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Presentation on theme: "SERVICE MANAGER WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:

Sales Manager to introduce the workshop

2 Why are we here today? To gain more knowledge on how to conduct a needs analysis, tour and sell a membership the Virgin Active Way To identify areas where you can improve so that you give excellent customer service, build great rapport, create value and effectively match the needs of your prospects to gain more members for our club Sales Manager to explain to the team why they are here and talk through this slide

3 Needs Analysis What is a needs analysis?
When do you do a needs analysis? How would you make a good first impression? How long should you spend doing a needs analysis? How would you build rapport with the prospect and attune to them? Why is this important? Exercise: As a team, discuss and write down as many questions as you can think of that would provide information about a prospect’s goals, trigger and interests and why you would ask these You have 15 minutes Sales Manager to ask the questions one at a time to get the team giving answers and group discussion, sharing best practice Exercise : Sales Manager to get the team to do this exercise and to help out and be involved with it.

4 Needs Analysis What questions would you ask around the following information and why?
Sales manager to read the question at the top of the slide, then click one by one which will bring up each section of enquiry card. Sales Manaer to ask team what they would ask and why at each of these sections

5 The Tour Need Feedback Question Feature Benefit
The goal the prospect wants to achieve Feedback Question Gauging Interest Does it satisfy their Need? The Tour Talk through the cycle Every prospect is different, Determine their specific needs and goals Match the feature and relate the benefit to them specifically Gauge their interest What you present and how you say it must satisfy their need! Feature A physical aspect of the club that will get them to achieve this goal Benefit The result that regular use of this feature will give the member 5

6 Need You told me earlier you struggle for time, you want to tone up for your holiday and you love classes Feedback Question Does that sound good to you? The Tour Cycle Talk through the example cycle Feature VIPR fast Class Benefit The VIPR is perfect for all over toning, it’s only 30mins 6 6

7 Tour Enquiry card: How should you be using the enquiry card on your tours? Why is this important? Touring: What’s important when touring a prospect? How can you personalise a tour? Exercise: As a team, discuss and write down as many goals/reasons a prospect may have for joining, then match the feature(s) you would recommend for each one, explain the benefits of using each and what feedback questions you would ask them to gauge their interest/satisfaction You have 15 minutes Sales Manager to ask the questions one by one to get answers, group discussions going and sharing best practice Exercise: Sales Manager to get the group to do exercise and to help out and get involved with it.

8 Tour Products: What products / departments should you have knowledge of? Why is having product knowledge important? What products / departments do you need to know more about? Customer Service: What is excellent customer service? Exercise: As a team, discuss and write down how you can build rapport with your prospects throughout the tour, what you can do to give excellent customer service and how you can make every tour exceptional You have 10 minutes Sales Manager to ask the questions one by one to get answers, group discussions going and sharing best practice Exercise: Sales Manager to get the group to do exercise and to help out and get involved with it.

9 How to make your Tour Exceptional
Attune to your prospect Build excellent rapport, mimic and be genuinely interested in them You are a Product expert Excellent product knowledge, use the facilities and speak from experience Reassurance Proposition We have the what it takes to support them in achieving their goals, refer to their trigger Value Proposition Highlight the value they will get and the unique selling points throughout. Price is only an objection if you have not demonstrated the value throughout your tour Experience Proposition Lifestyle element we offer, we are not just a gym, but we offer the club experience. Create a connection between your prospect and your health club. It’s all about them! Sell with a noble purpose Believe in your products, the benefits it bring members and the positive impact on peoples lives. Show genuine interest, enthusiasm and energy. People buy people first…..if they like you they will buy from you! Bring up each point to summarise how to make your tour exceptional Attune to your prospect by: Building Rapport - continue to build excellent rapport through out the tour, it’s not just about Need/Feature/Benefit/FQ but also about continuing the conversation. Mimic - their pace, tone and body language – very subtle! Be genuinely interested in them and helping them achieve their goals. Keep them involved in the conversation by asking questions….if you do all the talking they lose interest! You need to be a product expert – Excellent product knowledge, use the facilities and speak from experience. People do research online and most have been members at a health club before - you need to know your product in detail. Overall or average knowledge won’t make your tour exceptional. People will be less likely to buy from someone who does not know what they are selling! Use the facilities – speak from experience during your tour! “I love the body pump class and Cassie the lunch time instructor is fantastic. I will introduce you to Cassie, so you know a friendly face when you join the class over lunch time.” “Mike the PT is a Tri-Athlete and has 5 years experience in supporting Tri-Athletes achieving their goals. I will introduce you to Mike, he is a great guy and you will truly benefit from his specialist knowledge in the field” “What's the difference between Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga?” People buy people first…..if they like you they will buy from you! The Brand – what does Virgin Active stand for? Enrich people lives through Activeness Reassurance Proposition – We have the what it takes to support them in achieving their goals, refer to their trigger. Helpful friendly staff and product experts. Value Proposition –Highlight the value they will get and the unique selling points throughout. Price is only an objection if you have not demonstrated the value throughout your tour. How will they gain value from us vs competitors - yes your competitor might have power plates, but they usually have 1 or 2 where your club might have 4-6…know your competitors! Highlight the unique selling points throughout the tour….what makes your health clubs so special? Work it into the conversation, it must be natural and not sound like a sales pitch. Multi clubs access, free car parking, junior programme where timing correlate with group exercise classes, so you can book the kids in Club-V while you do Yoga, time with an Instructor to discuss your goals and develop a programme to achieve them, also what support would you prospects need to achieve them – we want you to succeed! Fitness innovations – power plates…. Remember their trigger….why are they looking to join? Did you satisfy this during the tour? Experience Proposition -Lifestyle element we offer, we are not just a gym, but we offer the club experience. Create a connection between your prospect and your health club. It’s all about them! Fitness product & Innovation & PT and the fitness team, their qualifications and experience Group Exercise – what classes and what’s the difference, what’s the experience Club V – what’s the rules ages and ratios, what is your junior programme and how does it work Racquets – Shot of the day, tennis lessons, Cardio tennis, who is it for and how can they book and use it Health & Beauty – what’s treatments, opening times, qualification of beauticians – Relaxation area sauna, steam, jacuzzi Club Lounge/ Café – what food is on offer, what’s on the menu, is it healthy, is there vegan offerings? Swimming – Lessons, opening times of the pool, life guards health and safety, kids lessons and activities – swim gala Social Events? Create a connection between your prospect and your health club – introducing them to PT that specialise in their area of interest, staff members of Club-V if they have kids, Racquets coach/manager if they are interested in racquets. Who is the GM? Sell with a noble purpose Believe in your product and the benefits it bring members, show genuine enthusiasm and energy, give each tour like it was the first time….after all, for your prospect, it is. Personalise your tour, show them we care and we can support them in achieving their goals.

10 how you would overcome them.
Joining What is joining? How would you use the price guide? How do you match the membership options to your prospect needs? When do you present the joining fee? How do you ask the prospect to join? What objections could arise? Exercise: As a team, discuss and list as many objections that could arise and write down or present back in role play how you would overcome them. You have 20 minutes Sales Manager to ask the questions one by one to get answers, group discussions going and sharing best practice Exercise: Sales Manager to get the group to do exercise and to help out and get involved with it and to get them to act out how they would overcome each objection and what they would say to provide solutions

11 Next Steps 1. What have you now learnt about needs analysis, the tour and joining from this workshop? 2. Following this workshop you will tour your Sales Manager so you can apply what you have learnt. What help and support will you need from your Sales Manager to help with this? 3. To what degree are you confident that you can now apply what you have learnt? Not very confident Very confident


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