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Understanding Active and Passive Voice conditional and Subjunctive mood CCSS ELA L.8.3A.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Active and Passive Voice conditional and Subjunctive mood CCSS ELA L.8.3A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Active and Passive Voice conditional and Subjunctive mood

2 By Definition… Active voice Passive Voice If the subject of a sentence performs the action, the verb is said to be in active voice. If the subject of the sentence is acted upon, the verb is said to be in passive voice.

3 Find The Actor! Identify the actor in each sentence here. Highlight it. Where does the actor appear in the sentence? The verb is in _______ voice? The boy threw the ball over the picket fence. The history class learned about the Civil War from their teacher. Experienced life guards teach swimming classes. Everyone in Canada celebrates Boxing Day. The actors to following sentences are as follows: Boy History class Life guards Everyone

4 Find The Actor! The ball was thrown over the fence by the boy.
Identify the actor in each sentence here. Highlight it. Where does the actor appear in the sentence? Do sentence lengths look any different? Explain. Does the verb look different? Explain. The verb is in _______ voice? The ball was thrown over the fence by the boy. The swimming class was taught by experienced life guards. The Civil War facts were taught to the class by their teacher. Boxing Day is celebrated by everyone in Canada. The actors in the following sentences are as follows: The boy The life guards The teacher Everyone The actor in each sentence is located closer to the end of each sentence. This is different from the previous slide in that the actor appeared close the beginning of the sentence. In each of these sentences, the verb looks different from the previous slide because it has changed to the following formula: -a form of to be (am, are, is, was, were, has been, had been, have been) -a past participle form of the second verb -regular verbs end in d, ed, or t -irregular verbs have varied endings; check textbook or classroom reference. -

5 Check for understanding
Using active voice makes writing stronger, shorter, and more direct. Using passive voice means the writer doesn’t know the actor in the sentence or wants to emphasize the receiver of the action instead of the actor. Analyze your own writing. Can you find verbs in active voice? Passive voice? Do you appear to have a preference? Can you justify your reasoning for using the voice you chose? EXIT SLIP: Three things I have learned about ACTIVE and PASSIVE VOICE VERBS. Two things I noticed about my own use of verbs and voice in my own writing and/or speaking.

6 Writers conveying An attitude toward an action.
Understanding Mood: indicative or imperative conditional or subjunctive Writers conveying An attitude toward an action.

7 Sally broke her ankle yesterday. (fact)
Indicative Mood STATE A FACT ASK A QUESTION EXPRESS AN OPINION Sally broke her ankle yesterday. (fact) Can she walk by herself? (question) I don’t like crutches. (opinion)

8 Please be on time for supper. (request) Hurry! (command)
Imperative Mood Give a command or direction Make a request Please be on time for supper. (request) Hurry! (command) Turn on Garner Street and continue for two blocks. (direction)

9 Subjunctive mood: uSed in a subordinate clause to express uncertainty
Denote a condition that is contrary to fact Express a requirement Express a wish Make a suggestion I wish that Jim were more punctual. (wish) Mrs. Pauls requires that every student submit homework before class begins. (requirement) If I had been awake, I would have seen the storm. (contrary to fact) If you’re always tired, you might consider going to bed earlier. (suggestion)

10 Conditional Mood Usually contains a results clause in present or future tense Usually contains an “if” clause stating the condition If Julie prepares her presentation early, she usually performs well. If Manuel had a computer, he would need a monitor as well. If I had saved my money last month, I could have bought a new t.v. by now.

11 Check for understanding
Highlight the condition in one color and the result in another. Share your findings with a neighbor. When Dena prepares dinner, she insists that Don wash the dishes. If I were a licensed electrician, I could wire my workshop myself. If that telemarketer does not stop calling, notify the Better Business Bureau. The IRS recommends that tax returns be completed as soon as you receive your W-2 forms. If Sally believes I am capable of that, I can’t be her friend any longer. Consider allowing students to work in pairs (5-7 minutes) to analyze the sentences on this slide. They should follow the directions at the top of the slide and be prepared to provide their findings.

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