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Presidents, Presidents, Presidents! PART 2 Week 2-8

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1 Presidents, Presidents, Presidents! PART 2 Week 2-8
US History 2 Ms. Lyons

2 Ford’s Domestic Policies
Forgave Nixon & did not punish draft opposers & deserters Some people were NOT happy about this 1973: OPEC starts oil embargo on US Why? US supports Israel Effects Rationing Researched energy alternatives Inflation = 10% (A LOT)

3 Election of 1976 Jimmy Carter wins Honesty “Down home” values

4 Carter’s Domestic Policies
“Stagflation” Stagnant economy AND inflation Oil dependence 40% of oil the US used = foreign Created a deficit Corporate bailouts Car industry (Chrysler) Supported nuclear energy as alternative to oil

5 Carter’s Foreign Policies
Helsinki Accords (1975) Promise to respect human rights Refuse to give aid to countries that violate human rights Camp David Accords (1977) Peace treaty between Israel & Egypt USSR violates détente USSR invaded Afghanistan US cut off exports to USSR & boycotted 1980 Olympics in Moscow Iran takes US hostages Iran was mad after the US medically treated their old dictator

6 Election of 1980 Reagan won by a lot Iran hostages were
Inflation = #1 priority Against “big” government Iran hostages were released the same day he took office

7 Reagan’s Domestic Policies (1st term)
Supply-side economics Tax cuts for the rich & they will reinvest in the economy “Trickle down” effect Subsidies to farmers Gave money not to plant crops so prices would go up Failed: Prices did not go up  Immigration Reform & Control Act (1986) Employers cannot hire illegal immigrants

8 Election of 1984 Democrats: Walter Mondale Republicans: Ronald Reagan
VP: Geraldine Ferraro *Jesse Jackson lost the Democratic nomination Republicans: Ronald Reagan VP: George Bush Reagan wins again! He was the 1st president to serve 2 terms since Eisenhower!

9 Reagan’s Domestic Policies (2nd term)
Deep cuts in federal programs & tax cuts for rich late 1980’s: gap between rich & poor was at its biggest since WWII Debt still rising Trade imbalance (more exports than imports) Trade deficit = $150 billion

10 Reagan’s Foreign Policies (2nd term)
Iran-Contra affair (1986) Sold weapons to Iran & sent the $ to the contras in Nicaragua Détente … again Gorbachev takes over USSR Glasnost (openness, democracy) Perestroika (free market) Arms reduction (US & USSR) Other world issues Increase in terrorism Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign (“Just say no”) US sanctions South Africa under apartheid

11 Election of 1988 Dukakis (D) vs. George Bush (Senior)
Jesse Jackson lost the Democratic nomination again George H. W. Bush wins!

12 Bush’s Domestic Policies
Big deficit, increased unemployment Savings & loan industry scandal US taxpayers bailed them out 1992: riots in LA 4 white cops found innocent after beating of black man, Rodney King

13 Bush’s Foreign Policies
End of Cold War 1989: Berlin Wall torn down, USSR dissolves US imprisoned Panama’s dictator for drugs : Persian Gulf War US invades Iraq (after Saddam took Kuwait’s oil) “Operation Desert Storm” 1991: ethnic cleansing in the Balkans Bosnian Serbs killing other races

14 Election of 1992 Bill Clinton (D) vs. George H. W. Bush (R) vs. Ross Perot (I) Bill Clinton wins! Wins again in 1996 (2nd term)

15 Clinton’s Domestic Policies
1993: Universal health care Rejected by Republican Congress Gov’t shut down Rep. Congress vs. Dem. President (disagreed)

16 Impeachment Bill accused of sexual relations with intern
1998: House = impeached him; Senate = innocent STILL… the 1990’s: longest period of US economic growth in history

17 Clinton’s Foreign Policies
Former Yugoslavia Kosovo: Serbs massacred Albanians Trials & many arrested for war crimes NATO expanded 1999: adds Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland South Africa post-apartheid Mandela voted president (1994) 1998: India v. Pakistan nuclear threats 1992: NAFTA Reduce barriers for trade between Canada, US, & Mexico Like the EU in Europe

18 Election of 2000 Al Gore (D) vs. George W. Bush (R)
So close… recounted votes in Florida Supreme Court stopped the recount * 1st time the Supreme Court intervened in a presidential election George W. Bush (Bush Junior) wins!

19 G. W. Bush’s Domestic Policies
Tax cuts Many got rebates (about $300) 2002: No Child Left Behind To increase teacher & student responsibility FAIL test scores have become the only measure of success

20 G.W. Bush’s Foreign Policies
9/11 (2001) attacks: Continued Israel/Palestine border issues 2003: war in Iraq 1st time: reporters overseas with troops Failed to find weapons of mass destruction Bush declared war over in May 2003

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