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Functional Health Literacy in

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1 Functional Health Literacy in
Tower Hamlets: A project funded by Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust (PCT)

2 The Bromley by Bow area in Tower Hamlets has high rate of:
Setting the Scene The Bromley by Bow area in Tower Hamlets has high rate of: chronic ill-health chronic under-achievement in education over-crowded and poor quality housing high unemployment gang warfare and drug dealers debt collectors and the informal economy domestic violence and racism

3 Bromley by Bow Centre – An Introduction
Bromley by Bow Centre – A Healthy Living Centre Independent charity Arts Centre Learning Centre (Skills for Life and Vocational courses) with over 400 learners Social care for vulnerable adults Health programmes – smoking cessation, weight management etc Youth development programmes Welfare, benefits and legal service Employment service Social Enterprise Hub GP Practice 3 sites currently Bow Childcare nursery social enterprise – trading company of Barnardos Poplar Harca A major Social Housing provider Bromley by Bow Centre – An Introduction

4 The Bromley by Bow Centre Up skilling the community
Removing the title ‘deprived’ from the community

5 What is ESOL Health and Humour?
In 2007, the Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust (PCT) commissioned the Bromley by Bow Centre to develop an innovative programme called ESOL Health & Humour.

6 The Aim of the Project The projects aim is to address the PCT’s strategy around early intervention and cancer screening programmes with ESOL learners (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The project aims to use health information in English classes in order to increase a learner’s confidence and knowledge about specific health issues, such as Cancer and to give information about how to access appropriate service provision (Screening Programmes).

7 The Approach The approach of the project has been:
to develop ten health packs consisting of readers, a poster and learning resources on a CD about different health topics specifically for use with Entry Level ESOL learners in English classes A health literacy board game to complement the health packs. A website to act as a resource pool for practitioners worldwide.

8 The Outcomes 105 existing learners will increase their knowledge on health topics. 200 organisations will strengthen their ESOL and/or health information provision through the use of packs. 800 residents will benefit by partially increasing their knowledge and information through learners sharing what they have learnt. 105 learners will be able to use the language and information gained to make health choices they not have been able to do before including accessing screening services, maintaining a healthy weight, drinking sensibly, recognising symptoms and accessing treatment. Up to15,000 learners and tutors will benefit from accessing ongoing health messages and resources through accessing the website. Learners will progress into further learning

9 What are the health packs?
Tutors incorporate the health materials within their existing schemes of work and lesson plans. Two health themes per academic term (12 weeks) Completion of the health packs enables the learner to develop awareness of health issues and allow them to confidently make choices about their own health. Communication skills are improved, leading to further progression.

10 The Health packs published are:
Breast Screening Cervical Screening Giving Up Tobacco Alcohol Awareness Accessing the NHS Maintaining a Healthy Weight Lung Cancer Bowel Cancer Prostate Cancer General Cancer

11 Testing the health packs
Testing the packs involved pre and post course questionnaires, in order to gauge the distance travelled by the learners. The Bromley by Bow Centre’s evidence and evaluation suggests that early intervention through dedicated classes and ad hoc classes using these packs have dramatically increased the knowledge and awareness of different health themes amongst learners. By embedding Health education in ESOL it has enabled learners at the Bromley by Bow Centre to foster the growth of knowledge, attitudes, skills and lifelong behaviours that will enable the learners to take responsibility for healthy living and well being.

12 Impact of Project The impact of this project has been that learners have developed their language skills and awareness around health issues, which enables them to more confidently communicate with health professionals and make informed choices about their health.





17 Ian Basnett, Director of Public Health, Tower Hamlets PCT said: "We know that people who are literate have better health outcomes generally as it gives them more control over their lives. What’s great about this project is that it addresses this issue by building literacy skills using health topics, helping to break down barriers for non-English speakers to access important prevention and healthcare information."

18 Questions and Answers

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