reaching the unchurched takes intentional evangelism Outreach is THE most important action of growing churches The degree of concern over evangelism DOES have an impact on results

12 Churches of Christ have generally remained unshakable in their commitment to Mt. 28:19-20
Yet growth is generally not happening in any intentional and consistent fashion.

13 Christians give a negative picture…
Confrontational manipulation Study is for guilt, condemnation Rehearsed presentations Monologues without real interest Stereotypical answers that are usually wrong don’t help things.

14 What is the truth about personal evangelism?
Effective evangelism is a slow, relational process Effective? Higher baptism/retention rates Relational? Requires meaningful friendship ties Slow? Requires church support of periods of time

Visitation evangelism Sunday school evangelism Small group evangelism Each one is a process and uses the whole congregation as a support group.

16 Congregations CAN grow if Leaders will….
Select a method Build supportive atmosphere Involve the whole church in the process

17 VI. Involvement Choices A. ALL churches, G & D, have revolving doors 1. CHART B. studies of groups and churches are revealing 1. GC– avg.6 grps/100 members, DC– 4 grps/100 2. CHART , #4 variable- CHART C. GC are doing something different CHART VII Outreach Choices A. C. of Christ unshakable in commit. To Mt.28:20 1. #3 of top 4 , of 40– not much more important 2. all studies indicate outreach is single most im portant action for church that wants to grow B. All made Evang. A top priority CHART C. CHART , Cong. CAN grow– CHART VIII. Identity Choices (really have 2 identities) A. churches like people, have character, identity 1. warm\cold, friendly\aloof, energetic\inert 2. identity ultimately decides churches future 3. Inward vs. outward focused identity CHART 16 B. also a perceived identity in community 1. newcomers attract. to dominant culture in cong. 2. worst scenario for anglo church is chang. comm. 3. Neighborhood church is gone, only 36% nearby 4. difficult, but often productive– re-location C. What is our identity choice? CHART IX. Conclusion and Review A. Will we be wise as serpents, good stewards? 1. Will we become all things to all men to save… B. The studies continue, the facts are in

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