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Primary Longman Elect 5B Chapter 1 Text Type Contents pages.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Longman Elect 5B Chapter 1 Text Type Contents pages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Longman Elect 5B Chapter 1 Text Type Contents pages

2 Contents pages Let’s take a look at a contents page.

3 Here’s the contents page for a magazine.

4 The names of different sections.
Titles of articles. Page numbers.

5 You can first find an interesting section, then an interesting article and turn to the page.
1 3 2

6 What kind of magazine is Munch?
Munch is a food magazine.

7 Can we find contents pages in the following?
newspapers magazines books No, newspapers don’t have contents pages.

8 Are these contents pages the same?
book magazine Magazine contents pages usually give more information.

9 Practice Now look at this magazine. Where can we find the contents page? Stuff We should look at the beginning. Contents pages are usually on the first page or inside the front cover.

10 How do we know this is the contents page of a magazine?
Stuff th Feb – 18th Feb 20XX Contents Page From the editor Your letters 5 My life in music – Eason Chan interview 7 The making of the film Ip Man 9 Exclusive interview with author J.K Rowling 11 How to write a song 14 Film editing on your computer 15 Film, book, and music reviews Regulars Features Learn Reviews We can see the date of issue and the detailed contents.

11 How often is this magazine published?
Stuff th Feb – 18th Feb 20XX Contents Page From the editor Your letters 5 My life in music – Eason Chan interview 7 The making of the film Ip Man 9 Exclusive interview with author J.K Rowling 11 How to write a song 14 Film editing on your computer 15 Film, book, and music reviews Regulars Features Learn Reviews It is a weekly magazine.

12 What can we read about on page 6?
Stuff th Feb – 18th Feb 20XX Contents Page From the editor Your letters 5 My life in music – Eason Chan interview 7 The making of the film Ip Man 9 Exclusive interview with author J.K Rowling 11 How to write a song 14 Film editing on your computer 15 Film, book, and music reviews Regulars Features Learn Reviews An interview with Eason Chan. Remember, page numbers show the beginning page of an article.

13 I want to find out about my favourite band’s new CD. Where can I look?
Stuff th Feb – 18th Feb 20XX Contents Page From the editor Your letters 5 My life in music – Eason Chan interview 7 The making of the film Ip Man 9 Exclusive interview with author J.K Rowling 11 How to write a song 14 Film editing on your computer 15 Film, book, and music reviews Regulars Features Learn Reviews In the reviews section.

14 Contents Is this the contents page of a book or a magazine?
Chapter Page 1 Wonderful man-made things 3 2 Amazing natural landscape 3 Incredible animals 4 Unusual people 5 How you can be a world record holder! It is the contents page of a book. Magazines don’t have chapters.

15 Contents What do you think this book is about?
Chapter Page 1 Wonderful man-made things 3 2 Amazing natural landscape 3 Incredible animals 4 Unusual people 5 How you can be a world record holder! It is about world records.

16 Contents I want to read Chapter 5. Which page should I turn to?
Chapter Page 1 Wonderful man-made things 3 2 Amazing natural landscape 3 Incredible animals 4 Unusual people 5 How you can be a world record holder! Chapter 5 starts on page 25.

17 Contents How many pages long is the chapter on Incredible animals?
Chapter Page 1 Wonderful man-made things 3 2 Amazing natural landscape 3 Incredible animals 4 Unusual people 5 How you can be a world record holder! It is six pages.

18 The End

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