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Structured Build-up: Playing out from the back .

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1 Structured Build-up: Playing out from the back .

2 Football Problem We are not playing well when bringing ball out from our GK or backs and often lose the ball or resort to playing long hopeful balls forward. Through poor positioning/awareness we are not creating or recognizing right moment to play or carry ball forward into the middle 3rd .

3 Objectives of the Session
To improve the ability of our GK and back 4 to combine with 6/8/10 and go forward with the ball without losing possession.

4 Positioning Can I get into a position where I can receive the ball?
Away from my opponent In between defenders In between the defensive lines Where I can see & play forward Where I can run with the ball Where I can shoot

5 Passing Practice Organization: 14 players –GK inc
Half Pitch – Players set out in same shape as when playing out from goalkick. Explanation/Progression: Players setup in positions on both sides of field with balls starting from GK/server left and right of 6 yard box. 1st Sequence GK>3>2>6>7>9 who dribbles back to start and swaps sides. Mirror on left GK>4>5>8>11>10 who dribbles back to start and swaps sides. All players follow their pass. Var- 3>2>7>6>9 or 4>5>11>8>10 Var- add passive defender eg: between 2,3,6 – close down either 2 or 6, and 3 picks best passing option.

6 Positioning Game V.1 Organization:
4 Defenders V 3 Strikers in 2 grids – 14 players in total. Area: sideline into 1/3 way across D wide on both sides / depth edge box to halfway line.- coaching strip in between areas. Explanation/Progression BP 4 defenders start with ball from edge box, playing out V 2 BPO strikers with 3rd striker on ½ way line. Defenders must make 5 passes then play out to spare striker or carry ball over ½ way. Immediately 3rd striker brings a ball into play and joins other 2 strikers who must within 5 passes carry ball over 18 yard line –extended to sideline- to score point. Rotate spare striker after each phase. Team Task: BP team – keep the ball and get a pass to the free striker or carry ball over ½ way line. Player Actions: Back 4 make pitch big using full width 2/5 can you get high & wide and get beyond strikers to receive ball. 3/4 can you drive forward with ball if you have space between strikers. Coach’s Cues: If you drag the 2 strikers to one side can you switch ball to other side and go around them. If you split the strikers can you push out centrally.

7 Positioning Game V.2 Back 4 by using full width of box & shifting ball quickly can you get player & ball beyond 1st red defensive line where player has time/space to play penetrating pass into next zone. Key Words- Patience, Possession, Positioning > Penetrating Pass. Mid 2 players as ball travels in other zone can you make lateral movement then look for forward run where ball can be played to you between defenders. Prog- allow 1 of the back 4 players to move into front half as 3rd man support. Organization: 14 players in area penalty box to ½ way 4v2 in 2 opposing grids with keeper/target man playing across 18 yard line and another on ½ way line. Bibs,balls,cones. Explanation/Progression: Start from GK playing into his back 4, can back 4 keep comfortable possession and play through to 2 team mates in other half(6/8). Can 6/8 pass ball to other GK(their target man) for a point. Rotate player positions every 5 min Var: allow 1 back 4 player to push into other grid as 3rd man. Var: limit touches, smaller area, to raise intensity. Script Team Task: can we get the ball from our GK to target man (their GK ) via our 6/8. Player Actions: GK be an extra field player & be a deep passing option to keep possession & switch play. Back 4 make pitch big using full width 2/5 can you get high/wide and beyond strikers to receive ball. 3/4 can you drive forward with ball if you have space between strikers. If you have space can you get beyond strikers (1st line of defence) & position yourself as a deep 6. 6/8 Angle off be high/low passing options, don’t get caught square. Coach’s Cues: If you drag the 2 strikers to one side can you switch ball to other side and go around them. Can we use the GK to switch the ball or keep possession. If you split the strikers can you push out centrally. If we can get a player in behind the strikers can you receive the ball with time & space to play forward.

8 Game Training Organization: 14 players – BP back 5 + mid 3 playing out V BPO front 3 + mid 3. large goal + 3 small goals. Bibs, Balls. Half- pitch or a little bigger to back of centre circle for senior teams. Explanation/Progression BP team must keep effective possession & pass or dribble ball though 1 of 3 small goals over halfway representing their BPO team must prevent this and when they gain possession they have approx 20 sec to score through normal goal. All starts/restarts from GK. All balls in back of goal. Monitor shape/pressing – lateral shifting of BPO team to ensure realism, remind them if required that they are trying to stop ball getting to halfway. Have them set realistic [game like] defensive line. BP Team Task: Go forward keeping possession of the ball and get a pass through the small goals over ½ way representing our 7/9/11. BP Player Tasks: 3 &4 can you - split across box to give yourself space/time. Face forward when receiving- step forward & drive into space when you have it link with midfield central & push on if you can get ball back link with 2/5 wide if they are outside of or have run beyond their 7/11. 2/5- can you get wide and high – level with & on the outside of their 7/11 where you can receive ball & take 1st touch forward. 2/5 can you get beyond your marker 7/11 to receive ball in space in behind them. Coach’s Cues: 3 & 4 – if the 9 rushes in to close you down can you play to the other side c/back either direct or via GK and gain overload on that side to play out.- 2/5 – when we have comfortable possession in the midfield can you get beyond their 7/11 to receive ball in behind them. - if you are being closed down on your side can you play ball back to 3,4,GK & switch point of attack, play to other side.

9 Game Training -continued
BP Player Tasks 6,8,10 – can you start high up park to give more space to our 3,4. 6,8- can you play either side of their 10, inside their 7,11 to create passing angles, create space. -can you play forward & link with 10 centrally or your 2,5 wide. 10- can you push on & play in behind their 6,8 – can you provide a direct high passing option for your deeper players if opponent presses high. - can you drift left to right centrally to support 6/8 or go wide to support 2/5. Coach’s Cues: 6,8 – when ball is on your side of park with 3,4 can you push out & angle off to create space for 3,4 to travel with the ball- -as the ball is played to you can you position yourself where you can play forward to 2/5 wide or 10 central. If your marker pushes high to try & close down space when ball is with your 3 or 4 can you stay high & make a little angled run or move into space behind him where you can receive ball. always keep busy moving around your marker so they have trouble keeping good position on you & lose focus if you can get in behind them then slide into space 10- if you can play in behind their 6/8 can you receive ball & score or be able to link with 2/5 & combine with them to score. - open shoulders so you can always see forward & take 1st touch forward. All – when other team wins possession rapid transition to BPO to prevent shot or scoring opportunity- get compact to defend or win ball back- when ball goes to GK(shot, back-pass, goal kick) rapid transition to BP starting positions/shape required.

10 Training Game Organization
Organization: 14 players – BP back 5 + mid 3 playing out V BPO front 3 + mid 3. large goal + 3 small goals. Bibs, Balls Explanation/Progression Same format as Game Training with alternate starts from GK or Coach/Assistant playing to front 6 players from ½ way. Adds more transition moments and keeps game moving and adds intensity. Var: if defending team win ball from front 6 have to play back to GK before they can score through small goals. Var: if front 6 struggling they can play back to Assistant coach on ½ way to keep ball/switch point of attack.

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