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Symbol – AUM - means supreme reality

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1 Symbol – AUM - means supreme reality
Hinduism Symbol – AUM - means supreme reality

2 History No one founder – believers believe it has existed forever (or it is eternal) Started about 4000 BCE Believe it began when Aryans came in and conquered the Indian subcontinent Hindu means “Indian”

3 Caste (Social) System Brahmins – scholarly elite associated with the priesthood Kshatriyas – ruling and military class Vaisyas – merchants and farmers Sudras – peasantry Untouchables – menial jobs, slaves, etc

4 Beliefs Difficult to define, very diverse and not one general doctrine guides all of Hinduism One broad element: expresses the profound diversity of humanity’s experience of the Divine There are some common beliefs that have emerged over time

5 Beliefs Vedas - authoritative text, inspired divine teachings
Brahman is both impersonal and personal at the same time, can manifest itself in many different forms or symbols of the divine truth Brahman can be reached through many different paths The physical world is actually temporary and illusory and conceals the divine truth from people

6 Gods Brahma vs. Brahman Brahma – creator god
Vishnu – preserver, force of transcendent love Krishma – object and source of devoted and unfailing love Rama – supreme value of virtue and right living Shiva – various forms of energy

7 Beliefs Doctrine of karma ensures full accountability for every thought, action and word Reincarnation keeps people trapped in a cycle of life and death until they attain true realization A believer can accept many forms of the absolute and many forms in which to reach him

8 4 Stages of life the student the householder the seeker
the ascetic - improve the world through the process of reunification

9 Doctrine Rig Veda 1,028 hymns, developed between BCE

10 Earthly prosperity and success Pleasure Spiritual liberation
Four Goals of Life Righteousness Earthly prosperity and success Pleasure Spiritual liberation

11 Death Strong belief in reincarnation
Must live through cycle of life and death until reach spiritual perfection and join the ultimate Living is an ongoing process in which you try and reach spiritual perfection Spiritual progress avoids rebirth

12 Holy Days There is no set day of worship
People practice religion in their home, in a temple or near water Most Hindus view Hinduism as a way of life, not just a religion, they practice everyday Today Hindus may get together once a week, but day has not religious significance

13 Hindu Celebrations Infant Welcoming ritual – when infant can consume solid food Marriage – are arranged and include five different ceremonies: verbal contact between parents, give-a-way of the bride, welcoming ceremony for the couple, hand-holding ceremony, walking a rite.

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