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CVD Part 2.

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1 CVD Part 2

2 The Major types of Cardiovascular disease
Hypertension Athlersclerosis Peripheral Artery Disease Coronary Heart Disease Angina Pectoris Arrhythmias Heart Failure Stroke

3 Hypertension Know as the “silent killer” Damages the blood vessels

4 Damage to the blood vessels…
Is called Atherlosclerosis Which is the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, waste, calcium, and fibrin collect on the lining of an artery.

5 Damage to the blood vessels…
Is called Atherlosclerosis Which is the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, waste, calcium, and fibrin collect on the lining of an artery. Plaque

6 Damage to the blood vessels…
Is called Atherlosclerosis Which is the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, waste, calcium, and fibrin collect on the lining of an artery. Plaque

7 Due to an increase in blood pressure
That damages the artery walls. 1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure, with 45% of African Americans having the highest rates. Blood pressure also increases as we age.

8 As the arteries narrow, Blood flow to the heart is limited.
Reduces oxygen to the heart - Ischemia

9 Other forms of Atherosclerosis are:
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and Narrowing or complete blockage in the arms and/or legs Coronary Heart Disease Blocking of an artery in the heart – Myocardical infarction or heart attack Causes permanent damage Women are more at risk of death then men after first heart attack.

10 Symptoms of Heart Attack/MI
Chest pain or feeling of heart burn – Angina Shortness of breath Pain in the neck, shoulder, arm and stomach.

11 Stroke Similar to the heart. Needs O2.
Occurs when the blood supply is either Blocked or obstructed – Ischemic Or when a blood vessel bursts - aneurysm

12 Congestive Heart Faliure
Cause by uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart attack, and other problems. When the above variables are not controlled, the heart has to work harder. Blood can’t circulate well enough Fluid builds up in the lungs and legs Easily fatigue

13 Arrhythmias An irregular heat beat.
Not all instances are life-threatening. Tachycardia (fast) and bradycardia (slow) Fibrilation Heart quivers and moves blood inefficiently – can be fatal.

14 Reduce your Risk Decrease risk of Metabolic Syndrome
Abdominal obesity 40in men and 35 inch women High body fat Low levels of HDL (<40 men and <50 women) BP >130/85 Elevated fasting glucose >100mg/dL

15 Reduce your Risk By Modifying Behaviors Tobacco use
2 – 4X’s more at risk CHD X’s stroke risk 10X’s more at risk PVD Reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake Recommended total cholesterol level – less than 200mg/dL

16 Reduce your Risk – Modify Behaviors Cont.
Maintain healthy weight Apple vs. Pear Get regular exercise Can increase HDL Control Diabetes At risk 2 to 4X’s higher for heart disease or stroke Control Blood Pressure Through diet, medication, exercise, controlling stress, and adequate sleep.

17 Non-Modifiable Risks Heredity Age
One or more risk of CVD aged (68%) and over 80 (85%) Gender Men at most risk until age 60. Women catch up and take the lead at age 80.

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