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The Framework of Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area

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1 The Framework of Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
Stuart Garvie National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

2 Qualifications Framework: Bergen
We adopt the overarching framework for qualifications in the EHEA, comprising of three cycles (…), generic descriptors for each cycle based on learning outcomes and competences, and credit ranges in the first and second cycle. We commit ourselves to elaborate national frameworks for qualifications compatible … by 2010, and to having started work on this by 2007

3 Work Programme Self-certification: 2 pilot projects (Ireland + Scotland) Survey of definitions of credits in national legislation (?) Advice to Stocktaking Follow the development of the EQF-LLL (descriptors) Provide assistance to member states on NQF

4 Basic Qualifications are national according to national legislation
Qualifications are articulated/located in national qualifications frameworks The 45 national frameworks are linked together through an alignment to an overarching framework of the EHEA

5 Framework for EHEA The EHEA framework is an overarching framework; a meta-framework or a framework for frameworks Not all national qualifications will correspond to the completion of the major cycles in the overarching framework

6 Why overarching framework ?
International transparency International recognition of qualifications International mobility of learners and graduates

7 45 national frameworks and a European framework of frameworks
EHEA-framework PL DK etc.

8 Overarching framework
Cycles Descriptors of qualifications and learning outcomes Credit ranges in ECTS

9 NQF and Bologna Framework
Self certification National Qualifications Framework Accreditation or similar National qualifications

10 Alignment of NQF to the EHEA framework
No external control but trust building Minimum criteria for the verification that a NQF are compatible with the EHEA framework Procedures for self-certification of compatibility Role of Quality Assurance

11 Criteria for verification 1
The NQF and the body/bodies responsible for its development are designated by the national ministry for HE There is a clear and demonstrable link between the qualifications in the NF and the cycle qualification descriptors of the European framework The NF and its qualifications are demonstrably bases on learning outcomes and the qualifications are linked to ECTS credits

12 Criteria for verification 2
The procedures for inclusion of qualifications in the NF is transparent The NQA for HE refer to the NQF and are consistent with the Berlin communiqué and any subsequent communiqués agreed by ministers in the Bologna Process Diploma Supplement The responsibilities of the domestic parties to the NF are clearly determined and published

13 Procedures for self-certification 1
The competent national body/bodies shall self-certify the compatibility of the NF with the European framework The self-certification process shall include the stated agreements of the QA-bodies of the country in question recognised through the Bologna Process The self-certification process shall involve international experts

14 Procedures for self-certification 2
The self-certification and the evidence supporting it shall be published and shall address separately each of the criteria set out ENIC/NARIC shall maintain a public listing of States that have completed the self-certification process Diploma Supplement All signatories will complete the self-certification process 2010

15 Verification of compatibility with Bologna framework
Ireland is the first country to complete self-certification steering committee – Qualifications Authority, awarding bodies (Higher Education and Training Awards Council, universities, Dublin Institute of Technology), plus two international experts, established February 2006 draft report for consultation published, June 2006 information sheet on European framework developments, Sept 2006 stakeholder workshop, October 2006 completed, November 2006

16 Verification report Verification of criteria (7)
Verification of procedures (6) Appendix 1: Comparison of the Dublin descriptors with the award-type descriptors in the Irish National Framework of Qualifications Appendix 2: Analysis of non-outcomes issues which are relevant to verifying the compatibility of the Irish Framework with the Bologna Framework Report published – see

17 EHEA Framework (Bologna) NFQ Levels NFQ Major Award-types
Draft EQF levels EHEA Framework (Bologna) NFQ Levels NFQ Major Award-types 1 Level 1 Certificate 2 Level 2 Certificate 3 Level 3 Certificate, Junior Certificate 4 Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate 5 Level 5 Certificate, Leaving Certificate Short Cycle within First Cycle 6 Advanced Certificate (FET award); Higher Certificate (HET award) First Cycle 7 Ordinary Bachelors Degree 8 Honours Bachelor Degree, Higher Diploma Second Cycle 9 Masters Degree, Post-Graduate Diploma Third cycle 10 Doctoral Degree, Higher Doctorate

18 Further Information Framework website:
National Qualifications Authority of Ireland: Higher Education and Training Awards Council:

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