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MECHANICAL FAILURE Need to understand mechanisms of various fracture modes Fracture, fatigue & creep Will study Simple fracture (brittle & ductile) Fundamentals.

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Presentation on theme: "MECHANICAL FAILURE Need to understand mechanisms of various fracture modes Fracture, fatigue & creep Will study Simple fracture (brittle & ductile) Fundamentals."— Presentation transcript:

1 MECHANICAL FAILURE Need to understand mechanisms of various fracture modes Fracture, fatigue & creep Will study Simple fracture (brittle & ductile) Fundamentals of fracture mechanics Impact fracture testing Ductile to brittle transitions Fatigue & creep Ship-cyclic loading from waves. Computer chip-cyclic thermal loading. Hip implant-cyclic loading from walking. R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.1(a), p. 262, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996. Adapted from Fig W(b), Callister 6e. (Fig W(b) is courtesy of National Semiconductor Corporation.) Adapted from Fig. 17.19(b), Callister 6e.

2 FRACTURE Separation of a body into two or more pieces
in response to an imposed stress that is static (i.e., constant or slowly varying in time) At temperatures << melting temperature Applied stress may be tensile, shear, compressive or torsional (we will focus on uniaxial tension) Two types of fracture Ductile fracture: in materials that display substantial plastic deformation with high energy absorption before fracture Brittle fracture: little or no plastic deformation & low energy absorption prior to fracture Note: ductility & brittleness are relative Ductility measured in terms of % elongation or % reduction in area, and is a strong function of temperature, strain rate & stress state

3 FRACTURE (contd) Occurs in two steps Ductile fracture Brittle fracture
Crack formation Crack propagation Ductile fracture Extensive plastic deformation in vicinity of advancing crack Occurs relatively slowly Crack is said to be “stable”, i.e., resists any further extension in crack unless there is an increase in applied stress There will be evidence of appreciable plastic deformation Brittle fracture Cracks spread extremely rapidly, with very little plastic deformation (“unstable”) Crack propagation will proceed spontaneously without any increase in applied stress Ductile fracture preferred over brittle fracture because: Brittle fracture occurs spontaneously without warning, but ductile fracture provides warning (through perceptible deformation) More strain energy required to induce ductile failure Most metals are ductile, ceramics brittle, polymers can be ductile/brittle


5 DUCTILE FRACTURE Also called cup-and-cone fracture
Generally, moderate amount of necking Fracture occurs in several stages After necking, small cavities or microvoids form in the interior Microvoids enlarge, come together & coalesce to form an elliptical with long axis perpendicular to stress direction Shear deformation at a 45 degree angle at the outer perimeter of neck Central region of fractured surface has irregular & fibrous appearance (due to plastic deformation) Spherical dimples in the center, C-shaped elongated dimples in outer perimeter

6 DUCTILE FAILURE • Evolution to failure: • Resulting fracture surfaces
50 mm • Resulting fracture surfaces (steel) 50 mm 100 mm particles serve as void nucleation sites. From V.J. Colangelo and F.A. Heiser, Analysis of Metallurgical Failures (2nd ed.), Fig , p. 294, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., (Orig. source: P. Thornton, J. Mater. Sci., Vol. 6, 1971, pp ) Fracture surface of tire cord wire loaded in tension. Courtesy of F. Roehrig, CC Technologies, Dublin, OH. Used with permission.

7 BRITTLE FRACTURE No appreciable plastic deformation, rapid crack propagation Direction of crack propagation perpendicular to applied stress  yields a flat fracture surface Corresponds to repeated and successive breakage of atomic bonds along specific crystallographic planes Transgranular: crack passes through (or across) grains; macroscopically, fracture surface will have grainy or facetted texture Intergranular: crack propagates along grain boundaries; can see the 3-D nature of grains; occurs when grain boundary region has been weakened or embrittled

• Intergranular (between grains) • Transgranular (within grains) 304 S. Steel (metal) Reprinted w/permission from "Metals Handbook", 9th ed, Fig. 633, p Copyright 1985, ASM International, Materials Park, OH. (Micrograph by J.R. Keiser and A.R. Olsen, Oak Ridge National Lab.) 316 S. Steel (metal) Reprinted w/ permission from "Metals Handbook", 9th ed, Fig. 650, p Copyright 1985, ASM International, Materials Park, OH. (Micrograph by D.R. Diercks, Argonne National Lab.) 160mm 4 mm Polypropylene (polymer) Reprinted w/ permission from R.W. Hertzberg, "Defor-mation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.35(d), p. 303, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996. Al Oxide (ceramic) Reprinted w/ permission from "Failure Analysis of Brittle Materials", p. 78. Copyright 1990, The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. (Micrograph by R.M. Gruver and H. Kirchner.) 3mm 1 mm (Orig. source: K. Friedrick, Fracture 1977, Vol. 3, ICF4, Waterloo, CA, 1977, p )

• Stress-strain behavior (Room T): TS << TS engineering materials perfect DaVinci (500 yrs ago!) observed... the longer the wire, the smaller the load to fail it Reasons: flaws cause premature failure Larger samples are more flawed!

10 FRACTURE MECHANICS Measured fracture strengths for most materials are significantly lower than those predicted by theory based on atomic bonding energies (except in very small & defect free metallic and ceramic “whiskers”) Discrepancy explained by the presence of very small, microscopic flaws at the material surface and interior Applied stress amplified at crack tips, the magnitude of amplification depending on crack orientation and geometry Fracture mechanics: a major field by itself, involves a quantification of the relationships between material properties, stress level, flaws, and crack propagation mechanisms

For an elliptical crack, can approximate stress in the neighborhood of crack In ductile materials, yielding (or plastic deformation) will occur when sm > sy In brittle materials, when sm > sc (critical stress), crack propagation will occur Not so bad Bad! Avoid sharp corners Young’s modulus Surface energy

12 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS Fracture toughness: Kc = Ysc(pa)0.5 = Y(2Egs)0.5
Kc is a material property Y ~ 1, depends on geometry Adapted from Fig. 8.8, Callister 6e.

13 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS increasing Based on data in Table B5, Callister 6e.
Composite reinforcement geometry is: f = fibers; sf = short fibers; w = whiskers; p = particles. Addition data as noted (vol. fraction of reinforcement): 1. (55vol%) ASM Handbook, Vol. 21, ASM Int., Materials Park, OH (2001) p. 606. 2. (55 vol%) Courtesy J. Cornie, MMC, Inc., Waltham, MA. 3. (30 vol%) P.F. Becher et al., Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 7, Plenum Press (1986). pp 4. Courtesy CoorsTek, Golden, CO. 5. (30 vol%) S.T. Buljan et al., "Development of Ceramic Matrix Composites for Application in Technology for Advanced Engines Program", ORNL/Sub/ /2, ORNL, 1992. 6. (20vol%) F.D. Gace et al., Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., Vol. 7 (1986) pp

• Crack growth condition: K ≥ Kc • Largest, most stressed cracks grow first! --Result 1: Max flaw size dictates design stress. --Result 2: Design stress dictates max. flaw size.

Design pressurized spherical tank of radius r and thickness t, so that yielding occurs before failure Fracture toughness: Kc = Ysc(pa)0.5 Need to find material in which large crack length can be tolerated So, maximize (Kc/sy)2

“Leak-before-break” criterion: Design pressurized spherical tank of radius r and thickness t, so that crack growth through thickness of tank occurs before rapid crack propagation Circumferential wall stress: s = pr/(2t) Fracture toughness: Kc = Ysc(pa)0.5 Leak-before-break criterion is met when one-half the internal crack length is equal to the thickness of the pressure vessel, i.e., a = t Here, we need to find a material such that (Kc2/sy) is maximized Both requirements lead to medium carbon steel as the strong candidate, which is why pressure tanks are generally made of medium carbon steel

17 LOADING RATE • Increased loading rate... • An increased rate
--increases sy and TS --decreases %EL … Why? • An increased rate gives less time for disl. to move past obstacles. • Impact loading: --severe testing case --more brittle --smaller toughness • Impact toughness = mgDh Adapted from Fig. 8.11(a) and (b), Callister 6e. (Fig. 8.11(b) is adapted from H.W. Hayden, W.G. Moffatt, and J. Wulff, The Structure and Properties of Materials, Vol. III, Mechanical Behavior, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1965) p. 13.)

• Increasing temperature... --increases %EL and Kc • Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT)... Adapted from C. Barrett, W. Nix, and A.Tetelman, The Principles of Engineering Materials, Fig. 6-21, p. 220, Prentice-Hall, 1973. Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Note: low impact energy signifies brittle fracure • Why do FCC metals behave differently? • lots of close packed slip planes & directions, allow easy movement of dislocations

• Pre-WWII: The Titanic • WWII: Liberty ships Reprinted w/ permission from R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.1(a), p. 262, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., (Orig. source: Dr. Robert D. Ballard, The Discovery of the Titanic.) Reprinted w/ permission from R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.1(b), p. 262, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., (Orig. source: Earl R. Parker, "Behavior of Engineering Structures", Nat. Acad. Sci., Nat. Res. Council, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY, 1957.) • Problem: Used a type of steel with a DBTT ~ Room temp.

Higher the carbon content in steel DBTT increases Level of brittleness (strength) increases

21 FATIGUE Failure in structures due to dynamic & fluctuating stresses  Bridges, aircrafts, machine components Failure occurs at stress levels considerably less than Y and TS 90 % of all failures in metals due to fatigue Brittle like, sudden & catastrophic, even in ductile materials Mean Stress Range of Stress Stress Amplitude Stress Ratio

22 FATIGUE --variation can be irregular
• Fatigue = failure under cyclic stress. Adapted from Fig. 8.16, Callister 6e. (Fig is from Materials Science in Engineering, 4/E by Carl. A. Keyser, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.) • Stress varies with time. --key parameters are S and sm --variation can be irregular • Key points: Fatigue... --can cause part failure, even though smax < sc. Why? --causes ~ 90% of mechanical engineering failures.

• Fatigue limit, Sfat: --no fatigue if S < Sfat Adapted from Fig. 8.17(a), Callister 6e. • Sometimes, the fatigue limit is zero! Adapted from Fig. 8.17(b), Callister 6e.

24 FATIGUE Fatigue happens through: Crack Initiation Ni
Crack Propagation Np Rapid Failure if a  aC Nr Low Stress Level  HCF Ni > Np High Stress Level  LCF Np > Ni Crack Initiation usually at surfaces at points of stress concentration  surface scratches, sharp fillets, keyways, dents Crack Propagation: Stage I  Along crystallographic planes of high shear stress (~2 grains) Stage II  Rate , propagation  app. Stage III  Sudden failure

25 FATIGUE Benchmarks (Interruptions) Striations

26 FATIGUE MECHANISM • Crack grows incrementally • Failed rotating shaft
typ. 1 to 6 increase in crack length per loading cycle crack origin Adapted from Fig. 8.19, Callister 6e. (Fig is from D.J. Wulpi, Understanding How Components Fail, American Society for Metals, Materials Park, OH, 1985.) • Failed rotating shaft --crack grew even though Kmax < Kc --crack grows faster if • Ds increases • crack gets longer • loading freq. increases. --Fractured surface reminiscent of tree-rings: each advancement in crack length contributes to a striation

27 Crack Propagation Rate
Crack growth stops if  < 0  if min < 0, Kmin= min = 0, K = Kmax


1. Impose a compressive surface stress (to suppress surface cracks from growing) Adapted from Fig. 8.22, Callister 6e. --Method 1: shot peening --Method 2: carburizing 2. Remove stress concentrators. Adapted from Fig. 8.23, Callister 6e.

30 CREEP • Occurs at elevated temperature, T > 0.4 Tmelt
• Deformation changes with time. Adapted from Figs and 8.27, Callister 6e. • Primary: creep strain increase slows down (strain hardening) • Secondary: linear, steady-state creep (strain hardening balanced by recovery) • Tertiary: grain boundary separation, formation of voids, etc.

31 SECONDARY CREEP • Most of component life spent here.
• Strain rate is constant at a given T, s --strain hardening is balanced by recovery stress exponent (material parameter) strain rate activation energy for creep (material parameter) applied stress material const. . Adapted from Fig. 8.29, Callister 6e. (Fig is from Metals Handbook: Properties and Selection: Stainless Steels, Tool Materials, and Special Purpose Metals, Vol. 3, 9th ed., D. Benjamin (Senior Ed.), American Society for Metals, 1980, p. 131.) • Strain rate increases for larger T, s

32 RUPTURE LIFETIME Not all samples stressed at the same level will fail at the same time Reliability physics (based on probability & statistics) Extrapolation of test data to realistic operation conditions a major challenge

33 SUMMARY • Engineering materials don't reach theoretical strength.
• Flaws produce stress concentrations that cause premature failure. • Sharp corners produce large stress concentrations and premature failure. • Failure type depends on T and stress: -for noncyclic s and T < 0.4Tm, failure stress decreases with: increased maximum flaw size, decreased T, increased rate of loading. -for cyclic s: cycles to fail decreases as Ds increases. -for higher T (T > 0.4Tm): time to fail decreases as s or T increases.

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