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11 Even though I recently watched “Titanic” again, I first saw the movie when it came out in In my opinion,“Titanic” is the best movie of this generation Seeing it again after so many years brought back some wonderful memories. First of all, this movie is an absolute masterpiece. It is based on the true story of the actual sinking of the Titanic ship, which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic ocean in the early hours of April 15, Without a doubt, Titanic is simply a glorious film. With incredible production values, first class acting, dynamic special effects, breathtaking cinematography, wonderful storyline, outstanding music, everything about the film is just perfect. I can't find one fault in it. Second, the way it depicts the human struggles of the characters, the arrogance of the ship's owners and passengers, the sheer proportions of the sinking, it is nothing short of brilliant. Finally, I was so completely captivated by the movie that when it finished it was like being thrown back into the real world. I literally forgot about reality for three hours and fifteen minutes. You're completely involved with the characters and their struggles from beginning to end, it's incredible. You immediately get the feeling that you are in the movie-- and when the ship sinks, you feel as if you are right there on board with them. One of the best movies ever made, period. I'd give the film a very solid 10 out of 10. Overall, I would definitely recommend Titanic as it will definitely continue to impress future generations for all time.

12 As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. How does one achieve job satisfaction? Give reasons for your answer and give any relevant examples or experience you have to support your answer. People contribute a large proportion of their adult life to their career, especially when the retirement age has been postponed in many countries. Job satisfaction is the most important element of psychological well-being, because of its significant role in people’s lives. Through entrepreneurship, internships, volunteer work, or a complete career change at any age, people should continuously search for their “purpose”, and happiness in life. First of all, whether the job makes you happy is an important aspect. If someone is unhappy in a certain profession, they should search for alternative careers. the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme recently recognized the achievements of exceptional volunteers who have brought transformational change to their communities, and in their personal lives as well. For example, Zina El Nahel of Egypt, was honored for her role in providing education to marginalized children in areas with poor infrastructure. As a Pharmacist, Zina admitted she was unhappy. Through searching and community service, she felt a sense of purpose in the field of education. Hence, job satisfaction does not simply happen for most people; one must actively search for it. Second of all, and equally important, is salary, which can influence people’s job satisfaction significantly. Although, in theory, job satisfaction is not supposed to be measured by salary, in reality, a decent income enables people to meet their needs. Nevertheless, nowadays with entrepreneurship, globalization and the internet, the new trend is to combine entrepreneurship with your interests, and eventually turn it into a career in order to increase your earnings and happiness. For example, Mason Wartman was a successful investment banker in New York. Unhappy with his banking career, he decided to open a pizza business in Philadelphia and become a self-employed entrepreneur. Using the “pay it forward” method, he now combines a successful business with charity which helps homeless people everyday. Hence, opening a business is always an option which could help others, while helping yourself. In conclusion, job satisfaction is important to everyone. I personally believe that most people these days are not interested in doing the same job for the rest of their life. Technology and globalization have given us opportunities our ancestors never had. By constantly “searching”, exploring internship opportunities, attending business conferences, volunteering etc., people can discover hidden talents and skills, which will ultimately lead to a sense of job satisfaction and purpose in life.



15 In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web and communication by . However, these developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive in the future. To what extent do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative impacts than positive. On the one hand, has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet. It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come. On the other hand, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For example, many people feel that the widespread use of is destroying traditional forms of communication such as professional writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a decline in people's basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis. In addition, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have now become a major distraction and addiction. Furthermore, when used improperly, social media can be a dangerous platform for entrepreneurs or job seekers, and may ruin their reputations as well . For instance, one of the first things recruiters do is Google candidates, and scour social media to get a sense of the candidate's personality and potential fit with an organization. Employers do extensive research on these sites before they interview or hire people. The more social media sites a person is on, the more “free time” employers assume they have, hence, the less professional they appear. Generally speaking, too much time on the internet can definitely hurt someone's reputation in real life. In addition, new laws protecting social media sites like Facebook has meant that it is nearly impossible to “permanently delete” a user's information and pictures. Once content's out there, it's out there forever. Even “deleted”, or “private” Facebook accounts, retain a user's information and pictures forever on their servers. In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, as well as many disadvantages. Consumers should educate themselves, and become aware of social media dangers, to avoid negatively affecting their reputations in the future.

16 In 2014, the United Nations Volunteers (‪#‎UNV‬) programme’s groundbreaking Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future project called for young people from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen to share the story of how they, as volunteers, brought transformational change to their communities. Of these, three outstanding young ‪#‎volunteers‬ per country were identified by a national selection committee and awarded during International Youth Day (IYD) A second phase followed, where a regional panel of judges narrowed the selection down further, identifying those volunteers whose initiative, innovation, and tireless energy have brought profound and lasting positive change to the lives of others. UNV and MBC Hope, the corporate social responsibility arm of Middle-East broadcasting giant ‪#‎MBC‬ Group, celebrated these exceptional young people in Dubai, where Ahmad Alhendawi, the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, presented them with a special award. GIVEN RECORD LEVELS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT,, YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE ARAB REGION AND AROUND THE WORLD NEED POSITIVE ROLE MODELS MORE THAN EVER. When young people themselves provide those role models, in those who have overcome social exclusion, underemployment and poverty to bring about positive changes in their communities and countries, the effects are even more powerful. In the next five days we will introduce you five videos featuring fifteen young volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen whose volunteer work in education, access to health care, the empowerment of women, and many other areas has had a transformational impact on the communities that they served. Their individual stories of determination, innovation and enthusiasm are truly inspirational. They offer a glimpse into the region’s existing culture of volunteerism and demonstrate the enormous potential of young volunteers to positively influence the lives of others.These inspiring young people are the winners of the first UNV Youth Volunteering Award. The award is part of UNV’s Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future project, which works to strengthen the ability of youth in the Arab region to participate actively in the development of their countries. The winners were announced following a call for submissions that was advertised widely in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen. Young volunteers were asked to share their personal experiences in the form of written stories or videos. National panels selected the top three volunteers from each country based on the development impact of their work, their innovativeness, and dedication

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18 Some people think that money is the most essential factor in promoting happiness. Do you agree or disagree? What other factors contribute towards happiness? Money is considered by many people to be one of the most important contributing factors towards happiness. In my opinion, I agree that money is definitely important. One cannot really take any steps or do anything without having some money first. Nevertheless, certain aspects in life can play a vital role in creating happiness, which will eventually lead to financial prosperity. First of all, one way that people can gain happiness is through their work. For instance, a doctor doing volunteer work in underdeveloped countries may have very little money, but the reward of helping people brings happiness in itself. In other words, happiness can be found through job satisfaction, entrepreneurship, internships and volunteer work. An amazing example of this is Dr. Ghulam Fayez of Operation Smile - a worldwide organization which helps people with life changing surgeries correcting cleft palates and cleft lips. A Plastic surgeon in Pakistan, Doctor Ghulam has performed over 10,000 volunteer surgeries in Pakistan and around the world. His colleagues at Operation Smile always comment on his commitment and passion towards his patients. For Dr. Ghulam, happiness is using his skills and medical training to help others. In addition, Dr. Ghulam recently published a paper: “A Model Humanitarian Cleft Mission: 312 Cleft Surgeries in 7 Days,”, which won a gold medal in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open Competition. He will be recognized at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in Los Angeles on Sunday, September 25, Hence, because of Dr. Ghulam's good deeds, he now has even more opportunities around the world as the winner of several international prizes and awards. Second of all, another factor influencing happiness is simply having a positive attitude in life, and making good use of your time. For example, several volunteers who complete any volunteer mission, especially with the United Nations or Operation Smile, have commented on how they have discovered a new career direction in life. Whether they were employed, unemployed, or thinking of changing careers entirely, volunteering helped show them a new path, and helped them with a fresh new start in life. Having a sense of direction in life is an amazing source of happiness. Nevertheless, one must be patient and never give up. In conclusion, dreams only come true when people take positive action. If more people strived in life towards positive use of their time, through volunteering, interning or entrepreneurship, then both happiness, and money, would eventually naturally follow.


20 Before the internet, both adults and children would use their free time to volunteer, discover the visual arts (painting, art galleries), write or read books, or learn a new language or sport. Now with the internet, most people are no longer interested in such activities and risk not becoming “well-rounded” individuals in the future . To what extent do you agree or disagree? Without a doubt, the internet has become an essential part of our life in modern society. Nevertheless, I personally believe that for most people the utility behind the internet is gone, and it has simply become a major distraction in their daily life. First of all, these days it is impossible to live without modern gadgets. New technology is utilized in everyday life by millions of people around the world. We can literally do everything online- make purchases, do business, communicate with friends etc. However, do most people actually use the internet as a “learning or business” tool? Probably not. University Professors in the United States are complaining students are simply “addicted” to technology but their critical thinking skills are not improving. Class discussions are weak, and seeing a book in someone's hand is now a rare sight. Hence, unlike generations of the past, most educated adults today are unable to maintain interesting or prolonged conversations with each other because they simply do not read enough quality information. Employers and University admissions officers also complain that most people do not have enough skills or interesting information to write on their CVs. The skills and life experience one learns from volunteering and community service is one of the best kept secrets amongst successful individuals of any age. Unfortunately, most people prefer to go online in their free time and miss out on amazing and life-changing volunteer opportunities. Second of all, the reality is most people simply do not use the internet as a “learning or business” tool. Most adults are now addicted to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and have an extremely difficult time focusing in general. Describing a favorite movie or book in detail has even become a difficult task. Most educators agree that learning and success in general requires a very important skill—patience. Because the internet provides answers too quickly it makes people think they are experts simply because they can access anything and everything immediately. Therefore, students no longer care to read challenging books, they rarely read long articles and they do not see the benefit of volunteering or performing community service. They can no longer focus. A successful future belongs to those who can focus, and this will be an increasingly small and rare group of people. Quite frankly, the internet for most people has now simply become a major distraction. In conclusion, people should discipline themselves, make a conscious and honest effort to become aware of these issues and balance their time online wisely. The internet and technology are powerful tools, but we will only benefit from them when we use them in a positive and constructive way.

21 IELTS Speaking/Writing basic outlines
Well, that's an interesting question. 1. In my opinion/perspective/point of view, I agree/disagree with... 2. First of all... 3. Second of all... 4. Finally... 5. Overall...Based on these reasons, I suppose.. I'm sorry, could you please repeat the question? Thank you. 1. To begin with/Generally speaking... 2. Personally I believe... 3. On the one hand...For example, 4. On the other hand... 5. But overall, I believe... 21


23 People should be allowed to continue working for as long as they want to, and not be forced to retire at a particular age such as 60 or 65. Do you agree or disagree? Specifying a mandatory retirement age is a controversial topic around the world, as it is a form of age discrimination. Consequently, most people agree employees should be allowed to continue working so long as they are healthy and can tolerate work burdens. Nevertheless, other people believe that a fixed retirement age is a must. In my point of view, even though it is important to meet the needs of younger generations, “forcing” hardworking, motivated people to retire simply based on age is not an effective solution. On the one hand, a growing number of people believe there should never be an age limit to work. Working helps people both physically and mentalIy, and prevents a myriad of diseases. Experienced professionals are a gift to society and should never stop spreading their knowledge, and expertise to younger generations. For example. Dr. Magdy Yacoub, an Egyptian cardio-thoracic surgeon, returned back to Egypt in his seventies to open a highly specialized cardiac centre. His aim was not only the free treatment of patients, but also training younger physicians in the field. Furthermore, another way that people can gain happiness is through their work. An amazing example of this is Dr. Ghulam Fayez of Operation Smile - a worldwide organization which helps people with life changing surgeries correcting cleft palates and cleft lips. A Plastic surgeon in Pakistan, Doctor Ghulam has performed over 10,000 volunteer surgeries in Pakistan and around the world. His colleagues at Operation Smile always comment on his commitment and passion towards his patients. For Dr. Ghulam, happiness is using his skills and medical training to help others. Hence, because of Dr. Ghulam's good deeds, he is the winner of several international prizes and awards and is constantly able to help others. If someone such as Dr.Ghulam was “forced to retire”, it would most certainly be society's loss . On the other hand, many people argue that retirement is a must in countries with high unemployment rates, because this will give room to new generations to have job opportunities. Unfortunately however, rising living costs makes it difficult for anyone to remain unemployed, especially since pension money for most people is simply not enough to live on these days. Hence, “forcing” people to retire in todays expensive world is unjustified, and may cause homelessness, depression, anxiety and other problems in society. In conclusion, a mandatory retirement age is not the solution. Experienced professionals should never be blocked from an honest living simply based on age. Through entrepreneurship, legislation and other forms of job creation, society should establish innovative ways to help people of all ages earn an honest living.

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