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Applied Linguistics: New Issues in the 3rd Millennium and beyond

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1 Applied Linguistics: New Issues in the 3rd Millennium and beyond
Sandra Sembel

2 What is Applied Linguistics?
A means to help problems in society … Focuses on the numerous and complex areas in society in which language plays a role. (Source: Linguistics Society of America:

3 Issues in Applied Linguistics?
Language Acquisition Conversation analysis Language use Language skills Discourse Analysis Language assessment Language education Sociolinguistics

4 NEW MILLENNIUM issues: The multi-faces of applied linguistics

5 Issue 1: World Englishes
British or American English World Englishes Native speakers  World Englishes

6 Issue 2: Interdisciplinary Issues
Language Focus Interdisciplinary concerns

7 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Communication issues Multi-culture issues Linguistic issues Legal issues Policy making issues Education issues Medical issues

8 Issue 3: From Language skills to People Skills

9 Issue 4: Beyond Language
Cultural values, skills, attitudes Language knowledge and competence

10 Issue 5: From Language as subject matter to Language as Learning Tool
Learning English Researching other Subject Matters using English

11 Issue 6: From Single to Multi-Culture
Integrated, Multi-culture Single/Separate Language/Culture So, whose Culture do we teach?

12 Issue 7: Multi-Source Learning
Learning from the Teacher Learning from other sources

13 Bernie Trilling says the 7Cs are as important as the 3Rs for today's students. Click image to enlarge. (from 2006 article Toward Learning Societies)

14 3rd Millennium-Ready Teachers

15 Points to Ponder We teach in DISCONNECTED departments. Learners live in INTERCONNECTED world. We teach INDEPENDENT lessons. Learners live in INTERDEPENDENT world We teach learners about OUR PAST, OUR PRESENT AND OUR FUTURE. Learners live in THEIR PRESENT AND THEIR FUTURE We teach what we KNOW. Learners live to face the UNKNOWN We teach KNOW WHAT learning. Learners live in KNOW WHERE learning We tell learners to respect the ULTIMATE SOURCE OF LEARNING: THE TEACHER. Learners can get access to DIFFERENT SOURCES OF LEARNING

16 So, Remember ... We prepare students for their FUTURE, not our PRESENT. We prepare students to succeed in their life, NOT just at school

17 References International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 23, No. 23, 2013, Researching Multilingually: New Theoretical and Methodological directions, Prue Holmesa, Richard Fayb, Jane Andrewsc and, Mariam Attiaa, a. Durham University, b. University of Manchester and c. University of the West of England /ijal.12038/asset/ijal12038.pdf?v=1&t=ho7utfwo&s=07dd46370ff209fee432e7e83a48b ff2

18 References Third Millennium Ready Teachers, Bernie Trilling says the 7Cs are as important as the 3Rs for today's students. Click image to enlarge. (from 2006 article Toward Learning Societies)

19 Thank you! And God bless you!

20 If you go to Bandung to buy a Mask Don’t forget to also taste the Oncom If you still have anything to ask Visit me at Or me at

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