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India’s First Empires Chapter 6 Section 3.

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1 India’s First Empires Chapter 6 Section 3

2 The Mauryan Dynasty Chandragupta Maurya, an Indian prince, founded India’s first empire after Alexander the Great left India. This empire was called the Mauryan dynasty. This happened around 321 b.c. What is a dynasty? is a series of rulers from the same family. Who founded the first civilizations? The Harappans

3 Problem - Solution Chart
Chadragupta needed to control everything from his capital... He needed to make sure no one was planning to rebel… Communications were very important and needed improvement… …Set up a centralized government and built a strong army …Had a good spy system …Set up a postal system

4 The Mauryan Dynasty (continued)
Many historians consider Asoka the Mauryan dynasty’s greatest king. After he was a strong military leader, Asoka turned away from violence. He was in a battle, saw a large amount of bloodshed. The dead horrified him and made him turn away from life. Non-violent and peaceful life following Buddhism.

5 What was the main idea of Buddhism?
Give up all worldly possession Asoka did many great things for his people. For example, he built hospitals and new roads and sent teachers throughout India to teach Buddhism. Even though he practiced Buddhism, he allowed for religious tolerance. The empire grew weak after Asoka’s death. The kings made poor decisions, and the Mauryan Empire fell.

6 The Gupta Empire After 500 years of fighting, another Chandragupta took power and founded the Gupta dynasty. The name Chandragupta was kind of like John, Matt, Lindsey. After Chandragupta died, his son, Samudragupta, took over and expanded the empire. The Guptas ruled for about 200 years. They grew wealthy from trade with China and kingdoms in southeast Asia and the Mediterranean. The trade created new jobs because their was a bigger demand for products. All this trade created new cities along the trade routes.


8 The Gupta Empire As cities grew along the trade routes pilgrims arose.
Pilgrims were people who used the trade routes to travel to religious shrines or sites. Visiting pilgrims made cities wealthy just as tourists make cities wealthy today. The Guptas were Hindus, and they made Hinduism the official religion. The end result was a golden age of art and learning for Hindu in India during the Gupta empire. Monetary donations were given to Hindus.

9 Indian Literature and Science During the Mauryan and Gupta empires literature and science advancements will take place. Literature The Vedas of India are hymns & prayers used in religious ceremonies. What was the name of the writing system? Sanskrit The epics Mahabharata and Ramayana are two poems that are still famous in India today. Both epics tell about warriors and their brave deeds. Math and Science Aryabhata was a mathematician who lived during the Gupta dynasty. He was one of the first scientists to use algebra. Mathematicians in the Gupta empire developed the symbols for the numbers 1 to 9 that we use today. Indians also developed ideas in medicine. The could set broken bones, perform operations, and even basic plastic surgery.

10 One of the 1st to use Algebra
© 2004 Edwin Ellis The Vedas: hymns & prayers epics Mahabharata and Ramayana Sanskrit Literature One of the 1st to use Algebra Created symbols for 1-9 Mathematics Set broken bones Plastic Surgery Perform operations Science/ Medical Technology India’s Achievements ISSUE

11 Checking for Understanding
Who was the Indian prince the founded the first empire? Chandragupta Maurya What is a series of rulers from one family? Dynasty After 500 years of fighting, another Chandragupta took power and founded the _________ dynasty. Gupta What are the two famous poems in India today?

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