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Callicrates and Ictinus, THE PARTHENON, BC

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Presentation on theme: "Callicrates and Ictinus, THE PARTHENON, BC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Callicrates and Ictinus, THE PARTHENON, 447-438 BC

2 The Colosseum, c. 70 – 82 AD, Rome

3 Abbey Church of St Denis, 1137

4 Giotto, The Nativity,

5 Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 – 1446), The dome of Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence Cathedral),

6 Donatello, David, Bronze, 1459 (?)

7 Ghirlandaio, Adoration of the Magi, 1488

8 Botticelli, Venus and Mars, 1485

9 Michelangelo, Pietà, 1499

10 Michelangelo, NIGHT from the Tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici, 1519-33

11 Hans Holbein the Younger, Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve (‘The Ambassadors’), 1533

12 Michelangelo, Dome of St Peter’s Cathedral, Rome, 1547 - 1564

13 Caravaggio, St Matthew and the Angel, (2nd version) 1602

14 Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Charles I on Horseback with M
Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Charles I on Horseback with M. de St Antoine, 1633

15 Gianlorenzo Bernini, David, 1623-4, Marble

16 Harmen Steenwyck, Still Life: An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life, c. 1640

17 Sir Christopher Wren, St Paul’s Cathedral, 1675-1710

18 Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii, 1784

19 JMW Turner, Snow Storm: Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps, 1812

20 John Constable, Flatford Mill, oil on canvas, 1816

21 Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, oil on canvas, 1818-9

22 Joseph Paxton, The Crystal Palace, 1850-1

23 Cézanne, Still Life with Plaster Cast , 1895

24 Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937

25 Henry Moore, Recumbent Figure, 1938

26 Mark Rothko, The Seagram Murals, 1959

27 Andy Warhol, Marilyn Diptych, 1962

28 Richard Rogers, Lloyds Building, 1978 – 1986, London

29 Marc Quinn, Self, 1991

30 Rachel Whiteread, House1993

31 Antony Gormley, Angel of the North, 1998

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