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A Guide to Personal Evangelism

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1 A Guide to Personal Evangelism

2 “Crossing the Line” Acts 16:30&31
Part #7 A Guide to Personal Evangelism “Crossing the Line” Acts 16:30&31

3 I. Determine Readiness Acts 16:30
A Guide to Personal Evangelism Part #7 A. Ask for a Decision Acts 26:27 B. Ask What’s Holding Them Back Revelation 3:20 C. Pray with Them Romans 10:9&10

4 II. What to Pray Acts 16:31 A. Admit Spiritual Need B. Repent of Sins
Part #7 A Guide to Personal Evangelism II. What to Pray Acts 16:31 A. Admit Spiritual Need B. Repent of Sins C. Believe on Jesus D. Receive God’s Gift

5 III. Illustrations to Help
Part #7 A Guide to Personal Evangelism III. Illustrations to Help A. The Bridge I Timothy 2:5 B. “DO” vs. “DONE” Ephesians 2:8&9 C. The Judge II Corinthians 5:21

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