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National Assembly of Portugal Committees on Health, European Affairs and Agriculture Friday 8 April 2016 Lisbon.

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Presentation on theme: "National Assembly of Portugal Committees on Health, European Affairs and Agriculture Friday 8 April 2016 Lisbon."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Assembly of Portugal Committees on Health, European Affairs and Agriculture
Friday 8 April 2016 Lisbon

2 My priorities in Health
Public health Prevention: fighting the risk factors to prevent diseases – tobacco, alcohol unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and others. Promotion: promoting healthy lifestyle. Protection: protecting healthy environment, recognising measures that save lives. Healthcare Directive on patient's rights in cross-border healthcare (2011-implementation) HTA (Health Technology Assessment): in the Commission Work Programme 2016 AMR (antimicrobial resistance): in the Commission Work Programme 2016 eHealth: expand cooperation among Member States

3 My priorities in Food Safety
Endocrine disruptors Fight against Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Crisis management (animal and plant health) Preparation of the review of the pesticides legislation Preparation of the review of the health claim legislation Animal welfare Food waste

Prevention measure\Health Factors Alcohol Tobacco Salt, Sugars, Trans-Fats Anti-stress Pricing Policies + Marketing Policies Availability Consumer Information/ Product Labelling Evidence Based Public Awareness Communication School-Based Education to help reduce risk factors Protection of family and children Prevention with special focus on the workplace Research, Data collection, Monitoring Drink-driving Policies and Counter-measures Tobacco-free Living (children, pregnant women) Health Sector Responses for early detection, brief interventions and treatment Awareness of dangers from drinking alcohol or smoking during pregnancy Sources: OECD, 2015; European Commission, 2015

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