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Kosova’s Electricity Market Development
Energy Trading Seminar Kosova’s Electricity Market Development 14 September 2017 Tirana
Content 1. Data about power sektor 2. Development of transmissin network & benefits 3. Market Opening 4. Regional integration 5. Why Common market KS-AL
KOSTT Role and Responsibilities
Provide Transmission service under regulated tariff Provide non-discriminatory third party access to the grid Maintain security , reliability and balancing of the system Planning, development and maintenance of transmission network Provide services to market parties for transmission use of the system
Kosovo power sector Small size and non liquid national Market
Deficit in generation capacities and adequacy Existing old power plant which worsen the situation Chronic shortage of energy to meet its customer demands Dependent on electricity import Faces obstacles in regional integration
Market Participants Trading Parties Non Trading Parties
Market Operator: KOSTT Transmission System Operator: KOSTT Distribution System Operator: KEDS Trading Parties KEK Generator TPP Kos B (2x270 MW) TPP Kos A (3x 140 MW) HPP Ujmani (2x 17MW) HPP Lumbardhi (2x4 MW) RES Generators KESCO Supplier& trader – (supplying Eligible and USS Customer) HEP –Supply & trade GSA–Energy Importers and Exporters 36 cross border traders
Kosovo Power System Main Data
Power Balance Kosovo generation capacities-2016 TPP capacities/ available capacities: Kosova B+Kosova A= /1550MW/790 MWav HPPs= 63 MW Total available capacities = 853 MW Peak Load 2016: 1160 MW - + -307 MW Electricity Energy Balance Consumption 2016 5426 GWh Electricity production (2016) TPPs=5736 GWh HPPs= 183 GWh Total electricity production = 5919 GWh - + +493 GWh Imports during the peak load=571GWh Exports during light load and summer=1064 GWh!
KOSTT assets Substations 2007 2016 Number of substations Switchyard
Transformers (n.) Transmission capacity (MW) 4 1 8 650 34 1 79 2046 50 projects Lines 181.4 km 231.8 km 643.5 km km 279.7 km 231.8 km 841.8 km km 400 kV 220 kV 110 kV Total 218 mil euro Total assets (EUR 000) 26,345 244,269
KOSTT Interconnections
BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA SERBIA No kV NTC =600MW Interconnections lines with 1 2 400 220 110 Serbia Montenegro Macedonia Albania KOSOVO NTC= 400*W MONTENEGRO NTC=400MW NTC=210MW MACEDONIA NTC=600W ALBANIA Interconnections 400 kV 220 kV 110 kV
Investments in Transmission system supports
security and reliability of transmission system economic development of the country market development and regional integrations of KOSTT N-1 criterion objectives set by Kosovo Energy Strategy regarding integration of : TPP New Kosova, 450 MW 150MW Wind Turbines 240 MW small HPP’s 10 MW Solar Peak demand of 1600MW stable transit flows through KOSTT network for regional market
Phases of market opening
Liberalization (Third package) Unbundling process (Second package) 2016- Primary Legislation in Energy Sector in Kosovo Updated Ownership unbundling TSO certification From April 2017 wholesale Market Deregulated Retail Market deregulation in steps Market based Balancing mechanism (June 2017) RES support scheme MO manages RES energy found Customer switching There actually 3 licensed suppliers Establishment of Day ahead market Participation on Regional Market (WB6-initiative) Regulated Market Primary Legislation in Energy Sector in Kosovo and Updated in 2010 Establishment of Energy Regulatory Office Establishment of Ministry of Energy & Mining Establishment of KOSTT 2010 – Started process of unbundling of distribution , Supply and Generation Vertical integration From KEK-company composed of: Mines Generation Transmission Distribution Supply
Balancing mechanism (BM)
Operates as a contract between TSO and Trading Parties for delivery of power (not energy) From 1st October st May was implemented as dry run with no financial impact. From 1st June 2017 BM is in real operation There are no national balancing reserves Procedures for cross border procurement of services are developed . Waiting for ERO approval
Energy cost recovery –Single Imbalance Price
If there are no bids and offers the HUPEX price is applied for calculation of Imbalance price System imbalance NEGATIVE (short) injections < off-takes TSO will buy POSITIVE (long) injections > off-takes TSO will sell Party Imbalance Contracted < metered Single Price based on weighted average price of accepted offers (WAP ) based on weighted average price of accepted bids (WAP ) Contracted > metered
RES Energy Found From 1st Jun 2017 KOSTT MO manages RES energy Found
RES Generator Sells to MO their production regulated incentive price (finding tariff) MO Sells to Suppliers proportionally to their demand with referent market price. MO charges Supplier to cover price difference RES tariff RES generator are charged for 25% of imbalances for both direction (being long or short) RES generator nominates their production at D-1. they have the right to re nominate every three hours in advance
Grid Losses From 1st April Transmission and distribution Grid losses are purchased with deregulated price in market Part of grid losses are purchased from KEK generation – USS supply has priority KOSTT signed with traders who are operating in Kosovo market the framework contract for purchasing grid losses From 1st September 2017 KOSTT is organizing auction on D-1 for purchasing part of losses not covered by KEK generation Grid loses (T+D) are 25% of national demand
KOSTT political obstacles in Market Opening
KOSTT is the designated Transmission system operator of Kosovo KOSTT has no proper representation within /outside ENTSO-E KOSTT is not yet operating as independent Control Area Two different jurisdictions – contracting parties to the EnC different legal framework different governing institutions different designated operator (TSO) different market and technical framework different price zones – market different tariff framework - regulated …etc. This status disables KOSTT in regional integration
KOSTT’s regional integration
Not yet member of ENTSO-E Observer in Regional Group of SEE for Market Issues under MC of ENTSO-E Observer of Regional Subgroup CMMI and RBM under RG SEE Member and share holder of SEE CAO Due to political obstacles is not getting services from CAO Member of SECI – investment & maintenance harmonization Member of WB6 taskforce and SC for regional market integration and SC for regional balancing Kosovo didn't sign WB6 MOU
Position of KOSTT toward ENTSO-E
KOSTT has signed Inter TSO Agreement with neighboring TSO-s On KOSTT has signed Connection Agreement(CA) with 30 TSO-s of Continental Europe Implementation of CA is blocked by Serbian Side (By not registering supply company in north of Kosovo in line with Brussels Agreements) EMS is continuing unlawfully and contrary to energy community treaty to collect incomes from capacity allocation. KOSTT is a part of ITC mechanism on ENTSO-E from January 2016 KOSTT is member of Regional Group SEE, SEE CAO, WB6 initiative
Non implementation of CA KOSTT-ENTSO-E
The consequences of non implementation of connection agreement are: Non operation the new interconnector/ 400kV Line Kosovo- Albania Non operation of LFC project. Implementation of commercial agreement KOSTT-OST regarding sharing of secondary regulation and the reserve as overall according to the new code SEE CAO - KOSTT is shareholder, but not receiving the service KOSTT signed agreement for establishing RSC in Thessaloniki and will likely not receive services before operation as CA/CB Disables KOSTT in achieving WB6 commitments and soft measures requirements for regional market integration In line with agreement between Kosovo-Serbia sign by prime ministers intermediated by EU on x.x.2013 and after KOSTT and EMS facilitated by EU have signed framework agreement: that stipulate date and principles to solve open issues between KOSTT EMS and at the end to recognize each other as Control areas, to resolve the congestion management and ITC problem regarding revenue collected by EMS On x.x.2014 KOSTT and EMS has sign operational Inter TSO s agreement. In the agreement stated “that KOSTT and EMS started from 1 January 2015 has to operate as two separate CA subject fulfillment of requirement that may come from ENTSO-E”. This means Technical requirement In this light KOSTT has started to work with ENTSO-E to continue the process of technical preparation of main function that is related to scheduling, accounting, grid model and in monitoring with PG KOSTT and Swissgrid the process were successfully performed. On 31.oct.2015 with some obstacles with EMS were signed connection agreement KOSTT-ENTSO-E respectively with 31 TSO-S of continental Europe The agreement is not Implemented ?
Common electricity market
Common market of Kosovo and Albania will be in line with EU target model – objective of Energy community A single bidding zone in all markets’ timeframes interconnections KS-AL will be considered as internal lines No capacity booking or scheduling requirement Would be coupled with other biding zones on the day ahead and intraday markets Cross-border capacities with other zones would be allocated in line with the Forward Network Code The generation mix would allow generators to optimize their generation portfolio that means link a hydro-based system of Albania with a lignite-based system of Kosovo Common market Kosovo - Albania or a single bidding zone on all market timeframes will be in line with the EU target model which is also the objective of the Energy Community Common market will full integrate the national markets of Kosovo and Albania. As indicated the benefits are higher if the markets are integrated into a single bidding zone in all markets’ timeframes where the interconnection capacities between Albania and Kosovo will be considered internal lines in the common market and will be used in the optimal manner without any capacity booking or scheduling requirement. Market could trade standardized products based on the market needs with the delivery in the joint bidding zone (Kosovo – Albania market), regardless where or to which TSO the internal scheduling takes place In future market coupling process, such common market will act as a single bidding zone and would be coupled with other zones on the day ahead and intraday markets. In the forward timeframe, the cross-border capacities with other zones would be allocated in line with the Forward Network Code, which is under development by the ENTSO-E The generation mix would allow generators to optimize their generation portfolio will link a hydro-based system of Albania with a lignite-based system of Kosovo. Efficient utilization of resources should allow the fossil-fuelled power plants to operate at more efficient load levels and thereby provide environmental benefits. In a common market where hydro power plants have a significant share in the generation mix such unintentional deviation of a system with non-flexible thermal units would be minimized
Why Common Market The market characteristics of Kosovo and Albania suggest that market integration would benefit customers in both countries Interconnection capacities and generation mix of both countries enable full integration of the markets all trading timeframes. Exchange/share of reserves for balancing the both systems Encourage power market competition Preparation for the European Internal Market (EU Membership) Meeting European objectives 20:20:20 (20% reduction of emissions, 20% renewable energy, and 20% improvement of energy efficiency by 2020)
Critical milestones Legislation regulators and licensing
Outline changes to national laws covering establishment of a regulatory committee and recognition of licenses issued by either ERO or ERE Implementation of national law changes regulators and licensing Establishment of the Common Market Regulatory Committee Development of the SO and MO licenses Development of Price Control framework for SO and MO Establishment of Market Rules Modification Committee Development of procedure for allocation of congestion costs Transmission and communication infrastructure upgrade to enable operation of this market
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