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Election of 1844: James K. Polk

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1 Election of 1844: James K. Polk
1. Believes in Manifest Destiny 2. Expansionist president 3. Annexes Texas and California 4. Oregon is acquired through treaty with Britain (49th parallel is boundary)

2 A. 2 problems Polk encountered while in office
Acquiring Oregon Territory: made a treaty with Great Britain at the 49th parallel. Everything above was British Canada, below was the Oregon territory of the US. Mexican War: went to war with Mexico to settle southwestern border dispute. Won the war and border became the Rio Grande River between US and Mexico

3 B. Hands On President: micro manager; liked to do things himself; man of action

4 C. 4 Goals of James K Polk Presidency
Settle the controversy between the US and Great Britain over the Oregon Territory Bring California into the United States Wanted to set up an independent treasury to deal with the credit mess since Andrew Jackson (national debt) Wanted to lower tariffs on imports into the American economy

5 D. How many goals did he achieve?
All 4

6 E. How will his presidency be remembered?
Winning the Mexican War and the acquisition of the Oregon Territory became the legacies of his presidency In 4 years, he took the country from “sea to shining sea” ( manifest destiny)

7 Oregon Oregon Trail Settled by missionaries
Traveled 2000 miles in 5 months time Pioneers met at Independence, Missouri

8 Oregon Territory 1846 Oregon Territory 1848 1. claimed by England, US, Spain and Russia 2. Jointly occupied by Britain and US (Treaty of 1818/1846)

9 TEXAS Territory Republic of Texas
1821 – Stephen Austin brings 300 families to Mexican Texas to settle on Mexican land. (Imprasario System) Conditions: speak Spanish, become Catholic, obey Mexican laws, no slaves. ** Americans did not obey these rules – Mexican leader Santa Ana sent in troops to punish the American rebels

10 “Remember the Alamo” 1836- Battle at the Alamo (13 days) – 187 men are attacked at a mission called the Alamo by Mexican Army (5000 soldiers) At the Alamo, Texas declares freedom from Mexico and becomes the free “Republic of Texas”. President Sam Huston

11 Mexican War 1846 TREATY OF GUADELUPE HIDALGO 1848
US Congress declares war on Mexico the boundary of Texas TREATY OF GUADELUPE HIDALGO 1848 The US wins the war & gets Texas The new boundary between Mexico and the US is the Rio Grande River

12 Mexican Cession Mexico cedes (gives) land to the US for $15 million
The New Mexico, Utah and California territories containing California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Nevada to the US

13 The Gadsden Purchase 1853 The US paid Mexico another $10 million to purchase land on the southern border’s of Arizona and New Mexico The Gadsden Purchase

14 California Gold Rush 1849 Gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in California Forty-niners: name given to 80,000 settlers coming into California in search of gold Panning for gold

15 What effect did the Gold Rush have on the development of California?
Population grew Mercantilism grew – increased trade/stores/businesses BOOM TOWNS Vigilantes = law and order More agriculture A boom town in California

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