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Introduction to Software Verification

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1 Introduction to Software Verification
Orna Grumberg Lectures Material winter

2 Lecture 9

3 Symbolic (BDD-based) Model Checking for CTL

4 BDD-based Model Checking
For f = EX f1 return f(V) = V’ [ f1(V’)  R(V,V’) ] This BDD represents all (encoding V of) states that have a successor (with encoding V’) in f1

5 Defined as a new BDD operator: EX f1(V) = V’ [ f1(V’)  R(V,V’) ]
This operation is also called pre-image Important: the formula defines a sequence of BDD operations and therefore is considered as a symbolic algorithm

6 Model Checking f = EF g Given: BDDs R(V,V’) and g(V):
procedure CheckEF (g(V)) Q(V) := emptyset; Q’(V) := g(V) ; while Q(V)  Q’(V) do Q(V) := Q’(V); Q’(V) := Q(V)  EX ( Q(V) ) end while f(V) := Q(V) ; return(f(V)) Least fixpoint CheckEF gets as parameter the set Sg (and implicitly the model M) and returns the set Sf

7 The algorithm applies BDD operations (or ), and EX comparison Q(V)  Q’(V) (easy) Therefore, this is a symbolic algorithm! The algorithm is based on the equivalence: EF g  g  EX EF g

8 Example: f = EF g g f f f done

9 Model Checking f = E[g1 U g2]
Given: BDDs R(V,V’) , g1(V) and g2(V) : procedure CheckEU (g1, g2) Q := emptyset; Q’ := g2 ; while Q  Q’ do Q := Q’; Q’ := Q  (EX(Q)  g1 ) end while f := Q ; return(f) Least fixpoint CheckEF gets as parameter the set Sg (and implicitly the model M) and returns the set Sf

10 Model Checking f = EG g Given: BDDs R(V,V’) , g(V)
procedure CheckEG (g) Q := S ; Q’ := g ; while Q  Q’ do Q := Q’; Q’ := Q  EX (Q) end while f := Q ; return( f ) Greatest fixpoint

11 Example: f = EG g g

12 Bounded (SAT-based) Model Checking

13 State explosion problem - revisited
state of the art symbolic model checking can handle effectively designs with a few hundreds of Boolean variables Other solutions for the state explosion problem are needed!

14 SAT-based model checking
Translates the model and the specification to a propositional formula Uses efficient tools (SAT solvers) for solving the satisfiability problem Since the satisfiability problem is NP-complete, SAT solvers are based on heuristics.

15 SAT tools Using heuristics, SAT tools can solve very large problems fast. They can handle systems with 1000 variables that create formulas with a few millions of variables. GRASP (Silva, Sakallah) Prover (Stalmark) Chaff (Malik) MiniSAT

16 Bounded model checking (BMC) for checking AGp
Given A finite system M A safety property AGp A bound k Determine Does M contain a counterexample to AGp of k transitions (or fewer) ?

17 Bounded Model Checking (BMC) for checking AGp
Unwind the model for k levels, i.e., construct all computations of length k If a state satisfying p is encountered, produce a counterexample; Otherwise, increase k [BCCZ 99]

18 Bounded Model Checking
Terminates with a counterexample or with time- or memory-out The method is suitable for falsification, not verification

19 BMC for checking AGp ( EFp )
Input to BMC: A system over variables V = {v1,…,vn}, where INIT(V) is a propositional formula representing the set of initial states R(V,V’) is a propositional formula representing the transition relation A specification: p(V) is a propositional formula representing the set of states satisfying p

20 BMC for checking =EFp
Build a propositional formula fMk describing all prefixes of length k of paths of M from an initial state Build a propositional formula fk describing all prefixes of length k of paths satisfying  If (fMk  fk ) is satisfiable, return the satisfying assignment as a counterexample Otherwise, increase k and return to 2.

21 If (fMk  fk ) is unsatisfiable: M has no counterexample of length k
If k = 2|V| then we can conclude M |= AGp Too big - not practical The method is suitable for refutation Bug finding

22 BMC for checking =EFp
fMk (V0,…,Vk) = INIT(V0)  R(V0,V1)  …  R(Vk-1,Vk) Uses k+1 copies of V = { v1, …,vn } Vi represents the state after i transitions

23 BMC for checking =EFp
To check if p is violated within k steps: fk (V0,…,Vk) = p(V0)  …  p(Vk) = Vi=0…k p(Vi) To check if p is violated exactly on state k: fk (V0,…,Vk) = p(Vk) Useful when working iteratively on k=0,1,2,…

24 BMC for checking =EFp
The iterative algorithm: . 24 24

25 Example – shift register
Shift register of 3 bits: <x, y, z> Transition relation: R(x,y,z,x’,y’,z’) = x’=y  y’=z  z’=1 |____| error Initial condition: INIT(x,y,z) = x=0  y=0  z=0 Specification: AG ( x=0  y=0  z=0)

26 Propositional formula for k=2
INIT = x=0  y=0  z=0 R = x’=y  y’=z  z’=1 fM,2 = (x0=0  y0=0  z0=0)  (x1=y0  y1=z0  z1=1)  (x2=y1  y2=z1  z2=1) f,2 = Vi=0,..2 (xi=1  yi=1  zi=1) Satisfying assignment: This is a counterexample! p = x=0  y=0  z=0

27 A remark In order to describe a computation of length k by a propositional formula we need k+1 copies of the state variables. With BDDs we use only two copies of current and next states.

28 Bounded model checking
Can handle all of LTL formulas Can be used for verification by choosing k which is large enough Need bound on length of the shortest counterexample. diameter bound. The diameter is the maximum length of the shortest path between any two states. Using such k is often not practical due to the size of the model Computing worst case diameter is exponential. Obtaining better bounds is sometimes possible, but generally intractable.

29 SAT-based verification
Induction Interpolation IC3

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