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PART 2 keeping safe and healthy

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1 PART 2 keeping safe and healthy
CHAPTER 6 CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children Introduction: This unit describes the skills and knowledge to ensure the health and safety of children. This unit applies to educators working in a variety of education and care services. The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and state/territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

2 Required performance Know how to:
Contribute to the provision of a clean and safe environment Recognise and respond to signs of illness of children, including signs and symptoms of asthma and anaphylaxis Read and interpret authorisation forms, medication labels, medical management plans and other relevant medical information Develop children’s awareness of safety The Performance Evidence summarised in this slide links to the assessment for this UOC.

3 Required knowledge Know about:
Navigating through the National Quality Standard and the relevant approved learning framework to find areas relevant to this unit of competency Undertaking a risk analysis of toys and equipment Potential hazards to children, including medical conditions Children’s and environmental requirements for sleep and rest Signs, symptoms and key characteristics of allergy, anaphylaxis and asthma How children’s oral health impacts on their general health and wellbeing Safety issues and risk management strategies for children’s health and safety in a variety of contexts Basic home fire safety Organisational standards, policies and procedures The Knowledge Evidence summarised in this slide links to the assessment for this UOC. The essential outcomes for this UOC are presented in seven elements: Support each child’s health needs Provide opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation Implement effective hygiene and health practices Supervise children to ensure safety Minimise risks Contribute to the ongoing management of allergies Contribute to the ongoing management of asthma

4 Focus of Element 1 Children’s health needs
Discuss with child’s family Maintain confidentiality Administration of medication Implement appropriate practices Element 1: Support each child’s health needs The focus of Element 1 can be summarised in the slide image which incorporates aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next two slides: 1.1 Communicate with families about children’s health needs 1.2 Maintain confidentiality in relation to children’s individual health needs 1.3 Assist others to implement appropriate practices when administering medication 1.4 Check the written authorisation form to administer medication from the parent or guardian 1.5 Check the medication does not exceed the use-by date, is supplied in its original packaging and displays the child’s name 1.6 Store medication appropriately Information about communicating with families about their child’s health needs on next slide

5 Children’s health needs
In order to ensure children’s health at the service, it is important to communicate regularly and openly with families about their child’s health needs. Maintaining confidentiality about individual children’s health needs is important to ensure their right to privacy and to demonstrate respect and sensitivity towards their personal information. 1.1 Communicate with families about children’s health needs 1.2 Maintain confidentiality in relation to children’s individual health needs See chapter for: Information about communicating about children’s health needs Information about confidentiality of individual health needs Information about administering medication on next slide

6 Medication administration
Regulations 92, 94 and 95 of Part 4.2, Division 4 guides service practices in the administration of medication. 1.3 Assist others to implement appropriate practices when administering medication 1.4 Check the written authorisation form to administer medication from the parent or guardian 1.5 Check the medication does not exceed the use-by date, is supplied in its original packaging and displays the child’s name 1.6 Store medication appropriately See chapter for: Information about administering medication Activity 6.1—locating national regulations applicable to the administration of medication At work scenario re a service being wary of administering non-prescription medication Activity 6.2—creating forms for administering medication Information for administering medication Information about the storage of medication

7 Focus of Element 2 Sleep and rest practices
Need to meet approved standards and individual requirements Alignment with family practices Toileting Clothing preferences Rest and sleep practices Element 2: Provide opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation The key aspects of Element 2 are summarised in this image which incorporates aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next two slides: 2.1 Ensure sleep and rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet children’s individual needs 2.2 Provide appropriate quiet play activities for children who do not sleep or rest 2.3 Respect children’s needs for privacy during any toileting and dressing and undressing times 2.4 Ensure children’s and families’ individual clothing needs and preferences are met, to promote children’s comfort, safety and protection within the scope of the service requirements for children’s health and safety 2.5 Share information about individual children’s rest and sleep with families as appropriate Information about sleep and rest practices on next slide

8 Sleep and rest practices
NQS states: ‘Each child’s comfort is provided for and there are appropriate opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation.’ Quiet activities can include reading, jigsaw puzzles, small construction and drawing. 2.1 Ensure sleep and rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet children’s individual needs 2.2 Provide appropriate quiet play activities for children who do not sleep or rest See chapter for: Information about sleep and rest practices At work scenario about an educator ensuring children have a rest period Activity 6.3—researching the national regulations about the requirements for the hygienic storage and labelling of children’s linen Information about individual children’s needs on next slide

9 Individual children’s needs
Respect children’s needs for privacy in regard to toileting and dressing Ensure individual clothing needs are met as well as compliance requirements Share information about a child’s rest and sleep with their family 2.3 Respect children’s needs for privacy during any toileting and dressing and undressing times 2.4 Ensure children’s and families’ individual clothing needs and preferences are met, to promote children’s comfort, safety and protection within the scope of the service requirements for children’s health and safety 2.5 Share information about individual children’s rest and sleep with families as appropriate See chapter for: Information about respecting children’s privacy needs Information about appropriate clothing for play

10 Focus of Element 3 Hygiene practices Illness and injury responses
Implement according to health authorities’ advice and service policies Illness and injury responses Record signs and inform families Implement service policies Element 3: Implement effective hygiene and health practices The key aspects of Element 3 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next two slides: 3.1 Consistently implement hygiene practices that reflect advice from relevant health authorities 3.2 Support children to learn personal hygiene practices 3.3 Implement the service health and hygiene policy and procedures consistently 3.4 Ensure that service cleanliness is consistently maintained 3.5 Observe and respond to signs of illness and injury in children, and systematically record and share this information with families 3.6 Consistently implement the service policies for the exclusion of ill children 3.7 Discuss health and hygiene issues with children Information about implementing hygiene and health practices on next slide

11 Implement hygiene practices
Regulation 77 requires adequate health and hygiene practices and safe practices for handling, preparing and storing food. In addition, NQS requires that ‘effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented’. 3.1 Consistently implement hygiene practices that reflect advice from relevant health authorities 3.2 Support children to learn personal hygiene practices 3.3 Implement the service health and hygiene policy and procedures consistently 3.4 Ensure that service cleanliness is consistently maintained See chapter for: Information about hygiene practices Definition of housekeeping Information about cleaning agents Sustainability tip—ways of conserving energy and water Information about cleaning kitchens Information about hygiene and health in outdoor areas At work scenario—educator implementing procedures from the safety and hygiene policy to ensure the sandpit is a safe area Educator’s tip—information about the Australian poison information centres Information about health and safety policies and procedures Information about PPE Information about washing hands Information about involving children in good hygiene Activity 6.4—considering fun experiences to involve children in learning about personal hygiene practices Information about responding to illness and injury on next slide Complete PPE

12 Illness and injury Staff need to be vigilant in noticing illnesses and injuries in children. An injury will usually happen as a result of an action such as falling, scratching or cutting yourself. An illness can come from a multitude of origins and, if infectious, can be passed from person to person. According to Regulation 87, you will need to include specific information in an incident, injury, trauma and illness record. 3.5 Observe and respond to signs of illness and injury in children and systematically record and share this information with families 3.6 Consistently implement the service policies for the exclusion of ill children 3.7 Discuss health and hygiene issues with children See chapter for: Information about illness and injury Definitions of illness and injury Activity 6.5—investigating health and hygiene requirements of the NQS and the EYLF Information about watching for illness Activity 6.6—comparing injury report formats

13 Focus of Element 4 Supervision Supervise according to the situation
Ensure children are in sight or hearing distance at all times Supervise according to the situation Adjust levels Share information with colleagues Element 4: Supervise children to ensure safety The key aspects of Element 4 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored on the next slide: 4.1 Supervise children by ensuring all are in sight or hearing distance at all times 4.2 Adjust levels of supervision depending on the area of the service and the skill, age mix, dynamics and size of the group of children, and the level of risk involved in activities 4.3 Exchange information about supervision with colleagues to ensure adequate supervision at all times Information about supervision on next slide

14 Supervision 4.1 Supervise children by ensuring all are in sight or hearing distance at all times 4.2 Adjust levels of supervision depending on the area of the service and the skill, age mix, dynamics and size of the group of children, and the level of risk involved in activities 4.3 Exchange information about supervision with colleagues to ensure adequate supervision at all times See chapter for: Supervision of children Activity 6.7—discussing a set scenario Higher-risk activities require higher levels of supervision

15 Focus of Element 5 Safety checks Monitor environment
Implement storage and labelling of dangerous goods policies Authorised adults Ensure safe collection of children Supervise adult visitors to the service Hazards and risks  Follow sun safety guidelines  Check toys and equipment  Remove hazards Element 5: Minimise risks The key aspects of Element 5 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next three slides: 5.1 Assist in the implementation of safety checks and the monitoring of buildings, equipment and the general environment 5.2 Consistently implement policy and procedures regarding the use, storage and labelling of dangerous products 5.3 Follow service procedures for the safe collection of each child, ensuring they are released to authorised people 5.4 Assist in the supervision of every person who enters the service premises where children are present 5.5 Discuss sun safety with children and implement appropriate measures to protect children from over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation 5.6 Check toys and equipment are safe for children and safe to use in their proposed area 5.7 Remove any hazards immediately or secure the area to prevent children accessing the hazard Information about safety checks on next slide

16 Safety checks Use organisational safety and maintenance checklists
Use, store and label dangerous products according to service policies and procedures 5.1 Assist in the implementation of safety checks and the monitoring of buildings, equipment and the general environment 5.2 Consistently implement policy and procedures regarding the use, storage and labelling of dangerous products See chapter for: Information about safety checks and monitoring Educator’s tip—need to offer support and literature about basic home safety Activity 6.8—developing a safety checklist Information about dangerous products Information about authorised adults on next slide

17 Children can only be released to parents or authorised adults
Visitors to a service must be supervised at all times when children are present 5.3 Follow service procedures for the safe collection of each child, ensuring they are released to authorised people 5.4 Assist in the supervision of every person who enters the service premises where children are present See chapter for: Information about releasing children to parents and authorised persons At work scenario re essential checks for unknown adults collecting children from a service Information about other people around children Information about hazards and risks on next slide

18 Hazards and risks Follow sun safety guidelines
Ensure toys and play equipment are safe for children’s usage Remove any identified hazards or ensure they are not accessible 5.5 Discuss sun safety with children and implement appropriate measures to protect children from over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation 5.6 Check toys and equipment are safe for children and safe to use in their proposed area 5.7 Remove any hazards immediately or secure the area to prevent children accessing the hazard See chapter for: Information about sun safety Information about toy safety and suitability Definition of hazards

19 Focus of Element 6 Identify symptoms of allergies and anaphylaxis Apply organisational risk-management strategies for severe allergies Follow organisational policies for administration of medication for anaphylaxis Element 6: Contribute to the ongoing management of allergies The key aspects of Element 6 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next two slides: 6.1 Identify and recognise signs, symptoms and key characteristics of allergies and anaphylaxis 6.2 Apply organisational risk-management strategies for children with severe allergies 6.3 Follow organisational policies and legislative requirements in relation to medication for anaphylaxis Information about allergies and anaphylaxis on next slide

20 Allergies and anaphylaxis
6.1 Identify and recognise signs, symptoms and key characteristics of allergies and anaphylaxis See chapter for: Information about allergies Definition of allergic reactions Definition of anaphylaxis At work scenario re an action plan developed for a child following a severe anaphylactic attack Information about applying strategies and policies on next slide Medical alert tags

21 Strategies and policies
6.2 Apply organisational risk-management strategies for children with severe allergies 6.3 Follow organisational policies and legislative requirements in relation to medication for anaphylaxis See chapter for: Information about anaphylaxis action plans Information about EpiPens Information about how to prevent and manage situations Activity 6.9—practising a response to a scenario that involves an anaphylactic emergency Educator’s tip—information about where to find free anaphylaxis training

22 Focus of Element 7 Identify symptoms and triggers of asthma Follow a child’s asthma management plan Follow organisational policies for administration of medication for asthma Element 7: Contribute to the ongoing management of asthma The key aspects of Element 7 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next two slides: 7.1 Identify signs, symptoms and triggers of asthma 7.2 Identify children who have an asthma management plan and follow that plan 7.3 Follow organisational policies and legislative requirements in relation to medication for asthma Information about asthma on next slide

23 Asthma The effect of asthma on the lungs
7.1 Identify signs, symptoms and triggers of asthma See chapter for: Information about asthma Information about asthma strategies and policies on next slide The effect of asthma on the lungs

24 Asthma strategies and policies
7.2 Identify children who have an asthma management plan and follow that plan 7.3 Follow organisational policies and legislative requirements in relation to medication for asthma See chapter for: Information about asthma medications Definitions of a reliever and a preventer Information about asthma policies Activity 6.10—practising a response to a scenario that involves an asthma emergency

25 Key aspects of CHCECE002 Supporting individual children’s health and safety needs Administering medication correctly Meeting a child’s rest needs Following hygiene and health practices Responding to illnesses and injuries Providing adequate supervision Contributing to management of allergies and asthma Use online case study and accompanying questions as a holistic representation of this UOC.

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