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Ms. J. Helton’s Math Lesson Plans
Math Common Core Standard:
2.NBT.3. Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded.
I will write numbers in expanded form.
OBJECTIVES: I can tell the difference between standard form and expanded form. I will write numbers in expanded form.
Essential Questions: How do you describe 2 digit number as tens and ones? What are different ways to write a 2-digit number?
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Manners Matter Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Why should we understand place value?
What is the difference between place and value? How does place value help us solve problems? How does the value of a digit change when its position in a number changes? What does “0” represent in a number?
I can…. I can read and write numbers to 1000.
I can show numbers to 1000 using base- ten numerals. I can read and write number names to I can show numbers to 1000 in expanded form. CC.2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
Materials: Smart Board Textbooks PowerPoint Hand-outs
Teacher-made-materials, Anchor Charts Quizzes/tests Exit Slips
Problem of the Day:
Let’s Have a Quick Review:
7 4 9 Ones Tens Hundreds Place Value Review
Ask students to label the value of each number by using there pointer tool. You ask what number is in the ones, tens, hundreds. They show with pointer. You can fill in the blanks when they tell you! Tens Hundreds 13
What is the value? 7 in 476 9 in 981 4 in 14 6 in 6211
Cover up all but one and as they answer, uncover the others. 14
Warm up Complete the following pattern: 10, 15, 20, 25, ___ 12, 24, 36, 48, ____
Do Now: What is the value of the 3 in each number?
I Do/Say: Good morning students! Today we are going t o learn to compose and decompose numbers as you write 2-digit numbers in different forms. One of these forms is expanded form, the sum of the value of the tens digit and the value of the one digit. For example: as
Teacher Says: Remember boys and girls we are going to learn how to read and write numbers in standard form and expanded form Can you tell me what you notice about the first pattern? 29 =
How can we write numbers in different ways?
Standard Notation 453 Word Notation four hundred fifty three Expanded Notation
I Do: Scholars, last week, we totally rocked our goals! You guys are masters at comparing numbers. Remember we will come back to the comparing numbers. Today though, we are going to learn how to read and write numbers in expanded form.
Standard From The common or usual way of writing a number using digits. 24 6 32 55
2 tens + 4 ones 6 ones 5 tens + 5 ones 3 tens + 2 ones Expanded form
A way to write numbers that shows the place value for each digit. 2 tens + 4 ones 6 ones 5 tens + 5 ones 3 tens + 2 ones
Standard From Expanded Form
1 5 15 ___ tens + ___ ones ?
Standard From Expanded Form
2 4 24 ___ tens + ___ ones ?
The Purpose: Students writing number in expanded form will be very helpful and useful when you are adding and subtracting several digit numbers.
Engage: T. will access students’ prior knowledge: I have 5 tens blocks
Teach and Talk: Boys we have a problem !
Myleik used 38 stickers to decorate his book of photos. How can you model with blocks? My number is Turn and talk to your partner to create the blocks to model the number of stickers Myleik used?
Turn, Talk, and Model: Students use the blocks to model the number of stickers Myleik used to decorate a book of photos.
Turn, Talk, and Model: How many tens blocks and how many ones blocks did you use? Explain! How does the place of each digit show the value of the digits in the number 38? How would the value of the number change if you and your partner switched the two digits and wrote 83?
Turn, Talk, and Model: Use the blocks to model your answer.
What would the model for 83 look like?
Teach and Talk: Let’s look at the following number. 77
Teach and Talk: Now I want you to name the number and model it with base-ten blocks. 77
Teach and Talk: T. will discuss how the digits for the tens place and the ones place are the same while the values of the digits are different. 77
How do you describe a 2-digit number as tens and ones?
Guided Practice: We Do:
What digits are used to write the number 23? What are the values of these digits in the number 23? Why do you think that means the same thing as 23?
Model and Draw: Tens Ones
Guided Practice: We Do: Share and Show:
Boys and girls, take out your math book and turn to page 26. Let’s look at problem 1. Why can 37 be described as 3 tens 7 ones and also ?
Guided Practice: We Do: Quick Check:
On your own, do problems 3 and 4.
Guided Practice: We Do: Share and Show:
What number can be described as 7 tens 9 ones?
How do you describe a 2-digit number as tens and ones?
Independent Practice: You Do:
Now you are going to do some problems. Turn to page 27 in your math book. I want you to do problems 5-12 on your own.
Independent Practice: You Do:
Remember to draw a quick picture to show the number and describe the number in two ways.
H. O. T Which of these is another way to describe 85? 50 +8 8 + 5
80 + 5
How does this relate to place value?
Expanded form separates each place value into separate numbers, like this: 47 40 + 7 29 20 + 9 45
Accommodations/ Modifications:
Read Aloud: J. F., S. P., D. M Preferential Seating: J. F., S. P Modified Assignments/Worksheets: A.S, J. F, D. M., S. W, Peer Buddy: Increased Time: J. F, S. P, S.S, A.S,
Homework: See Monday’s Homework on your Homework Assignment form.
Closure: Write in your Math Journal:
Explain how you know the values of the digits in the number 58?
Ms. J. Helton’s Lesson Plans Tuesday, September 17, 2013
WELCOME MATH: REVIEW Ms. J. Helton’s Lesson Plans Tuesday, September 17,
Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control HAVE FUN
Manners Matter Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control HAVE FUN 50
Math Common Core Standard:
2.NBT.3. Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded.
I will write numbers in expanded form.
OBJECTIVES: I can tell the difference between standard form and expanded form. I will write numbers in expanded form.
OBJECTIVES: TSW: write 2-digit numbers in word form, expanded form, and standard form.
What are different ways to write a 2- digit numbers?
Essential Question: What are different ways to write a 2- digit numbers?
Message to Students: Good morning students! It is Math time! Today we are going to learn different ways to write numbers.
Intro (connect to previous lesson) and Hook:
Today’s objective are: I can use base-ten blocks and a place-value chart to read, write, and represent numbers up to I can read and write numbers to 1000 in standard, expanded, and word form.
Problem of the Day:
Problem of the Day: Look at the number that is in the green square.
Read the number aloud students. Write the number two ways.
Key Points Every number is made up of digits. Each digit has a value (how much it is worth), which depends on its place in the number. You can use base-ten blocks and a place-value chart to show a number. You can write numbers
Teach and Talk: Students write the number 53 in their Math Notebook.
T. read the following problem: Shamiah counted 53 books on the shelves. How many tens and ones are in 53? Students write the number 53 in their Math Notebook. T. asks: How can you write this number to show the number of tens and ones?
Teach and Talk: 5 tens 3 ones
How many tens and ones are in tens and one?
Teach and Talk: Boys and girls, look at 78. How many tens and ones are in tens and one?
7 tens 8 ones Boys and girls, look at 78.
Teach and Talk: Boys and girls, look at 78. How many tens and ones are in tens and one? 7 tens 8 ones
Teach and Talk: 78 How do you write this number as the value of the tens digits plus the value of the ones digit?
Teach and Talk: 78 70 + 8
Teach and Talk: 35 Write the number two ways.
Teach and Talk: 35 3 tens 5 ones 30 + 5
Teach and Talk: 50 Write the number two ways.
Teach and Talk: 50 50 tens 0 ones 50+ 0
59 5 tens 9 ones 5o + 9 Model and Draw:
Students, look at the two ways that the number 59 is written. 59 5 tens 9 ones 5o + 9
Draw how 59 would look using the tens and ones block
Model and Draw: 59 5 tens 9 ones 5o + 9 Draw how 59 would look using the tens and ones block
I Do: Now we are going to learn four different ways that 59 is written. Turn to page 30 in your Math Book. Remember a number can be written in different ways. Our objective for today is to write 2-digit numbers in word form, expanded form, and standard form. Also remember to pay attention! Eyes on the SmartBoard.
I Do: The first way 59– fifty- nine A second way is...
59-5 tens 9 ones A third way is… 59– The second way is… 59
Write the following number 4 ways:
You Do: Write the following number 4 ways: 74
You Do: 74
Now students it is time for you to practice.
You Do: Now students it is time for you to practice. You are to do pages 30. Look at the example above and then write the number another way.
Independent Practice:
Turn to page 31. You are to do On Your Own in your Math book.
H.O.T: Fill in the blank to make the sentence true.
Seventy-eight is the same as __________ tens ______ ones 20 +9 is the same as ______________________ 4 tens 9 ones is the same as ________________________ 9 tens _______________ is the same as
Fill in the blank to make the sentence true.
Closure: Fill in the blank to make the sentence true. In your math notebook, write two to three sentences explaining what you learned in Math Class
Ms. J. Helton’s Math Lesson Plans
Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control HAVE FUN
Manners Matter Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control HAVE FUN 81
Math Common Core Standard:
2.NBT.3. Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded.
I will write numbers in expanded form.
OBJECTIVES: I can tell the difference between standard form and expanded form. I will write numbers in expanded form.
Essential Questions: How do you describe 2 digit number as tens and ones? What are different ways to write a 2-digit number?
Message to Students: Good morning students! Today is Wonderful Wednesday. It is Math time! Today we are going to learn different ways to write numbers.
Do Now: Fill in the blanks with the correct number.
2.NBT.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct number. 739 = ______ hundreds ______ tens ______ ones 480 = ______ hundreds ______ tens ______ ones Write the number that has 4 hundreds, 0 tens, 2 ones = ____________________ Write the number that has 0 hundreds, 6 tens, 7 ones = ____________________
Problem of the Day: Sean had some stickers. His brother gave him 5 more stickers. Now Sean has 18 stickers. How many stickers did Sean have to start with?
Math Warm-Up: Write the number in two different ways.
ninety four ________________________________________ ________________
Let’s sort some numbers into odd and even boxes.
65 79 31 24 48 92 53 230 86 127 Odd Numbers Even numbers Firstly I reminded the children of odd and even numbers by asking them to hold up the appropriate coloured card, purple for odd, red for even. This colour ‘coding’ was enforced throughout the exercise. Then the children took turns to click on the screen to see the animation and see if they were right in their choice of odd or even. Although this looks simple two of the five children had still not grasped the concept of odd and even numbers. All of the children enjoyed the animation and the participation element of this slide. However I did have to revert to standing three children up and asking them to go into two equal groups to illustrate ‘odd one out’ to two of the children. This resource could be used with individual children, small groups or whole class as a starter to a lesson. The numbers could easily be increased for higher ability groups or reduced for lower year groups. By A. Gore 89
(“I” or “I/We”): Explain that every number is made up of digits. Each digit has a value (how much it is worth), which depends on its place in the number.. Show a large place-value chart on the board. Point to a place, and have scholars hold up the corresponding blocks for that place (hundreds, tens, or ones). Then fill in the chart with the number Now have scholars hold up the required number of base-ten blocks in each position of the place-value chart.
(“I” or “I/We”): Have scholars say what the digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones, places represent and lead them to see that 258 is made up of 2 hundreds, 5 tens, and 8 ones. Write 258 on the board. Point out to scholars that this is the standard form of the number, the most commonly used form in writing. Ask: How would you read this number? Write it on the board (two hundred fifty-eight) and explain that this is the word form. Say that it is
Vocabulary Strategies:
Post on word wall Write standard form, word form, and expanded form on index cards. Have scholars place cards on examples of each of the different ways to show numbers. Scholars should say the phrase as they place each card.
Standard From Expanded Form
7 8 78 ___ tens + ___ ones ?
Standard From Expanded Form
3 3 ___ tens + ___ ones ?
Standard From Expanded Form
2 9 29 ___ tens + ___ ones ?
I Do: Complete pages 12-13 from Student Book A with scholars.
Scholars will have their own copy of the pages, and they will be projected on the flipchart. These pages require scholars to fill in missing numbers to show what the base-ten blocks stand for, and differentiated between standard, word, and expanded form
Have them circle the correct answer
Guided Practice: Now it is our time to work together!
Let’s look at the following problem:
Guided Practice: Now it is our time to work together! Let’s look at the following problem: Tell me about the number Remember we have to write this number different ways. How can we do that?
Guided Practice:
Guided Practice: T has three hundred seventy-five single stickers. Write the number of stickers in standard form.
Circle or use pointer tool
Independent Practice:
Number Form Word Form Expanded Form 246 138 642 869 193 435 257
Tier 3: Make true equations. Write a number in every space.
2 hundreds + 3 tens = _____ _____ = 5 tens + 1 hundred 6 ones + 4 hundreds = _____ 9 hundreds = _____
Tier 2: Write 729 in expanded form.
_______ + _______ + _______ = _______ Write in standard form. How do you write this number using numerals? four hundred sixty-two ________________________ Write this number in word form: (four hundred seventy-two)
Tier 1: What is the expanded form of 608? ___________
Circle Answer 111
Circle answer 113
Circle or use pointer tool
Closure (re-state the OBJECTIVE):
Turn and talk: What did we learn today? DK restates objective: Today we learned how to use base-ten blocks and place value charts to represent numbers. Being able to represent numbers with base-ten blocks will help us answer our essential questions: What makes a number? What are the relationships that a number can have? Pull popsicle sticks: What did we learn? Why?
BO Room and Main Room. (Separate into classes so each student will get a turn) (If you use google crome, you may have to click “run this time” at the top of the site when you load it. 116
Show me what you learned….
One thousand Seven hundred twenty- one Five hundred seventy-six Draw a line to the correct answer Three hundred ninety-eight 117
Tell me what form this is?
Eight hundred five 4, 321 40 + 5 five Cover up the other four and then move it down as they answer Use polling tools 118
Closure Expanded Form Write the number in expanded form. Ex. 473 = 123 = ________ + __________ + __________ 509 = ________ + __________ + __________ 984 = ________ + __________ + __________ 472 = ________ + __________ + __________
Quiz: Expanded Form Write the number in expanded form. Ex. 473 = 123 = ________ + __________ + __________ 509 = ________ + __________ + __________ 984 = ________ + __________ + __________ 472 = ________ + __________ + __________ 640 = ________ + __________ + __________
OLS/Study Island Connections
OLS Connection: 9.2, 9.3, & 9.6 Common Core: 3.C & 3.D
Thank you for your hard work!
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January 22, 2013 Mrs. Gregory Mrs. Trentham
WELCOME MATH: EXTENSION January 22, 2013 Mrs. Gregory Mrs. Trentham
Manners Matter Show Respect Show Responsibility Show Self-Control
I can…. I can read and write numbers to 1000.
I can show numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals. I can read and write number names to 1000. I can show numbers to 1000 in expanded form. CC.2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
How can we write numbers in different ways?
Standard Notation 453 Word Notation four hundred fifty three Expanded Notation
Quick Review Draw a line to the correct forms 128
What ‘s Missing??
What’s Missing?
Your lead! Your turn! Move into breakout rooms. Depending on the kiddos will depend on the number. Partner them up and have one student choose a number larger than 1000 and write it in standard form; other student needs to write that number in word form and expanded form, then switch roles. Have then do this 2 times each. 132
Let’s Practice
More Practice
Expanded Form
Word Form
Game Time You can push the game out or play it! 137
OLS/Study Island Connections
OLS Connection: 9.2, 9.3, & 9.6 Common Core: 3.C & 3.D
Thank you for your hard work!
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