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Did Someone say “Constitution”?

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Presentation on theme: "Did Someone say “Constitution”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did Someone say “Constitution”?
Jeopardy It’s the “Economy”, Stupid Did Someone say “Constitution”? Say You Want a “Revolution” Living in the (336) Breaking the “Law” Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Say You Want a Revolution
This patriot made a case for independence in his pamphlet Common Sense

3 $100 Answer from Say You Want a Revolution
Thomas Paine

4 $200 Question from Say You Want a Revolution
Under this system, the British purchased raw materials such as lumber and cotton from the colonies at low prices and sold finished products to the colonies at high prices

5 $200 Answer from Say You Want a Revolution

6 $300 Question from Say You Want a Revolution
Parliament responded to the Boston Tea Party by passing more restrictive laws that the colonist called …

7 $300 Answer from Say You Want a Revolution
Intolerable Acts – Colonist could be imprisoned without trial and British soldiers could seize their property.

8 $400 Question from Say You Want a Revolution
Where the first two battles of the Revolutionary War took place

9 $400 Answer from Say You Want a Revolution
Lexington and Concord – In Massachusetts

10 $500 Question from Say You Want a Revolution
The first 13 states agreed to unite under this document

11 $500 Answer from Say You Want a Revolution
The Articles of Confederation

12 $100 Question from Did Someone Say Constitution?
This Rebellion highlighted the need to change the Articles of Confederation

13 $100 Answer from Did Someone Say Constitution?
Shays’ Rebellion

14 $200 Question from Did Someone Say Constitution?
In 1787, 12 of the states sent delegates to a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation…this state did not send any delegates

15 $200 Answer from Did Someone Say Constitution?
Rhode Island

16 $300 Question from Did Someone Say Constitution?
There were two distinct views about the new Constitution. This group favored the federal system and a strong national government.

17 $300 Answer from Did Someone Say Constitution?
The Federalists

18 $400 Question from Did Someone Say Constitution?
The United States Constitution promoted this idea that the people rule

19 $400 Answer from Did Someone Say Constitution?
Popular Sovereignty

20 $500 Question from Did Someone Say Constitution?
The Constitution specifies that this applies to everyone

21 $500 Answer from Did Someone Say Constitution?
The Rule of Law – No one is above the law!

22 $100 Question from Living in the (336)
This person is the head of North Carolina’s executive branch

23 $100 Answer from Living in the (336)
The Governor – Bev Perdue

24 $200 Question from Living in the (336)
The North Carolina Legislature is called this…

25 $200 Answer from Living in the (336)
The General Assembly

26 $300 Question from Living in the (336)
This is the date that North Carolina’s most current constitution went into effect

27 $300 Answer from Living in the (336)

28 $400 Question from Living in the (336)
North Carolina’s constitution included this to protect the rights of the state’s citizens

29 $400 Answer from Living in the (336)
Declaration of Rights

30 $500 Question from Living in the (336)
On April 12, 1776, North Carolina declared its independence by passing these “Resolves”

31 $500 Answer from Living in the (336)
Halifax Resolves

32 $100 Question from Breaking the “Law”
American laws relating to property, contracts, and personal injuries are largely based on this law from England that is based on precedents

33 $100 Answer from Breaking the “Law”
Common Law

34 $200 Question from Breaking the “Law”
This law prevents people from harming other people or their property

35 $200 Answer from Breaking the “Law”
Criminal Law

36 $300 Question from Breaking the “Law”
This type of law resolves disputes between people or groups, or between people and the government

37 $300 Answer from Breaking the “Law”
Civil Law

38 $400 Question from Breaking the “Law”
This type of law refers to the rules and regulations that the executive branch of government makes to carry out its job

39 $400 Answer from Breaking the “Law”
Administrative Law

40 $500 Question from Breaking the “Law”
County boards of commissioners and elected city or town officials can pass these laws that affect county, city, or town residents

41 $500 Answer from Breaking the “Law”

42 $100 Question from It’s the Economy, Stupid
When this is reached, the supply of a product or service equals its demand

43 $100 Answer from It’s the Economy, Stupid
Equilibrium Price

44 $200 Question from It’s the Economy, Stupid
When one company controls all the production of a product, it has this…

45 $200 Answer from It’s the Economy, Stupid
A Monopoly

46 $300 Question from It’s the Economy, Stupid
The owners of a corporation

47 $300 Answer from It’s the Economy, Stupid

48 $400 Question from It’s the Economy, Stupid
When there is too much money in circulation and prices go up

49 $400 Answer from It’s the Economy, Stupid

50 $500 Question from It’s the Economy, Stupid
In this economy the government owns the means of production-the factories, the coalfields, the land on which people farm

51 $500 Answer from It’s the Economy, Stupid
Command Economy

52 Final Jeopardy This civil rights activist said, “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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