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Anatomy and Physiology 2017 Regional and State

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1 Anatomy and Physiology 2017 Regional and State
C Division Katherine Toy National Event Supervisor

2 Anatomy and Physiology
This is a test for separation. Multiple choice, completion, charts, graphs, diagrams The teams will enter as a team and therefore take the test as a team. Do not separate the test please. There is 50 minutes for the event. High score wins.

3 Anatomy and Physiology
The brain- major regions and functions Identify simple encephalographic wave forms- alpha, beta, gamma, delta Neural impulses Central Nervous system Peripheral Nervous system

4 Anatomy and Physiology
Disorders: Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Shingles, Glaucoma, Pink Eye

5 Anatomy and Physiology
Effects of the following drugs on the Nervous System: alcohol caffeine nicotine marijuana

6 Anatomy and Physiology
Sense Organs Types of sensory receptor- Mechanisms for General Senses Physiology of organs Disorders

7 Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrine System The 3 classes of hormones Mechanisms of hormone action Endocrine related problems Hormone producing glands Array of Disorders

8 Anatomy and Physiology
The test will be difficult. Remember it is a competition. Some will not finish. The first page of questions will seem easy because I take into consideration there are younger students. Do your best. This is supposed to be fun!!

9 Anatomy and Physiology
Resources: Check the National site- Internet searches are good- do not use wikipedia, it is unreliable

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