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BellRinger/WAM/Daily Review / Ticket In the Door

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1 BellRinger/WAM/Daily Review / Ticket In the Door

2 ANTICIPATION QUESTIONS 1. Who and What is the CDC. 2
ANTICIPATION QUESTIONS 1. Who and What is the CDC? 2. Have you ever had food poisoning? 3. What are symptoms of food poisoning? 4. What are some causes of food poisoning? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC laboratories routinely work with some of the most deadly germs in the world – identifying health threats and conducting vital public health research. CDC constantly develops and reviews extensive laboratory guidelines and procedures to protect both the public and laboratory workers. Generally, food poisoning causes some combination of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that may or may not be bloody, sometimes with other symptoms.

3 Causes Food with harmful organisms Bacteria, parasites and viruses
Typically raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs Food left out too long People not washing their hands

4 Foodborne Outbreak You have attended a wedding reception where participants that ate the food ended up ill within a couple of days. You are responsible to figure out what caused the illness.

5 Food Choices A. Vanilla Ice Cream B. Chocolate Ice Cream
C. Strawberry Ice Cream D. Apple Pie E. Yellow Cake F. Chocolate Cake

6 Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables
Choose 2 foods to “eat” Take 1 spoonful from each food (leave the spoons in the cups & do not contaminate the other foods) Bring your cups back to your seat & record the foods “eaten” Study over your notes on relative frequency, until all students have picked their desserts. Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables

7 If it turns purple/fuchsia if you are sick
Who is sick? If it turns purple/fuchsia if you are sick

8 What was the determinant?
F E D A B C What was the determinant? Prediction: What was the determinant (contributed factor)?

9 Divide into 6 groups (representing each food)
Create a 2-Way Table Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables Divide into 6 groups (representing each food) Each group create a 2-way table for your food Survey your group to find out… Who did eat your assigned food (exposed) Who did not eat the food (unexposed) Who got sick (purple/pink/fuchsia color) Who is well (clear or yellow color) Determine the RR of your food

10 RR= (A/(A + B))/(C/(C + D))
“Name of Food” Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables Sick Well Total Exposed Not Exposed Attack Rate = Sick/Total Relative Risk (RR)= Attack Rate in Exposed/Attack Rate in Not Exposed RR= (A/(A + B))/(C/(C + D))

11 Two-Way Table RR= (A/(A+B)) (C/(C+D)) Sick Well Total Exposed A B A+B
Not Exposed C D C+D A+C B+D A+B+C+D Attack Rate = Sick/Total Relative Risk (RR) = Attack Rate in Exposed/Attack Rate in Not Exposed RR= (A/(A+B)) (C/(C+D)) Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables

12 Learning Target: constructing and analyzing 2 way tables
Each group create a 2-way table for your food *Survey your group to find out… *Who did eat your assigned food (exposed) *Who did not eat the food (unexposed) *Who got sick (purple/pink/fuchsia color) *Who is well (clear or yellow color)

13 Learning Target: Constructing and Analyzing 2 way tables
Post your poster

14 RR (Relative Risk) “Decimal”
Learning Target: Constructing and Analyzing 2 way tables “Which two desserts have the highest relative risk” Desserts RR (Relative Risk) “Decimal” Vanilla Ice Cream B. Chocolate Ice Cream C. Strawberry Ice Cream D. Apple Pie E. Yellow Cake F. Chocolate Cake

15 Learning Target: Constructing and Analyzing 2 way tables “Use the two highest desserts to create a two way table” TOTAL

16 Closing/Summarization Learning Target: Constructing and Analyzing 2 way tables

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