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From: Early interference of context congruence on object processing in rapid visual categorization of natural scenes Journal of Vision. 2008;8(13):11.

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1 From: Early interference of context congruence on object processing in rapid visual categorization of natural scenes Journal of Vision. 2008;8(13):11. doi: / Figure Legend: Examples of animal targets and man-made object distractors used in the animal categorization task. Different subsets were used in the 3 experiments: original scenes (O), isolated objects on gray background (G), objects pasted on two different congruent contexts (C1 and C2), and objects pasted on two different non-congruent contexts (NC1 and NC2). Context congruence was considered in terms of natural vs. man-made and scale, position and support relations were respected as much as possible. Examples using objects cropped from original scenes are shown in the two top rows for target and distractors. Examples using similar objects taken from the Hemera library are shown in the two bottom rows for targets and distractors. The first row for distractors illustrates the kind of man-made objects that elicited false alarms when out of its context, especially when pasted on non-congruent (natural) contexts. The number (top left of each image) indicates the number of subjects (out of 12) who correctly withheld their go response when presented with that scene. Date of download: 10/13/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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