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Everything 2.0: The impact of social media on business and society

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1 Everything 2.0: The impact of social media on business and society
Gerald C (Jerry) Kane Assistant Professor of Information Systems Carroll School of Management Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA

2 The move to Web 2.0 (O’Reilly)
Content Management Publishing Websites MP3 Directories Ofoto/ Snapfish Chatrooms Britannica Online IM Web 2.0 Collaboration (Wiki) Participation Blogs Facebook Podcast Folksonomies Flickr/ YouTube Second Life Wikipedia Twitter Web 1.0 Web 2.0 DoubleClick Google AdSense Ofoto Flickr Akamai BitTorrent Napster Britannica Online Wikipedia personal websites Blogging evite and EVDB domain name speculation search engine optimization page views cost per click screen scraping web services publishing participation content management systems Wikis directories (taxonomy) tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness syndication

3 Source: Charlene Li’s SXSW 2009 Presentation

4 10 things I’ve learned about social media…
© 2009 Gerald C. Kane

5 1) Social media is social….
A lot of what we know about “real world” networks/groups applies to online communities. History of social network analysis dates back 75 years. Moreno’s Runaways (1932) “Six Degrees of Separation.” (1967) Kevin Bacon Game. Applies to online networks, too. © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

6 Figure 1: Two-mode network of articles and editors
The Social Structure of Wikipedia Squares = editors Circles = articles Red = Featured Articles Orange = A-quality Articles Yellow = Good Articles Light Blue = B-quality Articles Dark Blue = Start-quality articles Figure 1: Two-mode network of articles and editors Squares = editors Circles = articles Red = Featured Articles Orange = A-quality Articles Yellow = Good Articles Light Blue = B-quality Articles Dark Blue = Start-quality articles

7 2) Social media is not magic
Good social media environments don’t just “happen.” “Wikipedia works in practice, not in theory.” It’s a competency that can be learned and taught. It’s not mainly about the tools, but the collaborative processes that they enable. Example: Others attempting to replicate wikis in classroom. © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

8 3) New Media Literacy (Jenkins 2008).
There are skills that we can learn that enable us to be better creators and consumers of social media information. “Wikipedia works in practice, not in theory.” Understand particularities of social media information so can make better use of it. Errors of omission, not commission. “The crowd creates mostly crap.” (Howe) Quality does not equal relevance. Most contributions quick and easy. Example: NML Assignments © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

9 4) Social Media is a double-edged sword?
It enables information to move more quickly. Good information: DC Earthquake Bad information: Anthony Weiner’s pictures. It “enhances” relationships Good: Connect with long-lost/ distant friends. Bad: Can’t escape bullies Customer Relationships Gain new information and feedback Can’t shut them up if discontented. “Unintended Consequences” © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

10 5) Even if you build it, they may not come…
Despite the hype, people don’t want to work for “free.” “Web 2.0…where you do all the work and they keep all the money.” Incentives, even non monetary ones, are key. Example: Grading Policies, WP Barnstars, Threadless Sticks: mandate participation Minimum Requirements Increases quantity of activity Carrots: reward desired behavior Offer rewards/ recognition for best work Increases quality of activity © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

11 6) Social media is changing…
The tools change SocialText “Wiki” Second Life? Google = 12. Facebook = 6. Twitter = 3. The collaboration changes over time. Lifecycle of a Wikipedia article Brainstorming, Shaping, Defense The tools often change without your involvement, presenting new IS management challenges Facebook Newsfeed/Beacon/Etc.. SocialText upgrade during exams Real Options management style Portfolio of small “experiments” best Keep what works, move on when doesn’t © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

12 7) Is Social Media a Fad? Of course. (Gartner Hype Cycle)
© 2009 Gerald C. Kane

13 8) Like it or not, it’s happening.
What’s different: People can adopt IT and organize without permission/ awareness by organizations or managers. Ignore it at your own risk like KP, Comcast, Domino’s, Amazon, Ingersoll-Rand... Recommend Social Media Team Use tools to monitor trends In house: RSS, Google Alerts, Facebook Lexicon Professional firms (Reputation Monitoring, Communispace?) Deputize individuals Lots happens outside the reach of ‘bots. Social Media policies

14 9) Halfway might not work.
Difficult to leverage the crowd for some things but not for others. Example: Crowdsourcing Exams “We’ll have to rethink some things.” Like Managerial Control, Heirarchy, Expertise, Privacy. “Enterprise 2.0” © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

15 10) Face-to-face is social media, too.
Social media does not replace F2F interactions, it augments them. Example: Class Introduction Sends message: Social media is important, transparent, and part of classroom/ workplace) Recognize desired activity Constructively handle undesired What’s Next? Electronically enhanced F2F relationships © 2009 Gerald C. Kane

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