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Epistle to the Philippians Phil 4:1-3, Live in Harmony in the Lord

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1 Epistle to the Philippians Phil 4:1-3, Live in Harmony in the Lord
Phil 4:1 – “Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.” Therefore – what’s it there for? Hasn’t the epistle to the Philippians until now all been about Christ and His relationship to the believer? In particular Phil 3:20,21 here Paul expresses in this verse his love for, and remorse that, he is separated from his fellow believers (Greek – dearly beloved). And goes on to call them his joy and crown. And stand fast is imperative – do it! And what does this standing fast in the Lord look like? Other uses 1 Cor 15:3 – ‘…stand fast in the faith...’ Gal 5:1 – ‘Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free...’ 1 August 19, 2012 Bob Eckel 1

2 Epistle to the Philippians Phil 4:1-3, Live in Harmony in the Lord
Phil 1:27 – ‘…stand fast in one spirit…’ I Thess 3:8 – ‘For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.’ Phil 4:2 – “I implore Euodia and I implore Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.” Euodia (yew-oh-DEE-ah) and Syntyche (Soon-TOOK-ay) are almost certainly women (verse 3) Remember that at Philippi women were the first hearers of the Gospel, and Lydia the first convert. And could they have been at the river – Acts 16:13? Euodia means ‘fragrant’ Syntyche means ‘with fate’ Presumably but perhaps not certainly they needed to be reconciled, but we know nothing more about them or the issue that Paul was addressing here. The verb implore could be translated appeal or beseech, and because this is present active indicative implies that there were likely some differences between them. 2 August 19, 2012 Bob Eckel 2

3 Epistle to the Philippians Phil 4:1-3, Live in Harmony in the Lord
If there was a disagreement either one of them is right or both are wrong. Notice the reconciliation – in the Lord Phil 2:2 – ‘Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.’ Rom 15:5 – ‘Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:’ Phil 4:3 – “And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names [are] in the Book of Life.” Paul is concerned and urges another dedicated believer syzygos - a true companion or a yoked-fellow To help ‘those women’ or literally autos or ‘them’ An example of the church working as a body to correct or reconcile (Gal 6:1)? And labored could be strived with or contended alongside 3 August 19, 2012 Bob Eckel 3

4 Epistle to the Philippians Phil 4:1-3, Live in Harmony in the Lord
Clement and the rest of Paul’s fellow workers Clement – bishop of Rome or a Philippian? whose names are in the Book of Life (zōē) Barnes – “The book of life is a Jewish phrase, and refers originally to a record or catalogue of names, as the roll of an army. It then means to be among the living, as the name of an individual would be erased from a catalogue when he was deceased. The word life here refers to eternal life; and the whole phrase refers to those who were enrolled among the true friends of God, or who would certainly be saved. The use of this phrase here implies the belief of Paul that these persons were true Christians. Names that are written in the book of life will not be blotted out. If the hand of God records them there, who can obliterate them?” Also related to Israel - Psalms 69:28; Ezek 13:9; Daniel 12:1 And us! Rev 3:5; 21:27 To the contrary – Rev 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15 How often have you pondered about what it means to have your name written in the book of Life? 4 August 19, 2012 Bob Eckel 4

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