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Other Approaches.

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1 Other Approaches

2 The Way Transistors Are Really Used
Transistor gates presented before uses power whenever voltage is connected to ground!

3 NOT Gate One transistor
V (high voltage) Out In = high, switch is closed so current flows to ground Out is low. In In = low, switch is open so current flows to Out Out is high.

4 NOR Gate Two transistors
V (high voltage) Out In 1 In 2

5 CMOS transistors Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Replaces single transistors with a pair, one p-type (like we used), one n-type (current passes when control is low) Set up so that in steady state, no current flows to ground Only uses power when switching


7 CMOS circuits use far less power – the current main constraint on the development of faster cpus.
Since 1976 the better power saving technology Most processors today use this technology

8 Do We Really Need A Clock?
Standard computer architecture, virtually all computers use a clock Problems: Clock skew – as the clock signal propagates through the circuit, it hits elements distant from the source later than one close. Can cause problems. Length of clock cycle depends on longest latency in a phase of circuit. Some phases might be able to execute faster, balancing is hard In a phase, some operations might be able to execute faster than others (for example, AND vs ADD in an ALU) Alternative ?

9 Asynchronous circuits
No clock Signals move from one component to another by a signaling system Component with information to pass “forward” in the system send a request signal to the component to receive, setting up the data to send at the same time. Component receiving replies with an acknowledgement when it has received the data, letting the sender know it can remove the data from the channel Receiving Component will process the data, then communicate with next component in a similar manner. A chain of such elements will comprise an asynchronous circuit. The request/acknowledge combination is called a “handshake”

10 Handshake Req Ack Sender sets up data on Data channel
Sender sends request on Req wire Receiver reads data into latch Receiver sends acknowledge on Ack wire. Sender Receiver Data Ack Req

11 2-Phase protocol each level change is a req/ack
Req Req Req3 Data Data Data3 Ready Ready Ready Sender Receiver Ack Ack Ack3 Data1 received Data2 received Data3 received

12 4-Phase protocol return to zero before next handshake
Req1 Req1 down Req2 Req2 down Data Data2 Ready Ready Sender Receiver Ack Ack1 down Ack Ack2 down Data1 received ready for more Data2 received ready for more


14 When can we pass data forward?
Bundled Data Fixed delay Needs to be as long as longest possible processing time Sensitive to conditions that may change signal times (like temperature) QDI (Quasi-Delay Insensitive) Determine when computation is complete Time only needed for this computation Needs more logic


16 QDI -- how to detect completion
Each bit has two signal wires: Bottom wire is actual bit value Top wire is negation of top When both are zero, no data established When both are one, invalid data Value = 0 Value = 1 Completion for one bit detected D0 = D0 = when D0 XOR D1 = 1 D1 = D1 = 1 Completion for several bits when all one bit XOR’s are 1 – use AND gates



19 MiniMIPS An Asynchronous implementation of MIPS R3000 architecture
Cal Tech, 1998 Used small QDI components Multiple execution units Performance 2 ½ to 4 times better than equivalent clocked technology

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