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International Young Astronomer School 2010 High Angular Resolution Techniques Introduction and Welcome Guy Perrin Monday November 1 st, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "International Young Astronomer School 2010 High Angular Resolution Techniques Introduction and Welcome Guy Perrin Monday November 1 st, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Young Astronomer School 2010 High Angular Resolution Techniques Introduction and Welcome Guy Perrin Monday November 1 st, 2010

2 Thanks ! To You all for coming ! Special thanks to: Jacqueline Plancy Sonia Athiel Nicole Romain Didier Pelat Daniel Rouan

3 Adaptive Optics

4 Orbits of stars near Sgr A* Schödel et al. (2002) Sgr A*

5 Orbits of stars near Sgr A* Schödel et al. (2002) S2S2

6 The twinkling black hole Genzel et al. (2003)

7 Direct images of exoplanetary systems Adaptive Optics and Coronography Pic b Debris disk Lagrange et al. (2010)

8 Interferometric observations Haubois et al. (2009) IR image of Betelgeuse

9 Very Large Telescope (Interferometer) 200 m aperture Interferometer

10 European Extremely Large Telescope


12 Participant presentations Monday 1. BLIND Nicolas 2. BONAGLIA Marco 3. BONGIORNO Stephen 4. BOUYERON Laurent 5. BRUNELLI Alessandro 6. CAROLO Elena 7. CEUS Damien 8. CHOQUET Elodie 9. DE ROSA Robert 10. DENOLLE Bertrand 11. EXPOSITO Jonathan 12. FINET François 13. GALLENNE Alexandre 3 minutes each Questions welcome All presentations with my Mac

13 Participant presentations Wednesday 1. HAGELBERG Janis 2. HUBY Elsa 3. JENSEN Elizabeth 4. LIGI Roxanne 5. LOOSE Christina 6. MAIRE Anne-Lise 7. MAS Marion 8. MAURI Lorenzo 9. MENU Jonathan 10. N'DIAYE Mamadou 11. NIKUTA Robert 12. NUNEZ Paul 13. ORBAN de XIVRY Gilles 14. PATRU Fabien 15. PINCHETTI Federico 16. RABUS Markus 17. SCANDARIATO Gaetano 18. SIVO Gaetano 19. VIOTTO Valentina 20. VOYEZ Juliette

14 Practical sessions 15 parties of 2 + 1 party of 3 Languages: IDL and Yorick

15 Projects 11 groups of 3 (be ready to build your group on Friday) Morning (2h): - define science case - define observing strategy - describe data reduction and analysis - prepare presentations Afternoon (3h): - group present their projects - 15 minutes including questions (10+5)

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