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Checking Possible Solutions

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1 Checking Possible Solutions
Chapter 2.4

2 The Equal Sign! 2x + 6 2x + 6 = 10 Expression Equation
The equal sign turns an EXPRESSION into an EQUATION. 2x + 6 2x + 6 = 10 Expression Equation

3 The Equal Sign is like a …
= = 2 = 2 2 = 2 x = 2 x = 2

4 What if I tell you … x = 3 x + 1= 3 x – 3 = 5; x=8
If I tell you that x is 3, am I right? If I tell you that x is 4, am I right? If I tell you that x is 3, am I right? If I tell you that x is 2, am I right? x + 1= 3 x – 3 = 5; x=8 Here I’m telling you that I think that x is 8. Am I right?

5 Check the given solution
2n = 26; n=12 16 + x = 34; x=18 ? ? 2(12) = 26 = 34 ? ? 24 = 26 34 = 34 No, n=12 is not a solution to the equation. Yes, x=18 is a solution to the equation.

6 Check the solution 1) x+9 = 12; x=-3 2) 21 – z = -4; z = 25
3) 91 = 7c; c = 13 4) y = -8; y = 32 Is NOT a solution IS a solution IS a solution Is NOT a solution 4

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