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Approaching Assessment

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1 Approaching Assessment
Stage 2


3 A Home Grown Meal

4 Learning Goals for the Day
TLW align and select appropriate assessment activities to the previously stated learning goals (knowledge and skills and essential questions). TLW develop rubrics for differentiating the extent of demonstrated understanding for each assessment strategy. TLW critique the assessment design of others with respect to alignment of learning goals, and ability to delineate levels of understanding.

5 This is the “Backwards” part!



8 Essential Questions/Knowledge/Skills
Identify “facets” of understanding. List different means of assessment. Know “GRASPS” concepts. Develop appropriate rubrics. Assess the assessment design of others. What will be the evidence of in- depth understanding vs. superficial or naïve understanding? Where should we look and what should we look for to determine the extent of student learning? What kind of assessment tasks and evidence needs will anchor our curricular units? Misconceptions: Everything requires a deep understanding. Assess student success with the activity. All assessment should be performance-based. Rubrics are the easy part.

9 Designing your MEANS of assessment
Before we think about how to assess…what do we need to know first?

10 “Assessor not Assessor” Challenge
How will a tell the difference between those who really understand and those who don’t? Against what criteria will I distinguish quality? What resources do I have access to that will help me teach this stuff? What will student be doing for homework? What would be interesting and engaging activities for this topic? What would be sufficient and reveling evidence of understanding? How will I grade? What performance task will focus the instruction? Did the activities work? What misunderstandings are likely to appear?

11 A person who understands, can….
Instructions: Get in groups of five/six Think of a topic/skill that is worth learning (does not have to be k-12) Using the provided template, write you topic on the top of the page Pass your page to the left. Starting at the bottom, answer the “can” question on the sheet in front of you. Fold to hide your answer and pass to the next person. Again!

12 Levels of Understanding:
Facets: Blooms: Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Select verbs to “operationalize” levels (handout)

13 Using LEVELS to guide MEANS
Topic Levels Measuring Volume Genetic Diseases Elections Order of operations The Civil War Internet Safety Volleyball Fractions Poetry Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge


Essential knowledge/skills should be anchored with performance assessment. GRASPS: Goal Role Audience Situation Product, Performance, Purpose Standards and Criteria for Success

16 Break Time While you are snacking…
Look at you stage 1 goals, knowledge and skills statements. What “means” of assessment might you consider for each?

17 Exciting Video!!!! DVD: Understanding by Design

18 Appraising Understanding
How will we safely distinguish the extent of understanding?


20 Scoring Challenge: Review the provided task and rubric
Read the student submission Assign an appropriate score using the rubric Share and defend your score at your table Whole group reflection

21 Spectrum of Understanding
Rubrics should delineated degrees of understanding: Superficial  In-Depth Naïve  Sophisticated Simple  Complex Elementary  Advanced Rubrics for understanding can span different activities. Avoid entanglement of variables: Assure that effort is not mistaken for understanding Assure clarity of feedback to the student

22 EXAMPLE: Structure of Federal Government
simple advanced

23 Assessment Traps: Approaching assessment as an event instead of a process. Confusing compliance and understanding. Feeling compelled to “grade” everything. Entangling unrelated variables. Mistaking the right answer for authentic understanding. Rewarding effort, glamour, or unrelated knowledge. Failing to recognize understanding when it sneaks up on you!

24 Assess the Assessment Could a student do well:
By guessing? Parroting what occurred in class? With effort in absence of understanding? With lovely products but limited understanding? Unrelated intelligence? Could a student do poorly Inability to meet the superficial requirements of the task? (poorly designed task) Failing to meet the rubric, despite deep understanding? (poorly designed rubric)

25 Work Time Complete the Stage 2 Template:
Identify performance tasks that will anchor your unit around the essential understandings. Consider other evidence and “means of assessment” that will be supportive of the learning process (knowledge and skills) Submit template to MOODLE for critique!

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