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Version 20161005 Unit Suicide / Attempted Suicide Date of Incident or Mishap (yyyy/mm/dd) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) – PRIVACY SENSITIVE. Any misuse.

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Presentation on theme: "Version 20161005 Unit Suicide / Attempted Suicide Date of Incident or Mishap (yyyy/mm/dd) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) – PRIVACY SENSITIVE. Any misuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Version Unit Suicide / Attempted Suicide Date of Incident or Mishap (yyyy/mm/dd) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) – PRIVACY SENSITIVE. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This document contains information exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6) apply.

2 Incident Overview Who Name/Rank/Age/MOS of Marine(s)/Sailor(s) involved Status at the time of the incident (on duty, liberty, leave, terminal leave, etc.) Unit, Unit Location What Type of incident (suicide/attempt) and short summary of the circumstances When Approximate date/time of the incident Where Basic geographic location (city/highway/cross streets or any other pertinent data on the location of the incident) FOUO

3 Personal Background Information
MARITAL STATUS (Single/Married/Divorced) LOCATION OF DEPENDENTS (City, State) DEPENDENTS: Name (Relationship/sex/date of birth) Name (Relationship/sex/date of birth) RESIDENCE (On/Off base; address) RELIGION (Religious affiliation) HOBBIES & INTERESTS (As appropriate) VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE YES/NO (State) DRUGS OR ALCOHOL (Factor/no factor) BAC LEVEL (As appropriate) PERSONAL ISSUES (Relationship/family/performance /financial/legal, etc.) Photo Of Marine (if available) FOUO

4 Military Background Information
DATE ENTERED USMC (yyyy-mm-dd) DATE OF RANK (yyyy-mm-dd) DATE JOINED UNIT (yyyy-mm-dd) OIC (Rank/Name/Date assigned) SNCOIC (Rank/Name/Date assigned) NCOIC (Rank/Name/Date assigned) MENTOR (Rank/Name/Date assigned) DUTY STATUS (Off duty/On duty) DUTIES (Current Billet) WORK SCHEDULE (Hours prior to incident) ENLISTMENT WAIVERS YES/NO; (If YES- how many & what type of waiver (Medical, Drug, etc.) NJP/COURT MARTIAL HISTORY YES/NO; (If YES- how many, what type of charge and when) DRIVER IMPROVEMENT YES/NO (Provide date) MOTORCYCLE TRAINING NA/YES/NO; (If YES- what level of training) PREVIOUS DUTY STATIONS (Location/unit) RECENT/PENDING DEPLOYMENT OIF/OEF (date) FOUO

5 Force Preservation FOUO
FORCE PRESERVATION HISTORY FROM [INSERT PREVIOUS COMMAND] Detach Date Last FPC Date FPC Classification FPC Handoff YYMMDD High, Medium, Low Yes/No - Method Command Mitigation Plan: What FPC Mentor information was passed? What risk mitigation measures did the FPC implement for the service member? CURRENT FORCE PRESERVATION HISTORY Join Date FPC Dates FPC Classification Mitigation Plans YYMMDD High, Medium, Low Yes/No  Add rows as necessary Command Mitigation Plan: What risk mitigation measures did the FPC implement for the service member? FPC Effectiveness/Issues/Lessons Learned: What risk factors, indicators, or non-standard conditions were known (by peers, small unit leaders, medical professionals) but not provided to the FPC that would have helped inform the commander? Additional Comments: FOUO


7 Medical/Mental History
Bullet summary: Provide as much detail as possible regarding SNM’s history leading up to the incident. Include information on the following: Date & type of appointment (include both military & civilian healthcare providers) Appointment status (attended/canceled/missed, etc.) List of prescribed medications, other treatments & where it was obtained Level of chain of command awareness and involvement FOUO

8 Summary of Events Preliminary Incident Summary: Provide as much detail as possible regarding the actual events leading up to the incident, the incident itself, and the post incident actions by Marine(s)/ EMS/ Police/ etc. Include any other potential contributing factors. (Use as many slides as necessary) Include a description of any involvement of other Marines and how their actions or inactions contributed. This involvement may have had either a positive or negative impact. FOUO

9 Summary of Events If Marine has a criminal history:
Briefs on suicides/attempts should also address the following Any history of suicidal ideations or attempts Any history of receiving mental health treatment Any history of receiving behavioral health services Any factual factors that may have contributed to suicide or attempt Any pending/recent transitions Any pending/recent career setbacks Any pending/recent personal relationship changes/stressors Any history of substance abuse Commander access to DoDSER (DoD Suicide Event Report) If Marine has a criminal history: Additional Marines/Civilians involved Any pending/recent disciplinary actions Any pending charges Any pending court proceedings FOUO

10 Overview of Incident Scene and Surrounding Area (as appropriate)
Direction of Travel Both vehicle and pedestrian Accident Scene Insert any photos that will assist ACMC to better understand the sequence of events. Front Entrance to MCAS New River N FOUO

11 Press Interest Detail any anticipated media interest and/or summarize news coverage that has occurred. Provide links to online sources if applicable. FOUO

12 Family and CACO Issues PCR Submission Notification of Next of Kin
Status of notifications/issues encountered. (may also be in Lessons Learned) Other pertinent data FOUO

13 Initial Lessons Learned / Actions Proposed or Taken*
Detail any lessons learned as a result of this incident Include any recommended changes in policy or SOP that may result. Other actions taken by the Command. Stand-downs Climate Assessment Survey’s (e.g.): Private Motor Vehicle Drinking and driving Motorcycles Off Duty and Recreational Ground Safety Assessment Higher Headquarters Post Event Care (for attempts) Reintegration Plan (for attempts) FOUO *pending results of any ongoing investigations

14 CG’s Preliminary Assessment
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) – This slide contains intra-agency deliberative communications intended to support the decision making process. FOIA (b)(5) applies.

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