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M-power One Planet Campus Engagement Program

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1 M-power One Planet Campus Engagement Program

2 SRN Feedback Staff on SRN are motivated to take action in the workplace with 86% reporting they feel motivated to a “great extent” or to “some extent” (SRN Annual Survey 2012) Some SRN staff feel unsure about coming up with ideas to engage with colleagues on sustainability and would like some assistance with this “It would be great to have a monthly focus area with resources and support” “It would be good if there were themes for Departments to focus on with resources provided such as posters, information, targeted messages and actions for implementation” “It might be good to have one topic per quarter and set mini goals for Departments so SRN members have something to go away with that they can sink their teeth into” Source: SRN Annual Evaluation and quarterly meetings

3 What is M-power? “M-power – a One Planet Campus Engagement Program” is a new way to engage with colleagues and friends in a fun and practical way M-power seeks to facilitate staff awareness and engagement An interactive portal delivered bi-monthly which focuses around a particular theme  The bi-monthly themes seek to encourage and reward participation

4 Interactive Portal M-power is an interactive portal on sustainability website Structured to be quick and easy to engage with Each bi-monthly theme will provide: an overview about the theme itself simple and direct actions to undertake individually or as a group downloadable content such as posters, videos, briefing ‘cheat’ sheets on the theme for meetings, communications template opportunity to get involved and win some great prizes.

5 M-power Themes March-April: ‘Healthy You, Healthy Planet’
Total of 6 bi-monthly themes Theme ideas - food, community volunteering, power down for holidays, reuse, bottled water, clean up campus 5

6 M-power Communications
At the beginning of each bi-month all SRN reps will receive an alert notifying them about the m-power theme Promote in staff news and Vitality for other staff on campus to get involved will directly link to the portal Ongoing communications during the theme as necessary eg events Getting involved in M-power enables Departments to earn points for the DSC This slide to talk through not present 6

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