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Psychology Ch. 2 The Biological Basis of Behavior Evolution

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1 Psychology Ch. 2 The Biological Basis of Behavior Evolution

2 Evolution Charles Darwin ( ) On the Origin of Species (1859) The idea that human beings, like all other forms of life, were the products of evolution (not divine creation) and that we were closely related to primates. *considered heresy when published.

3 Natural Selection:  The mechanism proposed by Darwin in his theory of evolution, which states that organisms best adapted to their environment tend to survive, transmitting their genetic characteristics to succeeding generations, whereas organisms with less adaptive characteristics tend to vanish from the earth. Darwin’s major achievement was to accumulate evidence and propose a simple but elegant explanation of how evolution occurs. Darwin’s principles also unify theories in biology, geology, and anthropology. Some psychologists also apply the principles of evolution and natural selection to human emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

4 Penguins vs. Flamingos Survival of the Fittest?


6 Evolutionary Psychology:
Evolutionary psychologists use the principles of heredity to help psychologists understand some of the commonalities in human behavior. Such as? Evolutionary Ψ studies the origin of behaviors and mental processes, emphasizing the adaptive or survival value of such traits. 

7 Our brains are “prewired”:
As mans hands and up right posture appear to be products of natural selection, so does our BRAIN! -We have the capability to learn, to analyze problems, and to communicate in distinctively human ways.

8 Evolutionary Psychology has proved useful in explaining:
1. Cross-cultural commonalities in human behavior  Example: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

9 2. Explaining Language Development
-all human language is structurally the same (nouns, verbs, etc.). Children acquire language at about the same time in predictable stages. Our brains have a built-in “program” for language comprehension.

10 Evolutionary Psychology is not without its critics:
Pg. 89 in text. “What is” should not be confused with “What should be.”- behavior should not be viewed as justifiable or even adaptive simply because at one time it might have served an important function.

11 Social Implications Science is not simply a process that takes place in a laboratory; its influence on all of our lives is enormous. As example- intelligence testing: -Heredity is a major factor in intelligence. IQ tests are a good predictor of grades in school and academic success. Controversy- Do IQ tests measure innate intelligence or cultural knowledge?

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