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Night Vocabulary Section 1(A) – Page 3-22.

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1 Night Vocabulary Section 1(A) – Page 3-22

2 Section 1 (A) Penury – extreme poverty

3 Waiflike – neglected, uncared for

4 Mysticism – a system of contemplative prayer
aimed at achieving direct intuitive experience of the divine.

5 Section 1 (A) Fraught – full of, involving

6 Peril – danger

7 Indulgent – to satisfy or gratify

8 Revelation – something is revealed

9 Insinuate – to suggest or imply

10 Annihilate – destroy completely

11 Anguish – extreme distress, or suffering

12 Section 1(B) Edict – command given by an authority

13 Ghetto – a section of a city in which all
Jews were required to live

14 Delusion – a false belief or opinion

15 Section 1(B) Anecdote – a short story about an event

16 Antechamber – waiting room

17 Section 1(B) Relic – Something kept in remembrance; a surviving memorial of something past.

18 Phylactery – either of two small, black, leather
cubes containing a piece of paper inscribed with certain Bible verses.

19 Section 1(B) Hysteria – an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear; often characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping, etc.

20 Conflagration – destructive fire

21 Night Vocabulary—Sections 2 and 3
pages 23-46

22 Flit Definition (v.) - move lightly and swiftly
Synonyms – dart; hurry; rush Example - The girls with flit from group to group, at the dance.

23 Inhibition Inhibition (n.) - unconscious restraint or suppression of behavior Synonyms - self-consciousness; shyness; reserve Example - The girl had too much inhibition; there was no way she would ask the boy to dance.

24 Irrevocable Definition (adj.) - not able to be changed or undone
Synonyms – irreversible; permanent; changeless Example – My mom had made an irrevocable decision; there was no way she was ever going let me date that boy.

25 Hermetic Definition (adj.) - not affected by outward influence or power; isolated Synonyms – completely sealed off; shut off; impervious Example - He was going to wear his new sunglasses no matter how goofy they looked; this decision was hermetic.

26 Pious Pious (adj.) - especially religious; devout, godly
Synonyms: devout; righteous; saintly Example: My mother grew up in the south and thus a pious Baptist.

27 Imperative Imperative (adj.) - absolutely necessary; essential
Synonyms - critical; crucial; essential Example - It is imperative that you NOT be late to class.

28 Invective Definition (n.) - an insulting or abusive word or expression
Synonyms –denunciation; accusation; blame Example – Her Anti-Semitic remark was an invective.

29 Revolt Definition (v.) - rebellion
Synonyms – defection; mutiny; uprising Example – With the terrible government, a revolt was inevitable.

30 Crematorium Definition (n.) - a building in which corpses are cremated
Synonyms – boiler; heater; cinerator Example – The crematorium allowed for quick disposal of many bodies at a time.

31 Elude Definition (v.) - to avoid or escape
Synonyms – dodge; outwit; evade Example – As fast as his car was, he was still unable to elude the police.

32 Barrack Definition (n.) any large, plain building in which many people are lodged Synonyms – camp; base; quarters Example – The tired soldier went back to his barrack to get some much needed rest.

33 Lucid Definition (adj.) - easily understood
Synonyms – clear; distinct; knowable Example – Her answer was quite lucid and I knew I was NOT going out tonight.

34 Oblivion Definition (n.) - state of being completely forgotten or unknown Synonyms – unconcern; unmindfulness; unawareness Example – I was lead to believe that he was living in oblivion; he had no idea of what was going on around him.

35 Convalesce Definition (v.) - to recover health and strength after illness Synonyms – recuperate; improve; mend Example – I had been sick for so long that it was going to take me a while to convalesce.

36 Despair Definition (n.) - loss of hope; to give up hope
Synonyms – anguish; misery; gloom Example - When we realized there was no hope for escape we fell into a state of despair.

37 Section 4 (pg 47-65) Altruistic - unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others; charitable Quarantine - strict isolation to prevent the spread of disease Evoke - to call up; cause to appear; summon

38 Section 4 (pg 47-65) Sanctity - holiness, saintliness, or godliness
Wrath - strong, stern, or fierce anger; vengeance or punishment

39 Section 4 (pg 47-65) Gallows - a wooden frame, consisting of a crossbeam on two uprights, on which condemned persons are executed by hanging Manacled - handcuffed

40 Section 5 (pg 66-84) Grandeur - the quality or state of being impressive or awesome Salvation - the state of being saved or protected from harm, risk, etc; redemption Lament - to feel or express sorrow or regret for

41 Section 5 (pg 66-84) Reprieve - temporary relief
Emaciated - thin, wasted, puny, gaunt, haggard, scrawny Crucible - a container of metal or refractory material employed for heating substances to high temperatures

42 Section 5 (pg 66-84) Dysentery - infection of the intestine with bacteria or amoebae, marked chiefly by severe diarrhea with the passage of mucus and blood

43 Section 6 (pg 85-97) Falter - to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent; to move unsteadily; stumble Envelop - to wrap up in or as in a covering Transcend - to go above or beyond

44 Section 6 (pg 85-97) Console - to serve as a source of comfort
Poignant - sharply distressing or painful to the feelings; to the point Disheveled - sloppy; messy; unkempt

45 Section 7 (pg 98 – 103) None

46 Section 8 (pg ) Jostle - to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely Quarrel - fight or argue

47 Section 8 (pg ) Plaintive - expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful Prostrate - lying flat or at full length, as on the ground Wield - use effectively

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