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IEEE Conformity Assessment Program Overview

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1 IEEE Conformity Assessment Program Overview
Ravi Subramaniam, Technical Director, ICAP

2 Understanding Conformity Assessment

3 Understanding Conformity Assessment
What is Conformity Assessment? Conformity Assessment is defined as the process or processes that are used to demonstrate that a product or service meets specified requirements (set forth in Standards, Test Plans, etc.) Conformity Assessment Provides assurance and confidence a product or service meets requirements Empowers the user to make better purchasing decisions Benefits the supplier as products may gain market acceptance Conformity Assessment Activities Include: Conformance, Interoperability, Inspection, Accreditation “Catch-all” term to address range of test-related activities Need Demand Driver for successful implementation

4 Types of Conformity Assessment
1st Party / Suppliers Declaration of Conformity (SDOC) Self Declaration ; Companies conduct their own testing 2nd Party Conformity Assessment Conformity assessment conducted by the end purchaser of products (e.g., Service Providers) to ensure purchased products are deemed compliant 3rd Party Conformity Assessment Conformity assessment being determined by an independent body. Related International Standards Certification Bodies - ISO/IEC Guide 65 Test Labs – ISO/IEC 17025

5 Conformity Assessment Process
End Users – Gain independent assurance that products meet their requirements Certification Body – Manages entry to exit process; Issues conformity assessment certificate Testing Laboratory – Performs tests on products & issue test reports; accredited by national or certification authority Standards Development Organization – Produces base standard and (possibly) test standard

6 ICAP Introduction

7 ICAP Relationship with IEEE/IEEE-SA/IEEE-ISTO
IEEE Industry Standards & Technology Organization (ISTO) XYZ Society XYZ Society IEEE Standards Association Affiliation IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) Working Groups IEEE 1588 C37.118 P1904.1 Future Program Test Lab 1 Test Lab 2 Test Lab 3 Future Standards Standards Standards Test Lab 1 Test Lab 2 Test Lab 3 Future ICAP: Provides programs and industry support and an operational structure that help bridge those standards development activities with the conformity assessment activities that accelerate market acceptance and enablement of new products and technologies in support of IEEE Standards. ICAP may also support programs in support of non-IEEE Standards, though early focus is on IEEE Standards. ICAP is governed/supported by an agreement between IEEE-SA and IEEE-ISTO

8 ICAP Completes the IEEE-SA Business/Standards Lifecycle
ICAP is a Program of IEEE-ISTO Supported by IEEE-SA

9 Certification Program Development Timeline
Standard – > Test Specs - > Program Launch 9 months – 2 Years 6 months – 1 Year 6 months+ Standard Develops Standard Approved Test Specifications Developed Product Availability and Readiness Conformity Assessment Program Launch

10 Working Group Engagement Model – Example
Working Group Certification Process IEEE Std. completed Test Specification submitted to ICAP ICAP distributes test spec to selected labs Vendor submits equipment to one of the selected labs for testing Lab submits test report to ICAP ICAP issues a certificate, grants logo usage rights, and adds device to a registry

11 Active Programs Under Development

12 SIEPON – IEEE P1904.1 Supported by Professional Services
What is IEEE P (SIEPON) Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON)addresses the need for global passive optical network devices to interoperate – plug & play interoperability Target market – passive optical networks, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) WG developing Conformance Test Procedures in parallel with completion of Standard Market-leading, fiber-access technology, with worldwide deployments supporting more than 60 million subscribers today, and an anticipated subscriber base of more than 100 million by the end of 2013. Business and residential services, including IPTV, VoIP, commercial-grade data services, and cellular backhaul.

13 SIEPON – IEEE P1904.1 Mission Model Drivers
The IEEE SIEPON Working Group currently focuses on developing the standard as well as the test The goal is to provide Industry a developed and recognized test that provides SIEPON certification globally Market demand will dictate the next set of geographical test labs to conduct tests Model Build test around the SIEPON standard Driven by Industry through the IEEE working group Marketing Committee – provides marketing outreach, communication and market awareness Industry recognized – Technical Experts provide integrity to test spec development, documents and overall certification Develop test requirement documents, test case templates, test setup documents Formal review processes to ensure highest integrity of test suite ICAP Manages testing and certification, functioning both as the certification authority and process auditor to maintain test lab integrity Drivers

14 IEEE 1588 Synchronization What is IEEE (PTPv2) Synchronization? Transmit server clock information over the packet switched network (PSN) Recover an accurate clock at the client nodes Network Time Protocol (NTP) – Industrial, manufacturing Precision Time Protocol – Telecommunications (Mobile Backhaul) The need for Synchronization Migration from circuit switched networks (inherent synchronization) to packet switched network PSN offers flexibility, increased capacity at reduced cost Benefits of Synchronization over the PSN Replaces the need for GPS receivers at client nodes Replaces the need for synchronization cables between nodes Replaces the need for high stability oscillators i.e. Rubidium Eliminates the need for costly routing calibration of high stability oscillators

15 IEEE 1588 Telecommunications Certification Program
Mission The IEEE 1588 Telecom Program currently focuses on providing the telecommunication & power industries with a timing & sync product certification mark The goal is to provide Industry a forum to develop IEEE 1588 certification tests and testing-related profiles Market demand will dictate the next vertical in the IEEE 1588 space that ICAP will support Model Build Program around Standard’s applications Driven by Industry as well as several IEEE working group members Industry recognized - Committee of Experts provides additional level of integrity to test specs, documents and overall certification Develop test requirement documents, test case templates, test setup documents Formal review processes to ensure highest integrity of test suite End goal: Certification, Marking & Marketing of conforming products Members Founding Members Committee of Experts

16 Synchrophasor – IEEE C37.118 What is IEEE C37.118 (Synchrophasor)?
Key components include GPS Satellite synchronized clock, phasor measurement units (PMUs) & phasor data concentrator (PDC) Synchronized phasor measurements (magnitude, angle) Used for metering, possibly protection function Inside substation and for wide geographic area The need for Synchrophasors Real-time wide-area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPAC) Early fault detection, state estimation and warning system Dynamic visibility of system state (situational awareness) Benefits of Synchrophasors Provide ability to monitor electric power waveforms for discrepancies Ability to merge data from distributed PMUs in the grid Measure the health of the system over the whole country Requires accurate and reliable time synchronization => IEEE 1588

17 Synchrophasor IEEE C37.118 Mission Model Participants
The SCASC currently focuses on developing the standard as well as the test The goal is to provide Industry a developed and recognized test that provides Synchrophasor certification globally Market demand will dictate the next set of geographical test labs to conduct tests Model Build test around the Synchrophasor standard Driven by Industry through the IEEE working group Marketing Committee – provides marketing outreach, communication and market awareness Industry recognized – Technical Experts provide integrity to test spec development, documents and overall certification Develop test requirement documents, test case templates, test setup documents Formal review processes to ensure highest integrity of test suite ICAP Manages testing and certification, functioning both as the certification authority and process auditor to maintain test lab integrity Participants

18 Conformity Certification Deliverables
Four deliverables awarded to successful IEEE XXXX equipment vendors Designed to promote certification in product sheets, presentations, websites, press releases, product launches Allows vendors to respond to Service Providers/Utilities RFPs with certified compliant products Provides network operators /Utilities with a high level of confidence when selecting certified products Certificate   Official statement of certification, serves as proof of compliance 1588 Certification Certified Logo Instant recognition of certified companies and products Test Report Full description of test parameters, procedures and results Certification Registry On-line listing of certified companies and products

19 IEEE Certification Mark

20 Certification Mark Defined
A certification mark is any word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof owned by one party who certifies the goods and services of others when they meet certain standards. The owner of the mark exercises control over the use of the mark; however, because the sole purpose of a certification mark is to indicate that certain standards have been met, use of the mark is by others.

21 The IEEE Certification Mark – SIEPON (draft examples)

22 Thank You

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