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List as many words as you can think of that link…

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Presentation on theme: "List as many words as you can think of that link…"— Presentation transcript:

1 List as many words as you can think of that link…

2 Father

3 Transcendent

4 Stewardship

5 Nicaea

6 Magnificat

7 Magisterium

8 Creation, Incarnation, Trinity Revision
WALT: Revise effectively for upcoming mock

9 I’m going to offer 3 methods today…

10 Creation, Incarnation, Trinity
Summary notes Flashcards Mindmap Nicene Creed Creation, Incarnation, Trinity

11 1 fact/question per card Break down complex ideas Say answers out loud
FLASHCARDS: Make your own Add pictures Mnemonic devices 1 fact/question per card Break down complex ideas Say answers out loud Practice both sides Use with other techniques too SUMMARY NOTES: Add title, divide up lines in page In box A, write down all you can remember about the topic In box B, write keywords and Q&As In box C, summarise all the information into 2 sentences, MAX. Use colour and highlighters to select key info Test yourself using post its B C A 25 minutes for each, in ‘groups’ – divide up room into 3 so allow for sharing resources (photocopies). MINDMAPS: Add detailed branches (colour, picture, keywords) Use colour and pictures Draw image in the middle Keep information brief – use lots of pictures to help! Use colour for different branches

12 A04.2 Give two other symbols or symbolic meanings of the Paschal Candle. [2 marks]
The Paschal candle is lit from the Easter fire and shows that Jesus is the Risen Lord. Jesus’ light spreads through the whole of creation breaking the power of darkness just as, by his Resurrection, Jesus destroyed the power of sin and death. This light is shared between all the believers. 2 but too much writing

13 A01.3 Explain two contrasting Christian beliefs about the significance of the Genesis creation accounts. [4 marks] Many Catholics believe that the Genesis stories are myths that are trying to show how everything that is created is orderly and designed by God for a purpose. The stories reflect the power of God as they show that God made everything by his divine word, not out of pre-existing material. The stories also present the belief that humans are the high-point of creation. Some Christians take the line that the Genesis creation accounts are literal accounts of what happened in the beginning. 3 – 1st point over developed, 2nd not developed enough

14 A02. 4 Explain two ways in which music expresses beliefs about God
A02.4 Explain two ways in which music expresses beliefs about God. Refer to Christian beliefs in your answer. [5 marks] Music can help the beliefs that are contained in hymns and psalms to have more meaning for the person singing or listening. Since music can be slower than just saying the words, there is more time and depth of thought. Music can also give a sense of otherness. Musical notes themselves have no meaning but they can give a sense of reaching out to the beyond, to the God who cannot be expressed in words. It helps a person sense the presence of God without limiting God. 5 marks

15 A03.5 ‘The story of Jesus’ ascension is not important for Christians today.’ Evaluate this statement. In your answer you should: • give developed arguments to support this statement • give developed arguments to support a different point of view • refer to Christian teaching • reach a justified conclusion. [12 marks] The story of Jesus’ ascension is just that – a story. It doesn’t make sense to talk about a person going up in the sky like a rocket. The Russians claimed when they put the first man in space that they had shown there is no God as the cosmonaut did not meet him. The story of Ascension implies that the Russian claim was correct. All this story does it to show that the claims in the Bible have no meaning, so from that point of view I suppose it is important for people today, but it has no further message. Some people might argue that it shows that Jesus went up to sit by God’s right hand to share god’s power, but that is using very figurative language. Some say that it shows that all humans will end up in heaven, but that is just to twist the story for their own purpose. 6 marks – 2 points of view, but not developed.

16 Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’ perfectly expresses a Catholic understanding of humanity. Evaluate
Some may agree because it show humans in ‘Imago Dei, as Genesis 1 teaches us, through the similarity of appearance of God and Adam as ‘classically beautiful’ beings. Also, the position of Adam as lover than God shows us that God is more powerful than humans and Adam pulling his hand away from god shows how humans turn to sin. Finally, it shows us that man is dependent on God for creation. We se God reaching out with a firm hand to ‘create’ man while Adam is shown as weak and withdrawing with a more limp hand. Some may disagree because both God and Adam arw white; this does not reflect Catholic teaching about equality, inspired by Paul; “there is neither Jew nor Greek.” The Catholic Church teaches that the creation of humans according to Genesis is not factual but that evolution, guided by God, is how humans came to be and the picture does not mention this. Finally, Eve is not depicted as equal to Adam and created like him. Some think the woman in the picture is Eve, but this would disagree with the Biblical picture. Overall, the statement is ture because we see Adam looks passive whereas God is active; that is how creation came about and continues to fucntoin; God is the one who is all powerful.

17 Plenary WWW – EBI – Which revision method worked for you? Why?

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