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Canadian Forces in Afghanistan

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1 Canadian Forces in Afghanistan


3 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
31 million people 647, 500 sq. kilometers Capital: Kabul 34 provinces Languages: Pashtu, Dari (local dialect)



6 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
1747—founded 1979—USSR invaded 1992—USSR “forced” to withdraw 1992 – 2002—Taliban regime 2002—Canada arrives Dec. 19, 2005—Parliament reestablished

7 Whole-of-Government Approach
Defense Diplomacy Development

8 Canada’s Partners NATO mandate
United States, United Kingdom, Estonia, Romania, the Netherlands

9 Canadian Presence “Canadian soldiers risk their lives daily to offer stability and hope to the people of Afghanistan and to protect Canada and their fellow citizens. The Canadian Forces are strategically placed at different locations across Khandahar Province. This allows them to patrol a large area providing support and reinforcement to the Afghan security forces and disrupting the activities of the Taliban.”

10 Full Spectrum Operations
Combat Operations Stability Operations Humanitarian Assistance

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