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Tanzimat Era: Sublime Porte, Reforms, Ottomanism

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzimat Era: Sublime Porte, Reforms, Ottomanism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzimat Era: 1839-1876 Sublime Porte, Reforms, Ottomanism
«a movement in legislation»

2 What are the important documents?
Tanzimat Fermanı (1839) Islahat Fermanı (1856) Kanun-i Esasi (1876)

3 Sultan Abdülmecid

4 Tanzimat Edict (1839) Equality of all subjects before law
Guarantees for life, honour and property Equal, orderly, and just taxation Conscription system

5 What are the motivations behind Tanzimat
Perceived need for reforms Diplomatic, political and economic support of Great powers Preventing Balkan nationalisms Centralization

6 What are the critical features of Tanzimat?
Equality Loyalty to state Ottomanism Reforms for a modern, centralized and buraucratic state Shift of power and rise of a new elite

7 The Sublime Porte Gülhane Hatt-ı Hümayun

8 Islahat Edict (1856) Crimean War (1853-56) Abolishing cizye
Introducing Bedel-i Askeri «artık gavura gavur demek yasak)

9 International Developments
Crimean War A crisis over a church in Bethelem (today’s Israel) Russians in the Balkans Joint forces of the Ottoman, British and French armies Paris Treaty (1856) Florence Nightingale

10 What were some major reforms in Tanzimat period?
Legislative changes New penal code, commercial code, land code, maritime trade code, mecelle Nizamiye courts Education Need for new personnel, prioritizing bureaucracy and army Mekteb-i Mülkiye, Mekteb-i Sultaniye, schools for female subjects Duality?

11 What were some major reforms in Tanzimat period?
Buraucracy and provincial administration Provincial Councils Increase in the number of bureaucrats Muhassils (tax collectors)

12 Young Ottomans Who are they? Ittifak-ı Hamiyet Journalism
What do they criticize? What do they offer? Namık Kemal Life in Exile Return Namık Kemal

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