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Lesson 747 Youth Search The Scriptures

2 New Testament Studies Memory verse Main Text Philippians 1: 1-30

3 The Church at Philippi Founded by Apostle Paul
During his second missionary trip (Acts 16: 9, 10) Paul wrote this letter to saints in the church We should cultivate the habit of communicating with fellow believers The content: appreciation, affection, and concern for their spiritual well-being It shows us what the content of our communication on Facebook, text-messages, WhatsApp should be The Church at Philippi

4 Who is a saint? Saints are born again Christians; living above sin
Ephesians 5: 1-3; 1John 3: 8, 9 We must repent of our sins before grace can be given unto us Acts 3: 19; Ephesians 2: 8 We cannot continue in sin and claim to have the grace of God Romans 6: 1, 2; Acts 13: 43 Who is a saint?

5 Why was Paul grateful for their lives?
Their prompt response to the gospel message (v. 5) They became partners with him in the gospel proclamation (v. 5) They were supportive to Paul’s ministry (v. 5) They were sincere, fruitful and righteous (v.10)

6 Lessons from the Philippian Believers
They identified with Paul in his challenges. We too can do this today by: Prayers (James 5: 16) Visitations (Acts 15: 36) Sharing of material things (Galatians 6: 2, 3) Lessons from the Philippian Believers

7 Lessons from Paul’s attitude during his trials
Preached from prison (v. 13) Sang Praises in prison (Acts 16: 25) Preferred to die for Christ’s sake (v. 23) Lessons from Paul’s attitude during his trials

8 How can we remain steadfast?
Rom. 12: 1, 2 Phil. 1: 27 Jude 3 1 Cor. 15: 58 How can we remain steadfast?

9 Questions Who is a saint and how can one become a saint?
What are the reasons for which Apostle Paul was grateful to God for the Philippians? How can Christian youths identify with their leaders in trying periods? What should be our attitude during persecution? How can Christian youths remain steadfast?


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