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We’re in this together – Halton Families for Families Engagement Initiative November 24, 2014 CMHO Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re in this together – Halton Families for Families Engagement Initiative November 24, 2014 CMHO Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re in this together – Halton Families for Families Engagement Initiative
November 24, 2014 CMHO Conference

2 Halton Families for Families Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK):
Presenters Halton Families for Families Family Members: Andrea Walters Darlene Wierski-Devoe (Family Engagement Coordinator) Ron Taylor Julie Davlut Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK): Kelly Giuliani

3 Family - Family Engagement -
a circle of care and support offering enduring commitment to care for one another related either biologically, emotionally, or legally and takes into account those who the “client” identifies as significant to his/her well-being. Family Engagement Curriculum – PCMH Family Engagement - An active partnership between families and service providers. It can be an individual relationship between a clinician and a family, an organizational alliance between an agency and families in their community or a systemic recognition of family-centered care. Regardless of the definition, when families are engaged, programs and services are stronger and young people are healthier. Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health .

4 Our Journey

5 Opportunities for families
Family Advisory Committee Attending and volunteering at Family Night Socials Attending and volunteering at Educational Workshops Attending and facilitating support groups Attending various focus groups

6 Our Vision Halton Families for Families has created a community where children, youth and families feel supported and have a strong sense of belonging. Throughout our mental health journey, we are empowered – with knowledge, and confidence that we are listened to and heard. We have a mutually respectful and collaborative relationship with everyone who is working with our children and youth (schools, service providers, health care providers). This is an equal partnership with open communication. Our family voices and experiences are influential in the future planning of mental health services for children and youth in Halton.

7 Julie Davlut “Family Engagement to me means not being embarrassed to share our story with others.  A lot of us, more than we think, experience mental health issues and it is a platform where I can share my family's experience with other families and assure them they are not alone and "we get it" we need to be heard and understood.” Member of the Family Advisory Committee since March 2014

8 Our strategic goals Families and caregivers feel knowledgeable, connected, supported and have a sense of belonging within their community. Mental Health Programs, services and resources are easily accessible, streamlined and timely and meet the needs of families, caregivers, children and youth. Families are supported and actively involved with Educators and the broader school community in meeting the social, emotional and educational needs of their child within the classroom. Physician, parent, caregiver and child relationships and respectful, open and supportive. Build the strength, capacity and sustainability of Halton Families for Families as an integral part of the fabric of mental health and wellness in Halton region.

9 Ron Taylor “I wish you could see the look in my eight-year-old's eyes when she hears that we are going to a Families for Families Social event.  I wish you could hear the sound of the children playing together - making up their own games on the spot - having no concern that anyone will judge them for being "different".  I wish you could witness the tears in the eyes of caregivers who explain to the others that their child is socializing for the first time - ever. ” Member of the Family Advisory Committee since March 2014

10 Pre-survey: November 2013 Post-survey: September 2014

11 Pre-survey: November 2013 Post-survey: September 2014

12 Celebrating our successes
47 people attended 2014 brainstorming session held in Acton, Milton, Burlington, Oakville Family Night Socials successfully engaging more families in the community each month. April event in Acton had 28 people June event in Oakville had 17 people August event in Georgetown had 66 people September event in Burlington had 45 people October event in Milton had 38 people November event in Acton had ___ people 28 people in attended the Canadian Mental Health Week event in May 2014 at Sam Sherrat PS (Milton) 15 family members actively engaged with the Family Advisory Committee Attendance at various community events at a display/information table Speaking engagements for Family Advisory Committee members include: Family Engagement Kick off night, October 2013 Brookdale Public School, February 2014 Presentation of family engagement initiative at the CMHDS table, April 2014 Mental Health Week event, May 2014 CMHO Conference, November 2014

13 Andrea Walters “ What does Family Engagement mean to me? As families, we are not black sheep; we are normal families that just happen to struggle with mental illness. As an individual, the silver lining I see is our growing expertise on the achievement of mental health. Family engagement allows me to share my voice and help others, while continuing to help my own family.” Member of the Family Advisory Committee since October 2013

14 Our challenges Awareness of the initiative as a community collaborative – have Family Engagement Coordinator move locations, showcase community partners information when at community tables, have community partners include “Permission To Contact” form with intake or closing packages Permission to contact form – imperative to have the item “Can we leave a message” on the form Formation of two different committees – families identified two but that is not feasible. Focus on one and branch out from there

15 What is important to keep in mind?

16 How family engaged are you?
Join your peers in discovering your organizations’ strengths and weaknesses

17 Thank you for joining us today!
Q & A Food for thought… “Family Engagement does not just sit in the confines of a grant. Like planting a seed it takes time. It is a process of developing relationships, creating safe environments, meeting families where they are at and above all listening to them to truly hear and understand what they require to have a successful journey.” Darlene Wierski-Devoe

18 Contact us Darlene Wierski-Devoe - Family Engagement Coordinator, Halton Families for Families (905) x 259 Kelly Giuliani – Manager of Community and Youth Development, Reach out Center for Kids (ROCK) (905) x 271

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