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Using program evaluation to assess your strategic plan

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1 Using program evaluation to assess your strategic plan
Karen pettus and Tom thompson

2 Learning outcomes Participants will be able to name different types of program evaluations and determine appropriate use of each type Participants will be able to identify the key metrics they use to evaluate student success in relation to their strategic plan and program goals and the appropriate data collection and analysis to use Participants will be able to describe methods for using evaluation results and make recommendations for program change

3 High cost of a college education

4 Using your strategic plan
Mission statement Consider the CAS Disability Resources & Services Mission – a three part mission Program goals and objectives Tom’s Notes: Every DRS department should have a mission (why you exist) and it is best practice to develop broad departmental goals (think CAS DRS Mission statement) along with annual goals and objectives (projects, processes, programs you are working on annually).

5 Four steps to program evaluation
1. designing your program/departmental evaluation 2. collecting data 3. analyzing and sharing the data 4. improving your processes and procedures Tom’s Notes: Your approach could be an internal, external or combined process. In Illinois, where I worked in a community college, we were required to do a comprehensive review every five years and both Academic and Student Affairs had their own rubrics. What you collect and how you collect it will determine its usefulness for analyzing and assessing your findings. Begin with the end in mind, i.e. you are collecting “x” data for the purpose of doing what? Process and service delivery improvement could/should be the driver.

6 designing your program evaluation
Cal State Univ, Fullerton Univ of South Carolina Came to campus, April 2015 as Interim and Evaluator (One director for 42 years) Began informal assessment of processes, policy/procedures, Data collection & usage Recommended & completed a formal eval, Nov (3 days, 3 evaluators) Completed first Internal Evaluation in 2005 Made long term and short term recommendations Began Systematic data collection 3 years ago +$150,000; just notified $355,000 additional funding Tom’s Notes: Use CSUF as a “Case Study”. I was hired as an Interim and to evaluate the functioning of the department…starting late in a fiscal year. 1. We elevated the implementation of our Clockwork data base Reviewed all written documents related to operations of DSS Planned and executed 65 different outreach/training events Gathered usage data and student feedback on note taking, accessible materials and new student processes.

7 collecting data Cal State univ, fullerton Univ of south Carolina
Greatest areas of need Create written policies & procedures Evaluate note taking, delivery of accessible furniture & new student processes Educate and collaborate with faculty more Concerns Length of time to register with office Increase in students using test proctoring Tom’s Notes: 1. Created a Letter from the President to all faculty re role of DSS Started developed general and specific guildelines for accommodations Conducted two surveys of note taking and informal assessment of accessible furniture Started processes of evaluating delivery of accessible materials: production time, quality issues, time spent on editing and roles of staff Conducted a pilot project with students and faculty for onine exam accommodations.

8 analyzing and sharing the data
Cal State Univ, Fullerton Univ of south carolina Sorted and organized findings Shared data in meetings, short memos, s and in reports with key recommendations Formal External eval – included an exit interview, key recommendations and printed report Created easy to read dashboard Focus on student success and retention Highlighted successes, not just needs Tom’s Notes: I used immediate findings and data to serve as a ‘call for response’, i.e. need to purchase more accessible furniture and improve the storge and delivery process (consulting with Moving Services). Often shared short ‘snippets’ of data in s with my supervisor and AVP. The External Eval has 20 recommendations and will be used to fuel major changes in the future. Used data about problems hosting exam accommodations and overflow into our AT lab to leverage several remodeling projects.

9 improving your processes and procedures
Cal State Univ, Fulerton Univ. of south carolina Accessible furniture – no enough in stock, loss or theft, storage, delivery Lack of policy/procedures – created general guidelines, accommodations appeal process, new ‘UPS’, Prez Letter Revising new student processes apply concepts of Universal Design Furniture–As purchase new furniture, all classes have 1 adjustable table View ourselves as consultants Benchmark other similar sized institutions Tom’s Notes: Overview of some types of changes made, using both formal and informal data. Revising the new student processes is the toughest process to overhaul as it is related to staffing, use of a newer data base, staff attitudes about the process and procedures

10 Application – What to do next?
What do you already know that is not functioning well? What is your ‘capacity’ to undertake these steps and who can assist? Where can your efforts have the biggest ‘bang’ for your time? Once you make changes, evaluate their impact – gather feedback, notice differences and celebrate your victories!

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