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-What is it that really “moves you” in life?

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Presentation on theme: "-What is it that really “moves you” in life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 -What is it that really “moves you” in life?
-What is it that gets you “excited”, that gets you “motivated”? -What is it that you are truly “passionate” about in life?

2 The Passion of Paul Philippians 1:12-18 I. Paul’s Passion 1. Paul calls himself a “defender of the Gospel” 2. Paul believes he has been “appointed” to this position

3 The Passion of Paul Philippians 1:12-18 I. Paul’s Passion
Q --- Who are you, Paul? “I am a human being who was saved by the miraculous power of Jesus Christ and has now been appointed by God to take the message of Jesus Christ to a world that so desperately needs to hear.”

4 The Passion of Paul Philippians 1:12-18 II. The Impact of Paul’s Passion 1. Paul’s Chains -Even though Paul is in prison, his heart, focus, and passion remained the same #1 --- He wrote the book of Philippians #2 --- His words in v

5 The Passion of Paul Philippians 1:12-18 II. The Impact of Paul’s Passion 2. Paul’s Attackers -He was attacked by the world -He was attacked by fellow children of God

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