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Physics 12 Mr. Jean April 24th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 12 Mr. Jean April 24th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 12 Mr. Jean April 24th, 2014

2 The plan: Video clip of the day Julius Sumner Miller

3 Magnetic JSM All magnets try to self align with magnetic north and will align themselves provided no strong force is acting on them. The Chinese found that by striking nickel, iron, or Cobalt onto magnetite that these items would pick up the magnetic field. The Chinese were the first to use magnets to navigate in the oceans.





8 Ampere’s Law: Ampere’s Law: Brightstorm:
Magnetic field’s circulation is proportional to the amount of current being pushed through the wire. We use the first right hand rule to show the direction of the current as well as the field. Brightstorm:






14 Right Hand Rules: Brightstorm:

15 To do: Complete Right hand rule handout
Work on the chapter 15 Pre-test

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