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10 steps to ‘Professional Clydebank High

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1 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High

2 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
1.Having a positive attitude to learning and understanding the roles & responsibilities of a school

3 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
2.Good time keeping & attendance

4 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
3.High standards of Uniform

5 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
4.Presents appropriate body language in learning situations while listening and following instructions

6 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
5.Sets targets and small achievable goals

7 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
6.Doesn’t give up easily – demonstrates commitment

8 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
7.Demonstrates self-respect/respect for others and able to work co-operatively and as part of a team

9 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
8.Plans work using a Homework Diary and manages time efficiently using a Study Plan

10 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
9.Engages with Support available in school For example..... Lunchtime Support S1 Homework Club Supported Study Mentoring Ask about feedback comments

11 10 steps to ‘Professional Learning’ @ Clydebank High
10. Has confidence to receive and act on feedback from others and own self evaluation. participate in Wider Achievement Opportunities.

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