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Character Education for Middle School Students

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1 Character Education for Middle School Students
Presented By: Mrs. Gregory School Guidance Counselor

2 What Does Character Mean?
Good character involves understanding, caring about, and acting upon ethical performance values. Character development requires a student to do the right thing and do one’s best in academics, sports, home/community settings, and any other related activities at all times.

3 What Can I Learn From Character Education & Development?
Students can learn to care about core or personal values by developing empathy skills, forming healthy/ caring relationships, developing good work & study habits, being responsible, and being actively involved in their community. Students can also learn to act upon their core values by striving to do their best and be their best in all areas of their home and school life. As students grow in character, they develop an increased understanding of values and a deeper commitment to living according to those values.

4 Why Should Students Do Character Education?
Actually, character education is legislatively mandated or encouraged in most states. It is intended to help students develop integrity, respect for themselves and others, become hard working individuals, and to eliminate unhealthy or inappropriate behaviors.

5 Let Character Education Be a Part of Your Daily Routine
Students should do their best work and feel safe, supported, and challenged by their peers and the school staff to demonstrate good character traits. Students should display good character so that it becomes habitual patterns of behavior.

6 Character Education is needed in our School
Because students spend a lot of time at school, our schools try to offer an important and much needed opportunity to ensure that all students get the support/help they need in order to reach their full potential.

7 Good Character Traits Includes:
Trustworthiness/Honesty Respect/Self-Respect Patience Acts of Kindness Caring/Compassion/Courteousness RESPONSIBILITY Fairness Good Self-Esteem Proper Self-Care/Hygiene Citizenship

8 Examples of How to Focus on Core Values and They Become Habitual Patterns of Behavior
Positive journal writing Listening actively and attentively Cooperative learning groups Helping others Mediating or diffusing conflicts (avoidance) Caring about quality of your work or performance Staying organized and prepared for class Taking responsibility for own actions/behaviors Being patient and waiting on your turn Abiding by and following school rules/regulations Not engaging in gossip, bullying, use of drugs/alcohol Do the right thing even when no one is watching Accepting others’ differences Striving to do your best at all times and learning how to have a positive attitude even when things do not go as planned or expected Having the willpower/determination to stay focused on class work and not allow distractions or negative influences get you off track Having respect for yourself, parents, older adults, fellow peers, teachers, and school staff members Good decision-making Preparing for your future by becoming college-ready and choosing a career or career trade in order to be productive citizens in society

9 What Are Ways Our School Incorporate Character Education?
Teachers may have character traits displayed in classrooms or teach these traits as part of their curriculum. Students and staff may work together as a team to learn character traits and express in journal writing, during morning announcements, or any other related activities. Schools uses a variety of approaches for character education implementation such as: report cards, comprehensive progress reports, RTI Committee/ Meetings, parent-teacher conferences, Parent Day/PTO Meetings, student or parent surveys, collected data on student behavior, gifted program, and much more.

10 What Is Your Emphasis on Character Education?
One effective and positive approach on character education places a strong emphasis on the way you as a student learn. Your learning style, cooperative learning, being motivated to learn, being disciplined, your culture, and your need for differentiated instruction all play a major role on character.

11 Our School is Committed to Good Character Education
This program can demonstrate growth in the understanding of and commitment to good character. Remember to strive for diligence, perseverance, critical thinking, and a positive attitude.

12 The Million Dollar Question Is….
Do You Have Good Character? THE END

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