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Conclusions and Generalizations

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1 Conclusions and Generalizations

2 generalizations when you make a statement about all or  most of the people  or things together, you  are making a generalization.  For example:  – All birds have wings. – Many children eat cereal for breakfast. – Everyone in Tennessee goes to the beach for  the summer.


4 What is a generalization?
A broad statement about a group of  people or things.  It states something they have in common.

5 Types of generalization
Some generalizations are valid or  true, but  some are faulty  or invalid.

6 Valid Generalizations
valid means true: – supported by facts – agrees with what you know about the topic – uses logic and reasoning  – proven with several examples EXAMPLE: Most puppies are cute. (valid generalization)

7 Faulty Generalizations
Faulty means false: – Not supported by facts – watch for key words: none, all, always, never, everyone, nobody EXAMPLE: Everyone in Lima goes to the beach in the summer. –  Faulty


9 Practice! •Partner A: give an example of a valid generali- zation
•Partner B: give an example of a faulty generalization 

10 Practice Passage #1: Ginger is one of my best friends. When I enter my home, she races to greet me with kisses and excited leaps. She acts like it’s been eight days since she’s seen me, instead of the actual eight hours. Her coat is honey brown; her eyes are large and loving. She’s a six- month old cocker spaniel puppy, a breed originally intended to hunt birds in England. Her faithful companionship comforts me when I’m sad or sick. Her playfulness makes me laugh when she races after a toy I’ve tossed. Cocker spaniels are wonderful

11 What generalization is made in the passage?

12 What generalization is made in the passage?
Cocker spaniels make perfect pets.

13 Cocker Spaniels make perfect pets.
Is this a valid generalization? Does the author: Use facts to support the idea? Share past experiences to support the idea? Provide several examples? Use logical thinking?

14 Chocolate is everyone’s favorite dessert.
What is wrong with this  generalization? How could you make it a valid 


16 Drawing conclusions is using facts and details you already know to make a final decision.

17 https://www. youtube. com/watch

18 Let’s practice together! 


20 Read each story. Get into your groups and then use the information to draw a conclusion and complete the story: Story 1: You are visiting a friend in Vermont. It is February and the temperature is about minus 30 degrees . The clouds are low and dark. You have helped bring in plenty of wood for the fireplace. Your friend’s father is going to buy some extra food and salt for the driveway. The weatherman is forecasting ___________________.

21 Story 2: Abbie has her backpack on her bed. She is packing for a trip. She lays out a waterproof jacket and rain hat, extra socks, a flashlight, compass, binoculars, and water bottle. She hunts for extra batteries and decides to bring her camera. She checks on her sleeping bag and helps her parents bring out the tent. Abbie and her parents are going ___________________. Story 3: Max has a very strong arm. He keeps his lucky leather glove in good condition. All spring he practices to get in shape. He has a great fast ball and is working on his curve ball. He plays for the City Diamondheads. He is their ___________________.

22 Story 4: Mrs. Taylor knows everyone in town. Every morning she greets people and takes their packages. She checks zip codes and makes sure each box and envelope is properly addressed. She lets me know when there are new stamps coming out since I am a collector. Mrs. Taylor works at ___________________. Story 5: Luther has been saving his allowance for almost a year. He has earned money by mowing lawns and washing cars. He bought the helmet and lock already. He has practiced his hand signals and he even took a class on street safety from the local police. Luther is planning to buy a ___________________.

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